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SRHE Annual Research Conference 9-11 December 2015
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Academic Practice, Work and Cultures
Student Experience
Digital University
Higher Education Policy
Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Access and Widening Participation
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
International Perspectives & Context
View by session
A, 09 Dec, 12.00
B, 09 Dec, 12.45
C, 09 Dec, 14.15
D, 09 Dec, 15.00
E, 09 Dec, 15.45
F, 09 Dec, 17.00
G, 10 Dec, 09.00
H, 10 Dec, 09.45
J, 10 Dec, 10.30
K, 10 Dec, 11.30
L, 10 Dec, 14.00
M, 10 Dec, 14.45
N, 10 Dec, 15.45
P, 10 Dec, 16.30
Q, 10 Dec, 17.15
R, 11 Dec, 09.00
S, 11 Dec, 09.45
T, 11 Dec, 10.30
U, 11 Dec, 11.30
V, 11 Dec, 12.15
Poster Session
Viewing SRHE Annual Conference Papers
Session: D, 09 Dec, 15.00
Paul Ashwin
- Individual Paper
Session: D.1.0, (09 Dec, 15.00)
Exploring the limits of learning outcomes: the case of international comparisons (0279)
Katja Jonsas
- Individual Paper
Session: D.4.0, (09 Dec, 15.00)
Governing Women. Academic Careers, New Public Management, And Gender In Business Schools (0284)
Jen Ross
- Individual Paper
Session: D.5.0, (09 Dec, 15.00)
Campus imaginaries and dissertations at a distance (0166)
Twan Huybers
- Individual Paper
Session: D.6.0, (09 Dec, 15.00)
Student evaluation of degree programmes: the use of Best-Worst Scaling (0102)
Colin McCaig
- Individual Paper
Session: D.8.0, (09 Dec, 15.00)
Neoliberalism and the drivers of system differentiation: a journey from equality to equity (0098)
Duncan Watson
- Individual Paper
Session: D.9.0, (09 Dec, 15.00)
Graduate views on access to higher education: Is it really a case of pulling up the ladder? (0145)
Anna Bennett
- Individual Paper
Session: D.10.0, (09 Dec, 15.00)
‘One size does not fit all’: theorising the measurement of equity initiatives to deconstruct limited spatio-temporalities of purpose and impact (0072)
Sarah Montano
- Individual Paper
Session: D.12.0, (09 Dec, 15.00)
Understanding Student Employability Skill Development: A Critical Realist Approach (0082)
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