Search SRHE Annual Research Conference Paper Archive

A-Costa JIn-company traineeships as a channel of Business and Economics students’ employmentEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Aamodt PResults of Higher Education: Learning Outcomes – perspectives on a moving target?Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Aarnikoivu AExploring the spatiotemporal scales of doctoral paths: lower and higher-scale actions of doctoral studies and how they are interrelated (0341)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Aarnikoivu MRules of writing and publishing in the field of higher education research: are there any?Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Abba TProcess isn’t everything. Toward a new practice. (0323)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Abbas AConvergent policies and differentiated conetxts: developing an understanding of employability through the disciplinary lenses of students and academics in taught STEM postgraduate programmes. (0281)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Abbas ACan we generate ‘socially just knowledge’ through international partnerships between universities?: a case-study based on a Chinese and European partnership.International Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Abbas AThe problems and promises of undergraduate seminars: a Bernsteinian analysis of their ability to facilitate access to pedagogic rights.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Abbas AExploring the role of feminist knowledge in student transformations: A Bernsteinian analysisStudent Experience recording available2013
Abdul Kadir NSubstantive and symbolic management in university strategy (0207)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Abdullateef SSecuring Syria’s academic knowledge and industrial future through participatory action research: a case study of agricultural engineering educationInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Abrahams JOption blocks that block options: higher education aspirations and opportunity structures in secondary schools in England (0256)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Abrahams J‘There’s a lot of us, if we wanted to make a difference we could’: Exploring undergraduate students’ understandings of themselves as ‘political actors’ in England and Ireland.Student Experience recording available2017
Abrams JTopic: Governance and the New Universities during a period of change a Case Study in the United Kingdom.Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Abualrub IHEIs’ perspectives on learning environments: the missing piece in the literatureManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Acker S‘Fast professors’ in Canadian academe: negotiating the research funding imperative (0492)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Acker SJournal Editing: A Collapsing House of Cards?Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Adams GDoctoral journeyings: Pedagogic possibilities for profound happinessStudent Experience recording available2017
Adelaar ZImpact of University Teaching Qualification Program on Teaching Competence and Teaching PracticePoster
Adewumi BUnequal uncertainties-the differential impact of the Coronavirus lockdown on high-potential BAME students at a UK universityStudent Experiences
Adriansen HQuality assurance or neo-imperialism: Developing universities in the third worldAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Adriansen HThe power of knowledge in collaborative projects across North and South: empowerment or epistemological dependency? (0160)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Adriansen HPlacing knowledge: mobility in internationalised higher educationPoster Session recording available2014
Agasisti TAssessing the performance of Massive Online Open Courses: does strategy matter? An empirical case study of POK (PoliMi Open Knowledge) experience, 2014/15 (0238)Digital University recording available2016
Ahmed NIntegral coaching for academics: evaluation of an interventionAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Ahmed NWhy students leave engineering and built environment programmes when they are academically eligible to continueStudent Experience recording available2013
Ahmed TPandemic Perspectives: Virtual Mobility and Capability in Doctoral EducationLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Ahn MDiversifying curricula: how are racial minorities represented in lecture slides?Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Ahn MUnderstanding inequality in higher education by applying the data linkage method to measure disadvantageStudent Experiences
Ahola SThe Nordic model of higher education contested (0310)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Aiken VStudent writing and compliance in a consumer-based systemStudent Experience recording available2019
Ainley PThe Neuordnung in English Higher Education, Consequences and possibilitiesHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Aiston SThe Silence/ing of Academic Women (0499)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Aiston SWomen Academics: An International ComparisonAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Aiston STransgressing the power/powerless divide: Hong Kong women academicsManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Ajiboye FConception of teaching and teaching approach in architectural education: perspectives of Architecture lecturers in NigeriaPoster
Ajjawi RFirst year students’ longing and belonging during the pandemicStudent Experiences
Akerlind GLearning and teaching of generic skills and graduate attributes: ‘professionalism’ as a case exampleStudent Experience recording available2012
Akhtar IImproving the research culture: the case of PhD SuitesPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Akkad ADisplaced academics as mobile academics?: Lived experiences and positionalities in exileInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Albia JConstructions of Academic Citizenship: Views of UK and Philippine AcademicsAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Aldous DUnderstanding the contested processes of knowledge-practice mediation within Further to Higher Education transitionsStudent Experience recording available2012
Alemany-osta JThe challenge of entering into the international traineeships network for a South European university (0360)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Alexander J“Brown Shoes?” Interrogating hidden inequality and diversity barriers in the graduate labour market.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Alexander JImpact of clinical education on employablity (0092)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Alhart IParental involvement in choosing a university and a degree: a perspective from Saudi ArabiaPoster Session recording available2014
