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SRHE Annual Research Conference 9-11 December 2015


Viewing SRHE Annual Conference Papers

Session: U, 11 Dec, 11.30

Richard Davies - Individual Paper Session: U.1.0, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Does it make sense to talk of teaching and learning in higher education? (0337)
Angela Yung Chi Hou - Individual Paper Session: U.2.0, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document The Development of Exchange Programmes in Asia as a mean to regional integration (0200)
Deandra Little - Individual Paper Session: U.3.0, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Mirrors, models, and merits: educational developers’ credibility and leadership (0177)
Giulio Marini - Individual Paper Session: U.4.1, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document From the “boys’ club” toward “a player of the managerial university”. The UCU in UK research intensive HEIs from the lay representatives’ experience. (0053)
Bruce Macfarlane - Individual Paper Session: U.4.2, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Multiple authorship: power, performativity and the gift economy (0075)
Geoffrey Hinchliffe - Individual Paper Session: U.4.3, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Higher Education in a hegemonic world (0158)
Lesley Gourlay - Individual Paper Session: U.5.0, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Posthuman texts and the digital university (0313)
Paul Blackmore - Individual Paper Session: U.6.1, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Prestige in universities: in tension with the efficiency and effectiveness agenda? (0115)
Sue Eccles - Individual Paper Session: U.6.2, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Reflecting on Leadership: Higher Education Academy Recognition and Academics as Effective Leaders (0090)
Justine Mercer - Individual Paper Session: U.6.3, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Leadership Development and Leadership Activity within the 'Cinderella' Sector: the perceptions of Further Education college principals (0252)
Namrata Rao - Individual Paper Session: U.6.4, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Browne’s Review and prospective students’ access to IAG: Five years on (0226)
Dilly Fung - Individual Paper Session: U.7.0, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document A Connected Curriculum for Research-based Education: Programme Leaders’ Stories (0273)
Rosemary Deem - Individual Paper Session: U.8.0, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Recent Research Excellence Evaluations In the UK and Portugal: Methodologies, Controversies, Cultures and Consequences (0269)
Fiona Cownie - Individual Paper Session: U.9.1, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Conceptualising the student experience: a new framework. (0114)
Marian Mayer - Individual Paper Session: U.9.2, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Student Success: Strivers, Striders and Thrivers. (0181)
Deborah Anderson - Individual Paper Session: U.9.3, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Social Capital: a framework for innovative learning and teaching? (0304)
Neil Harrison - Individual Paper Session: U.10.0, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Developing a new theorisation of ‘success’ in widening participation (0312)
Didi M.E. Griffioen - Individual Paper Session: U.11.0, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document Students’ Motivation in Longitudinal Perspective: The influence of Potential, Personality and Learning context (0125)
Caroline Berggren - Individual Paper Session: U.12.1, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document National Mobility of University Entrants (0037)
Taiga Brahm - Individual Paper Session: U.12.2, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document A comparison of non-traditional students’ transition processes into Swiss and English Higher Education (0243)
Jim Pugh - Individual Paper Session: U.12.3, (11 Dec, 11.30)
Download PDF Document In light of rising tuition fees, is there a difference in the student decision making process for those choosing to study for a degree at a university and those choosing to study for a degree at a further education college? (0276)
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