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SRHE Annual Research Conference 9-11 December 2015
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Academic Practice, Work and Cultures
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Higher Education Policy
Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality
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Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
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View by session
A, 09 Dec, 12.00
B, 09 Dec, 12.45
C, 09 Dec, 14.15
D, 09 Dec, 15.00
E, 09 Dec, 15.45
F, 09 Dec, 17.00
G, 10 Dec, 09.00
H, 10 Dec, 09.45
J, 10 Dec, 10.30
K, 10 Dec, 11.30
L, 10 Dec, 14.00
M, 10 Dec, 14.45
N, 10 Dec, 15.45
P, 10 Dec, 16.30
Q, 10 Dec, 17.15
R, 11 Dec, 09.00
S, 11 Dec, 09.45
T, 11 Dec, 10.30
U, 11 Dec, 11.30
V, 11 Dec, 12.15
Poster Session
Viewing SRHE Annual Conference Papers
Session: H, 10 Dec, 09.45
Alicia Prowse
- Individual Paper
Session: H.1.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
Potential of the Human Capabilities Approach (HCA) for strategy development in the Higher Education curriculum. (0264)
Angela Brew
- Individual Paper
Session: H.3.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
Absent research: academic artisans in the research university (0085)
Pam Denicolo
- Individual Paper
Session: H.4.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
Employer-Academic Engagement- a Response to the Skills and Impact Agendas (0334)
Inger Mewburn
- Individual Paper
Session: H.5.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
Why do doctoral researchers blog? An analysis of genre, audience and purpose (0268)
Tony Strike
- Individual Paper
Session: H.7.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
Reconfiguring Higher Education: Developing Vocational Pathways for Graduate Apprentices (0290)
Sakari Ahola
- Individual Paper
Session: H.8.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
The Nordic model of higher education contested (0310)
Carol Taylor
- Individual Paper
Session: H.9.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
Matters of Concern: Developing an Ethical Framework for Student Engagement through Partnership (0359)
Ciaran Burke
- Individual Paper
Session: H.10.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
"I just focused on my studies":hysteresis of habitus and widening participation (0280)
Ann-Marie Bathmaker
- Individual Paper
Session: H.12.0, (10 Dec, 09.45)
The labour market transitions of recent graduates: narratives of classed experiences (0184)
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