Alharthi IA Stakeholder Perspective on the Reputation of Business Schools in Saudi Arabia (0094)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Allen JPaper proposal for SRHE Annual Research Conference 2016Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Allen MHow Students’ Self-Perception Impacts on Themes of Graduate EmployabilityEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Allen SAcademic Integrity: Campaigning Now and BeyondAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Allen SThe Curious World of Grade Grubbing in HE: Perspectives from Students and Academics (0188)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Almeida JInternationalisation at home: approaches and tools for review and developmentInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Almeida JThe impact of Covid-19 on social inequalities in ISMStudent Access and Experience
Almlov CNew Doctoral Supervisors in Emotional Challenging SituationsPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Almlöv CEntanglement: New Co-Supervisors’ Emotional Support in Doctoral SupervisionPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2021
Aloisi CThe stability of undergraduate student trajectories across cohorts and programmes of study: evidence of excessive policy constraints in academic practices? (0076)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Alsford SEnhancing pedagogical knowledge and practice: staff development for and with international partners (0023)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Altuwayjiri HThe Role of Heads of Department in Achieving Quality: A Case Study of a High-Ranking University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (0036)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Alvarez IEarly career mobility of female doctorate holdersEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Amici-Dargan SStudent experiences of cross-institutional collaborative learning (0263)Student Experience recording available2016
Anchor JThe Earnings Expectations of Business Studies Undergraduates in Two English Universities: a case of credentialism? (0495)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Anchor JAre University Degrees Value for Money? Business School Students’ Earnings Expectations (0266)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Anchor JThe earnings expectations of EU business school studentsHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Anchor JEarning Expectations of University Students: Evidence from English Business SchoolsHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Anchor JLearning and Earning: A comparison of first year and final year Business School students’ salary expectations.Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Anchor JInternationalisation: Towards a Measure for UK Universities (0561)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Anderson D“Tagging” the literature with the Thematic Analysis Grid: a tool to facilitate collaborative research (0287)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Anderson D“Employer Insights”: a case of embedding employability in the curriculumEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Anderson DMeeting the challenge of Business School accreditation with pedagogic research (0178)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Anderson DSocial Capital: a framework for innovative learning and teaching? (0304)Student Experience recording available2015
Anderson DTransforming the Student Experience with “Practitioner Insights”: an initiative to combine up-to-date curriculum development and employability skillsStudent Experience recording available2013
Anderson JAn autoethnographic conversation between colleagues across three different universities. An invitation to reflect on women in academia. (0274)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Anderson JA study of the experience of Education Masters dissertation students; could different models of working offer further support other than the usual student – tutor dyad?Student Experience recording available2014
Anderson VReframing doctoral pedagogy for the knowledge economy.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Andrew MGoing multimodal in an undergraduate English Communication course: student participation and
Digital University recording available2019
Andrews JHigher Education, Equality & Ethnicity: The Attainment Gap – What should we be doing? (0227)Student Experience recording available2015
Andrews MHow might universities recognise and reconcile multiple forms of knowledge about the past, and how do different approaches to this potentially inform ideas of the future of Knowledge ProductionAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Andriansen H KGeographies of internationalisation: from policies to practiceHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Annala JCurriculum Change and Scholars’ Changing Agency (0109)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Annala JDoes knowledge travel across institutional boundaries? Problematising the European Qualification Framework from the perspective of knowledgeHigher Education Policy
Annala JStudies on curriculum in higher education: a systematic review (0033)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Annala JNarratives of change in developing curriculum in higher educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Annala JGen Y experiences of studying in higher educationStudent Experience recording available2014
Antille MAction lines to support curricula in the implementation of a national qualification framework (0198)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Archdeacon AWhat is Higher Education For? Shared and contested ambitionsStudent Experience recording available2012
Arico FEvaluative Conversations: exploring the student perception of viva voce assessment on learning and
Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Arico FLearning Gain and Confidence Gain Through Peer-instruction: the role of pedagogical designLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Arico FCombining Self-Assessment and Peer-Instruction to Enhance Learning and Teaching Effectiveness (0361)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Arico FAssessing Student Self-Assessment: An Additional Argument for Blended LearningLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Arico FDoes it Click? Assessing the Role of a Student Response Systems in the Formation of Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs within a Diverse Student PopulationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Arico FLearning Gain and Confidence Gain as Metrics for Pedagogical Effectiveness: an empirical assessment within an active learning large-classroom environment (0297)Student Experience recording available2016
