Newer & Early Career Researchers Conference

What does it mean to be an academic citizen in 2019?
How HE researchers and evaluators create and respond to change

10th December 2019 Coldra Court, Newport, Wales, UK

2019 has been a year of change globally, nationally and locally. The role of expertise, evidence and questions of identity and purpose as researchers have been keen in our minds across the HE sector. Most new and emerging researchers are stimulated and inspired by change; this is the reason we research and evaluate the academy because we want to make a difference.

Whether researching or evaluating pedagogy, assessment, employability, policy, practice, or greater equity, or wider participation in HE, as HE researchers we are all united in a common bond: to engage critically with the academy around us; employ rigour and robust methods; to understand more than we currently do; and ultimately to make a difference.

The new and emerging HE research community are change makers, committed to being active citizens in the academy. This inspires debates which are broader than those of theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches. This conference adds to the question: what does it mean to be an academic citizen in 2019?

The conference welcomes abstracts from a wide range of researchers, and evaluators, who engage critically with issues in higher education both inside and outside the society’s networks. It provides a unique opportunity to share and discuss their work with peers and scholars from the international higher education research community in a supportive and developmental environment. We welcome those who consider themselves new or emerging in the field of HE researches, be they practitioner or students.

The conference will be preceded by a pre-conference webinar. The conference day will provide opportunities to present abstracts, network and participate in developmental, participative workshops.


Conference Information

PDF Download  Conference Programme At A Glance

PDF Download  Conference Programme & Book of Abstracts

PDF Download  Conference Timetable

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