Submission of Abstracts
Proposals should be submitted using our online submission process. The deadline for submission of proposals is Monday 11 July 2011.
If you are having problems in submitting please call the conference team on tel: +44 20 7427 2350 or email srheconferenceteam@srhe.ac.uk
Submit your proposal for the SRHE Annual Research Conference 2011 here
All submissions will be subject to rigorous peer review by panels of assessors specially selected for each research domain. Some proposals may be accepted for joint presentation in discussion workshops only. Please indicate when submitting proposals if you are unwilling to accept this (in which case, you may be unable to present).
In order to maintain the high quality of papers presented at the conference and to ensure that the review process has access to a sufficient level of detail on paper proposals the Society is continuing with the changes to requirements for abstract submission introduced last year. Submitting authors are asked to provide a short paper for peer review in two parts.
Please note that both parts will be required at the point of first submission, but there will be no subsequent call for fuller papers for accepted abstracts.
- Part 1 Abstract: a 150 word summary of the proposal which will be printed in the published conference programme and also made available at conference on the CD Rom.
- Part 2 Outline: a maximum 1000 word paper (excluding reference) to be available at conference on the CD Rom and website only.
Proposals should state clearly the title of the paper on which the abstract is based, the name of the authors and their affiliations as they should appear in the conference proceedings, the name of the person or persons who will be presenting the work at the conference, again with the affiliations as they should appear in the conference proceedings.
Submissions must be made under one of the specified research domains and authors should choose the domain which fits most closely with the content of the presentation.
It is appreciated that it is not always obvious which domain provides a best fit but authors are encouraged to submit proposals in the domain in which they would like their paper to be timetabled.
The Conference welcomes research papers relating to further, higher, undergraduate, postgraduate and professional education in all research domains and where possible such papers will be grouped on a sector basis as well as a domain theme. All submissions are subject to blind peer review and final decisions on acceptances are taken by lead assessors in each domain.
Research Domains
- Policy
- Management
- Learning
“Positive Futures for higher education; connections, communities and criticality : Newer Researchers' Perspectives”
SRHE Conference for Postgraduates & Newer Researchers
6-7 December 2011, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, Wales
New communities, spaces and places: inspiring futures for higher education
Keynote Speakers

Dr Paul Ashwin
Senior Lecturer in Higher Education (HE) in here@lancaster, the HE Research and Evaluation Centre in the Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University.

Professor Gráinne Conole
Professor of Learning Innovation, University of Leicester: Trajectories of learning: navigating the future of learning with new technologies.