Armsby PThe future of knowledge generation (0175)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Armstorng TGrowing a Doctoral community
within a teaching intensive HEI
Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Armstrong P-AThe Reflexive Classroom: Authentic, Creative Pedagogic PraxisLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Asghar MBuilding relationships and reputation through professional dialogue (0202)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Asghar MLet’s Talk: Staff and Student Experiences of Dialogue Days, a Student Engagement Activity.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Ashford-Rowe KConsider the role and value of authentic assessment in a contemporary HE assessment frameworkDigital University recording available2019
Ashford-Rowe KTelling Stories of Excellence in University Teaching: developing a framework for exceptional teaching performance/practice.' (0013)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Ashwin PConnections between the global-national-local in curriculum, teaching and learning in HE (0153)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Ashwin PRelations between undergraduate students’ accounts of sociology and their approaches to sociological researchAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Ashwin PThe project arose from an SRHE Donald Bligh funded workshop series on newer researchers in higher education.Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Ashwin PStudents’ experiences of South African undergraduate higher education (0255)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Ashwin PIntegrating the pathways to personal and public good in South African undergraduate higher education (0261)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Ashwin PPaper 3: First-year Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Students’ Relations to KnowledgeLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Ashwin PExploring the limits of learning outcomes: the case of international comparisons (0279)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Ashwin PExamining the relations between sociology students’ accounts of knowledge and identityLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Ashwin PRethinking the Quality of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in terms of Students’ Engagement with Academic Knowledge.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Asiri AWhat is employability and how should we measure it?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Atherton GAdmissions to Higher Education In Europe: Developing the Holistic ModelAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Atherton GDrawing the Global Access Map: How access to higher education differs across the world (0056)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Atherton GEquitable Access to Higher Education in Malaysia: Challenges and SolutionsManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Attia MTeacher Education in a Context of Military Occupation and Siege: The Power of PurposeHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Attia MCoaching in Higher Education: Light and ShadowHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Austen LDigital Storytelling: A qualitative methodology for amplifying hidden voices in higher educationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Austen L“Don’t’ you, forget about P”(articipation): Reflecting on APP evaluation practices specific to student success initiativesHigher education policy
Austen LThe Never Ending Story: Transformative Evaluation Practices in Higher EducationHigher education policy
Averill F‘Say Cheese’ – Photovoice and Over 50s Women: To exercise is to socialise.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Avery BUsing co-construction and continuous assessment to empower and engage first year studentsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Avery BCommuter students: are you local?Student Experience recording available2019
Axenova KCommunity Engaged Learning and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Illuminating the “Crisis of Meaning” in University CommunitiesStudent Access and Experience
Bachan RGrade Inflation in UK higher EducationHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Bachan RAn empirical analysis of the determinants of the NSS overall satisfaction scores: Do universities produce scores efficiently?Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Bailey MThe Employability Factor: Coaching for success (0204)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Bailey Wilson BBlack and Minority Ethnic Student Access to Doctoral Education: Lessons Learned from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (0325)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Baker MThe care-full obfuscations of UK doctoral studentsAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Baker ZWidening participation vs. ‘academic excellence’: The impact of learning and teaching cultures and
epistemic assumptions on BTEC holders’ sense of belonging in a research intensive institution.
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Baker Z‘It’s just not financially doable’: The HE decision-making journeys of FE students in EnglandAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Baker Z‘Everything feels a lot riskier’: The impact of care-experience on graduate decision-making and transitions.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Baldwin JQuality assurance processes and creativity in teaching and learning: lessons from the creative industries (0294)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Baldwin REducational policy implementation (0116)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Balloo KMapping the values and identities of academics who teach into widening participation university preparation programsAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Balloo KA crucial graduate attribute? Embedding feedback literacy into curricula across higher educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Balloo KEvaluation of a Large-scale Inclusive Assessment Intervention: A Novel Approach to Quantifying Perceptions about Assessment Literacy (0600)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Balloo KStudent Mental HealthStudent Access and Experience
Balloo KDifferences in education and employment inequalities based on the social and cultural environments of universitiesStudent Access and Experience
Balsamo DControl,creativity and symmetry: Academic work and the student experience in the light of the
English Teaching Assessment Framework.
