Peer review is fundamental to academia and research and is crucial to progressing knowledge within our community, yet it is relatively rare for peer review to be taught to newer researchers. 

The workshop not only teaches peer review skills (useful whatever kind of job you aim to have in future) but by explaining how peer review operates and what it does, allows you to reflect and improve the quality of the papers you submit for publication to a journal, as well as the quality of your conference abstracts and grant applications.  

The workshop is practical and participants will be asked to do some preparation before the course.

Rosemary Deem is Professor of Higher Education Management and Vice Principal (Education) at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.   She has also worked at Bristol, Lancaster and the Open Universities and North Staffordshire Polytechnic.  Her recent work has focused on public service leadership and management, new managerialism, equality in educational contexts and the purposes of universities. She is a former Chair of both SRHE Research Committee and Publications Committee and has been a member of three RAE Education Sub-panels and chaired an ESRC task group on peer review in 2003.

July 7th, 2016 from 11:00 AM to  4:00 PM
SRHE, 73 Collier St, London N1 9BE
Event Fee(s)
Event Fee(s)
Guest Price £60.00
Member Price £0.00
Resource 1
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Resource 12