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SRHE Annual Research Conference 9-11 December 2015
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Academic Practice, Work and Cultures
Student Experience
Digital University
Higher Education Policy
Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality
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Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
International Perspectives & Context
View by session
A, 09 Dec, 12.00
B, 09 Dec, 12.45
C, 09 Dec, 14.15
D, 09 Dec, 15.00
E, 09 Dec, 15.45
F, 09 Dec, 17.00
G, 10 Dec, 09.00
H, 10 Dec, 09.45
J, 10 Dec, 10.30
K, 10 Dec, 11.30
L, 10 Dec, 14.00
M, 10 Dec, 14.45
N, 10 Dec, 15.45
P, 10 Dec, 16.30
Q, 10 Dec, 17.15
R, 11 Dec, 09.00
S, 11 Dec, 09.45
T, 11 Dec, 10.30
U, 11 Dec, 11.30
V, 11 Dec, 12.15
Poster Session
Viewing SRHE Annual Conference Papers
Session: F, 09 Dec, 17.00
Katrina Waite
- Individual Paper
Session: F.1.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Sites of silence in the convergence: Methodologies to place gender on the teaching and learning agenda (0249)
Pat O'Connor
- Individual Paper
Session: F.3.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Convergence and dissimilarity: Centralisation of power, but variation in practices in STEM in academia cross-nationally (0018)
David Hay
- Individual Paper
Session: F.4.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Not just talk: Restoring pedagogy in the silent body (0368)
Sue Watling
- Individual Paper
Session: F.5.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Digital diversity in higher education (0213)
Dilly Fung
- Individual Paper
Session: F.6.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Exploring distributed leadership in an English university. (0278)
Sam Hillyard
- Individual Paper
Session: F.7.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Collegiate consistency? An exploration of the application and transition experiences of non-traditional entrants at an elite, UK university. (0328)
Carola Boehm
- Individual Paper
Session: F.8.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Engaged Universities, Mode 3 Knowledge Production and Helix Systems for the Arts (0067)
Jane Andrews
- Individual Paper
Session: F.9.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Higher Education, Equality & Ethnicity: The Attainment Gap – What should we be doing? (0227)
Voldemar Tomusk
- Individual Paper
Session: F.10.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Dignity Denied: Higher Education and Tunisian Revolution (0375)
Angela Brew
- Individual Paper
Session: F.11.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Convergence, divergence and the role of disciplinary contexts in engaging students in research-based experiences (0086)
Jennifer Hill
- Individual Paper
Session: F.12.0, (09 Dec, 17.00)
Developing graduate attributes through participation in the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (0100)
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