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Baltaru R DThe Rise of Agentic Inclusion in the UK Universities: Maintaining Reputation through (Formal)
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Bamber PBecoming cosmopolitan: connecting the local and the global for transformative higher educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Bamberger AInternationalization, national integration and ‘troublesome’ minorities: Higher education policies towards Hong Kong and East JerusalemHigher education policy
Banerjee PEvaluating the fairness of admissions to UK higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Banerjee PA comparative analysis of post-16 learner outcomes: social mobility and educational transitionsStudent Access and Experience
Banyard VExploring Consequences of Bystander Action in Higher Education: Implications for Sexual Violence Prevention (0190)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Bapista ALOOKING BEHIND THE MIRROR: Who am I as a teacher?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Baptista ATango Emotions In HE Teaching And Learning: HE Teaching Staff’ Identities In Motion (0367)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Baptista AENGAGEMENT OF UNDERGRADUATES IN RESEARCH PROJECTS: Perceived benefits for students, academics and the HE institution (0318)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Baptista ABRINGING TEACHING AND RESEARCH TOGETHER AT UNDERGRADUATE LEVEL: Perceptions of Higher Education Academics (0349)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Baptista ANON-TRADITIONAL STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION: Understanding learning experiences and trajectories to enhance qualityStudent Experience recording available2013
Baptista ATHE DOCTORATE AS AN EMOTIONAL JOURNEY: Navigating through perspectives of PhD students and supervisorsStudent Experience recording available2013
Baranova PThe student experience initiatives in higher education: an occupational perspectiveStudent Experience recording available2017
Barbaric DBalancing competing demands in international higher education: the added complexity of federalism in the Canadian contextHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Barbosa MInstitutional Reactions to Pandemic in Brazilian Higher EducationHigher education policy
Barile LUnderstanding Engagement and Performance of Social Mobility StudentsLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Barile LUnderstanding Engagement and Online Peer Assisted Learning with ForumsStudent Experiences
Barnett LMaking space for fun in higher education learning and teaching: (re)connecting educators and leaners?Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Bartimote-Aufflick KThe formation of academic staff members’ epistemic stancesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Bartlett HGoing beyond the difficult conversation in decolonising pedagogyLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Barton RNeoliberalism and the reinvention of leadership identities in higher educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Bartram BQueering the TEFHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Batchelor DMoving Targets: the elusiveness of student voice in higher educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Bathmaker AThe labour market transitions of recent graduates: narratives of classed experiences (0184)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Bathmaker ANarratives of university life: a gendered and classed experienceStudent Experience recording available2013
Bathmaker A-MWhat College-Based Higher Education in England is and what it might beAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Bathmaker A-MWhy possible selves? The application of the concept of 'possible selves' in researching participation in higher educationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Bathmaker A-MSeeking distinction and addressing inequalities: a critical policy analysis of new times for college-based higher education in England (0210)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Bathmaker A-MRethinking inclusive learning outcomes in higher education: capability formation for socially just HE in the context of South Africa (0472)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Baughan‘Common themes’ and ‘missing pieces’: a reinterpretation of existing research on postgraduate teaching development programmesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Baughan PEducational development and sustainable development: common fields or different discourses?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Baughan PDilemmas and debates in incorporating sustainability in teaching and curricula: can phenomenography cast light on the challenges involved?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Baumann SThe empirical state of academization in Swiss higher education: the case of universities of applied
sciences and arts and universities of teacher education.
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Bayne SThe Code Spaces of Higher Education (0219)Digital University recording available2016
Beaton FProfessional development, workplace meaning-making and (re-) framing individual identity: a
thematic analysis
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Beaton FNew to HE: processes of professional learning for new teachers with dual roles and identities. (0431)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Beaton FProfessional development for part-time teachers in challenging times.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Beaton FWho pays the piper? Who calls the tune? Implications of policy for the future academic workforce. (0249)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Beckton JAttendance as ControlHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Behle HStudent’s preparation for employmentEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Behle HAre non-graduate jobs stepping-stones into more skill-appropriate positions? Graduates in nongraduates roles (0081)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Behle HReassessing the employment outcomes of higher education (0040)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Behle HMobility of Irish educated Ph.D. graduates (0049)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Behle HMeasuring Learning Gain (0221)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Behle HMeasuring Employability in Learning Gain (0239)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Behle HWho are the mobile graduates? Similarities and differences between Intra-European mobile graduates and those remaining in the UK after graduation.Student Experience recording available2013
Behrens TExploring the Use of Think Tank Groups to Improve Department Work Culture at a Regional University
in the USA
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Belluig D ZQuestions of authorship in a Higher Education Studies programme connecting international contextsInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Belluigi D‘Why mouth all the pieties?’: Black and women academics’ revelations about discourses of ‘transformation’ at an historically white South African institution (0316)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Belluigi DRevelations about the intersectional struggles for academic freedom within Indian UniversitiesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Belluigi DAcademic Citizenship and the (Im)possible Imaginaries of Social Justice: Higher Education in India and South AfricaInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Belluigi D ZAn analytical framework to untangle interpretative approaches in assessmentLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Bengesai ACourse switching patterns among Engineering students at a South African university (0641)Student Experience recording available2018
Bengsten SCrisis, Catharsis, and Creation: A Gothic Approach to Doctoral Supervision (0165)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Bengsten SIs ‘friendship’ educationally relevant in doctoral pedagogy? - A study into the personal and social relation between doctoral supervisors and students and its
effect on possible learning outcomes during the PhD (0020)
Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Bengsten SThe good academic - revitalizing the discourse of transformation in higher educationStudent Experience recording available2013
Bengtsen SHaving Faith in the University: A Philosophical StudyAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Bengtsen SThe ‘torn curriculum’ in globalised doctoral education (0155)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Bengtsen SThe Nordic doctorate at a crossroads between Bildung, schoolification and projectificationPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Bengtsen SWhat is the Meaning of Societal Impact? A discussion of the future sustainability of the PhDPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Bennett A‘One size does not fit all’: theorising the measurement of equity initiatives to deconstruct limited spatio-temporalities of purpose and impact (0072)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Bennett LDoctoral students, social media and learning considered through the lens of identity formationDigital University recording available2019
Bennett LFour principles for promoting learner agency within the design of learner dashboards (0352)Digital University recording available2018
Bennett LStudents’ responses to learning analytics dashboardsDigital University recording available2017
Bennett LCritical evaluation of the features on one student dashboard (0034)Digital University recording available2016
Bennett LThe case for a curriculum development approach to developing students’ digital literacies. (0153)Digital University recording available2015
Bennett LMaking the Language of Assessment Inclusive – Reflections on Staff-Student PartnershipsLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Bennett LMaking the Language of Assessment Inclusive – Introduction to the Project and LiteratureLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Bennett VTeaching assistants as educational community-based advocates.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Bentley PDoctorates without borders – Academic online freelancers and their earningsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Berger BAfghanistan higher education: An ecological approach to capacity development (0194)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Berggren CNational Mobility of University Entrants (0037)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Bessant CThe focus of this paper is on the role of the ‘first line manager academic’ (FLMA), in the context of Butterfield et al’s (2005) assertion that the role of the first line
manager is largely unexplored in the broader story of the impact of New Public
Management (NPM) on management roles in the public sector, and addressing
Mercer’s (2009) proposition that there are virtually no studies looking at ‘junior
academic-managers’ in the HE sector.
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Bessant SReconciling social and environmental roles and purposes of higher education within the marketisation context: the pragmatist and pluralist research lensAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Beyleveld DOnline blended learning in South African legal education: An evaluation of how this pedagogical model may best be used in educating the legal practitioner of the future.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2021
Bhatt IExamining the transition from academic writing to academics writing: A study of Indonesian doctoral
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Bhatt IDigital Literacy and IgnoranceDigital University recording available2017
Bhatt IChallenging methods for Literacy research: reflections from a project on academics’ writing (0163)Digital University recording available2016
Bhatt I‘Curation’ as a new direction in digital literacy theory (0024)Digital University recording available2015
Bhatt IThe sociomaterial workings of a college writing assignmentDigital University recording available2013
Bhatt IExamining student digital literacies through epistemologies of ignorance (0392)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Bhopal KThe Race Equality Charter in UK Universities: A framework for change? (0257)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Bhopal KBlack and Minoirty Ethnic leaders: support networks and strategies for success in higher education (0018)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Bickle EThe Lived Experience of Learning Development Practitioners: Being, Thinking, Doing, and ReflectingLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Birchley SMaking Sense of Quality Assurance in Japanese Higher EducationHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Bird SCommunities of Practice in a first-year business course: developing students’ meta-cognition for
employability through modelling against future selves
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Bird SConceptions of employability: charting changing undergraduate perspectives amongst dominant political narratives (0238)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Birdi GThe pervasive problem of the Higher Education BME performance gap: reflections on prior experience, policy and placements. (0058)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Bisel AUnderstanding the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) student experienceStudent Experience recording available2019
Bishop DA Foucauldian discourse analysis into the role of student voice in a UK higher education institute. (0347)Student Experience recording available2018
Black KWhatever happened to assessment-for-learning?: students’ perceptions of feedback in UK business educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Black KWhy students don’t attend classes. Engagement with learning in an age of uncertaintiesStudent Experience recording available2012
Blackie MPaper 2: Engaging with debates on curriculum reform: The case of Chemistry Understanding Knowledge, Curriculum and Student Agency (UK-SA) in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (Ashwin)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Blackmore PCritiquing the idea of a prestige economyAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Blackmore PWorking with academic motivation: Sharing expertiseAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Blackmore PPrestige in universities: in tension with the efficiency and effectiveness agenda? (0115)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Blackwell RUniversities: A supply chain for industry?Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Blekic MAttaining a sustainable future for higher education: Can we do it all? (0237)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2018
Bligh BLeading questions about Learning Spaces: The constrained voice of academic denizens in Higher Education estates management consultationStudent Experience recording available2014
Bloch RThe ambivalent use of metrics in German higher education.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Bloch RTime to Teach: Contextualizing teaching time in German higher educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Bloch REmerging stratifications in German higher education? How universities transform extra teaching faculty into a surplus in quality (0212)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Bloch RMore Students and Better Teaching? Teaching at German Universities between Capacity and QualityManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Blohm SNavigating cross-cultural and disciplinary spaces - Borderless or third space professionals by chance or for choice?International Contexts and Perspectives
Boden RThe impact of the financialisation and privatisation of UK higher education on creativity and
Higher Education Policy recording available2019
Boden RWe build the road as we travel: Reconfiguring the universityManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Boehm CThe case for specifying learning environments: Creative and Connected Universities of the FutureAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Boehm CDeveloping Employability Skills: A Dragon Den for Music Students (0033)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Boehm CUniversity 1.0 to 3.0: Towards creative interfaces between the university and the knowledge economy (0466)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Boehm CEngaged Universities, Mode 3 Knowledge Production and Helix Systems for the Arts (0067)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Boehm CAn educational framework for acquiring skills and competencies for multiprofessional work between arts and social care (0031)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Bohrer JWhat is quality assurance for?Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Bond BInternational students: language, culture and the 'performance of identity'International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Bone EDisruption as a catalyst for change? Effects of COVID-19 on the perceptions and approaches of academics in their teachingLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Borup REducation Adds Value, but how can HEIs demonstrate this to Employers?Access and Widening Participation recording available2014
Borup RCan a MOOC help me get a job? Reflections from an EU funded project on MOOCs and employability (0160)Digital University recording available2015
Borup RQuality Assurance in “Shell Modules” - Negotiated Curriculum and Informing Best PracticeManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Borup RThe Tri-partite Relationship between Higher Education, Employers and Learners for Academic Qualifications through Work Based Learning (WBL)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Bosch AWomen that work in higher education in Africa: A Southern feminist perspectiveAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Boud DDeveloping a framework for feedback literacy from a student perspective (0391)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Boud DWhat characterises productive feedback encounters?Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Boughey CCalling for change: South African higher education since 1994 and student protestsStudent Experience recording available2017
Boulton HIdentifying The Challenges of Technologies With Transnational Post-Graduate StudentsDigital University recording available2014
Boulton HIt's easier to use my phone': An exploration of the use of mobile technology to communicate course information with Trainee TeachersLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Boulton HTrainee Teachers As Practitioner ResearchersStudent Experience recording available2012
Bovill CDecision making in co-created learning and teaching: responding to calls to BYOS (Bring your own student)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Bovill CMaking time for 'Freedom to learn' in higher education (0139)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Bovill HHairdresser to university course programme leader: 3 case studies exploring the ‘figured worlds’ of realising professional goals and the role of flexible approaches and communities of practice within this.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Bovill HMind the gap: The role of emotions in the exchange of higher education qualifications into economic capital for teaching assistants on education related foundation degrees.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Bovill HA UK/English context: What are the unintended consequences for women of a more open debate upon sexual violence on campus and how can we keep this debate on the agenda in universities to challenge this?International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Bovill HBystander intervention: Gender based sexual coercion and domestic violence and abuse, its impact on higher education students and the strategies to manage this.Student Experience recording available2017
Bovill HTransforming lives on the foundation degree and beyond: exploring the complexities of postgraduate professional and career decisions. (0083)Student Experience recording available2016
Bowen-Brown JPersonal Academic Tutoring: Moving from a Deficit Approach (0363)Student Experience recording available2018
Boyd PHyper-expansive academic workplacesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Boz CEnhancing dialogic space in and beyond the tutorialLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Bozalek VSlow scholarship in writing retreats: A diffractive methodology for responseable pedagogiesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Bozalek VTeaching, learning, and research: Diffracting the interviews of Vice Chancellors and Deputy Vice Chancellors of Teaching and Learning at South African Higher Education Institutions (0238)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Braband G‘From soft law to hard law’ – the creation of a European Arena of Higher Education and the foundation of the University of Luxembourg (0235)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Brahm TA comparison of non-traditional students’ transition processes into Swiss and English Higher Education (0243)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Braithwaite NIf Shoes Could Talk….How a Student Led Research Project Generated Collaboration, Peer Learning and the Co-creation of KnowledgeDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Bramwell WCreativity Through Commonwealth Collaboration: An Evaluation of Split-site Doctoral Scholarships
and the role of UK Universities
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Branch-Mueller JePortfolios in Higher Education: The University of Alberta experience (0068)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Branigan HExploring the Experiences of Articulation Students' Transition to UniversityPoster
Breeze MFeminist Collaborations in Higher Education: Stretched across Career Stages (0509)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Breeze MInterruptions in Higher Education: Queer Feminist Career CaresAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Brew AFreedom and control in teaching decisions within global higher education (0131)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Brew AAbsent research: academic artisans in the research university (0085)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Brew AExperiencing higher education as an academic practitioner: negotiating academic identityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Brew ARising to the challenge of developing pre-service teachers’ learning autonomy through research-based learning experiencesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Brew AConvergence, divergence and the role of disciplinary contexts in engaging students in research-based experiences (0086)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Brew AHow is COVID-19 changing research in the disciplines? The views of undergraduate researchersStudent Experiences
Brewer GNot Visible but Exposed: The Lived Experience of Disabled AcademicsAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Brewer GNot Visible but Exposed: The Lived Experience of Disabled AcademicsAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Brewer GEnhancing the Undergraduate Research ExperienceStudent Experience recording available2012
Brewster SMaking placement learning inclusive for students facing additional challenges (0219)Student Experience recording available2018
Bridges SCollaboration, connection and cosmopolitanism: promoting intercultural understanding through group workInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Bridges SIntegrating Academic, Professional and Personal Learning through Multicultural Group Work (0063)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Bridges SConceptualising cosmopolitan values in internationalised higher education: A capabilities approach (0029)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Brogden Male AKnowledge creating skills development for researchersLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Broglia EFostering Student Mental Health in the Context of Personal Tutoring (0271)Student Experience recording available2018
Brooks RThe European Universities Initiative: understandings of policy actorsInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Brooks RConceptualising students as stressed and anxiousInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Brooks RAn analysis of the UK’s Turing Scheme as a response to socio-economic and geo-political challengesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Brooks RHigher education timescapes: temporal understandings of students and learningInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Brooks RThe European Universities Initiative: reconfiguring the European HE space?International Contexts and Perspectives
Brooks RConstructing the Higher Education Student: Perspectives from across EuropeInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Brooks RThe construction of higher education students within national policy: a cross-European comparison (0195)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Brooks RConstructing the Higher Education Student in Europe (0014)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Brophy SMoving beyond objective evaluations of successful graduate outcomes: Insights from ‘new’ Graduate Voice data.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Brown G‘A Middle-Range Realist Approach to Evaluating the Student Lifecycle in Widening Access and Participation’ (0483)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Brown JClosing the Research, Policy and Practice Gap? A reflective view. (0108)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Brown JTheorising and evaluating alternative visions of widening participation in Higher Education: appraising the work of the Caledonian Club at GCUInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Brown NThe lived experience of being ill and/or disabled in academiaAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Brown NPlaying with researchHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Brown NEnhancing PhD students’ wellbeing using creative methods (0300)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Brown NDeveloping portfolios to become meaningful, external-facing assessmentsStudent Experience recording available2017
Brown RMarkets and the Promotional UniversityHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Brown SChanging the experiences of Masters level learning through improving assessment;Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
BrownNAcademic identity: active identity and body work in academiaAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Bryan BWhat is the value of a doctoral degree? Exploring perceptions of personal value gained from doctoral study in the context of the UK knowledge economy. (0235)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Brynin MHigher education: too risky a decision? (0339)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Buckley AThe Tyranny of 'Teaching and Learning'Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Buckley AThe UK Engagement Survey: 2014 findings and implicationsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Buckley AWhat proportion of National Student Survey comparisons are statistically significant? (0366)Student Experience recording available2018
Buckley AA pointless exercise? Comparing staff and student perceptions of the use of assessment feedbackStudent Experience recording available2017
Budd RUniversities as LandscapesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Budd RCoercion, Mimesis, and Normativity in UK Social Science Doctoral Funding (0379)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Budd RImagining the National Institution: German and British students on the values associated with higher education. (0190)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Budd RHave we neglected UK universities’ role in mediating the student experience?Student Experience recording available2018
Budd RTriangulating perspectives on doctoral funding policies in the social sciences (0293)Student Experience recording available2016
Buhl HInviting the voices of international students to create better educational environmentsStudent Experience recording available2013
Bui HRoles of Business Schools for New Generations of Innovative Business Leaders: A collaborative stakeholders as agents of change perspectiveEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Bull AExamining institutional responses to sexual misconduct: Higher education after #MeTooHigher education policy
Bunn MTemporalities of trust and betrayal: teaching and learning in the neoliberal university (0372)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Bunn MClass matters in Australian HE: exploring the relevance of class analysis in explaining disadvantage in an Australian University.Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Bunn MCare leavers and representational efficacy: a praxis-based approach to moving theory and practice forwardStudent Access and Experience
Bunn MClass at the friction point - exploring class theory in a transforming higher education landscapeStudent Experiences
Burden KMobile technologies and dialogic pedagogies in Hong Kong and UK higher education (0373)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Burford JResearching the development of an academic field: Conferences as a way inAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Burford JNot writing and unbecoming: Queering doctoral ‘success’.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Burford JExploring Care-full doctoral subjectivities: The experience of the doctoral-student-mother in doctoral educationAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Burford JCare-full lives: Exploring the experiences of doctoral student carersAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Burg DRecognising and rewarding academic citizenshipAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Burg DThe rise and rise of the journal paper: intergenerational changes in research and publication patterns among higher education researchersAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Burg DInternational university partnerships: How the university shapes the partnership (0345)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Burg DWomen professors as intellectual leaders (0157)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Burke CHabitus, Capitals and Field: a Bourdieusian framework for understanding transitions into higher education. (0135)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Burke CI just focused on my studies:hysteresis of habitus and widening participation (0280)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Burke CUnderstanding graduate resilience in context: A framework for future researchEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Burke CUnderstanding resilience in graduate careers: a systematic review and agenda for future research (0616)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Burke CUnderstanding your “place” in the market: self-regulation, self-doubt and social exclusion.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Burke CToo Prepped to Pivot? A critical exploration of pre-professional identity development in graduates.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Burke CAnd Then What Happened?: A Critical Examination of the Role of Class in Graduate EmploymentHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Burke CMaintaining the role of habitus in graduate employmentManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Burke CCreating a Sense of Place: the role of personal tutors and social networks (0623)Student Experience recording available2018
Burke PCapability, Belonging and Mis/recognition In Higher Education (0128)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Burke PReimagining gender equity through exploring the impact of gender-based violence on higher education access and participationStudent Experiences
Burke P(Re)connecting with the purpose of higher education: Transformation through social justiceStudent Experiences
Burke P JReconceptualising Equity through Pedagogical MethodologiesAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Burke P JMobilising higher education for gender justice praxisStudent Access and Experience
Burke P JMobilising Success DifferentlyStudent Access and Experience
Burke P-JDegrees of Class: Interrogating linear and non-linear transitions from higher
Degrees of Class: Interrogating linear and non-linear transitions from higher education into the labour market
Access and Widening Participation recording available2017
Burke P-JInvestment in Time and Space: Anticipating the future of higher educationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Burke P-JIt’s About Time: working towards better understandings of unequal temporal resources and the impact of time for students in higher education (0073)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Burke P-JFormations of Difference in Higher Education PedagogiesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Burke P-JPedagogic Stratification and the Shifting Landscape of Higher EducationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Burke P-JIdentity Formation, Pedagogical Practices and Widening ParticipationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Burke P-JGendered Pedagogies and the Mis/recognition of Emotion in Higher EducationStudent Experience recording available2013
Burkinshaw P‘Fitting in’: women Vice Chancellors’ experiences of higher education gendered leadership culturesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Burkinshaw PThe under-representation of women at Vice Chancellor level in UK Higher Education: silent and strange voicesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Burskinhaw PInspiring future generations: embracing plurality and difference in higher educationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Burskinhaw PInspiring future generations: embracing plurality and difference in higher educationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Burukina OBecoming a Researcher in Russia: Professional Training, Self-Study and Amateur AttemptsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Buser MMobilising desire through play and games in community-based research and learningAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Butcher JReconceptualising part-time adult learning in higher education (0315)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Butcher JAdult learners enrich university communities but there are still far too few of them (Les Ebdon, 2016)Access and Widening Participation recording available2017
Butcher J‘Shoehorned and side-lined?’ Challenges for part-time learners in the new HE landscape (0378)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Butcher JThe language of assessment: exploring best practice on Access modules to prepare tentative learners to succeed (0377)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Butcher JPart-Time Now: What can we learn from part-time HE students in Wales about embracing plurality?Access and Widening Participation recording available2014
Buttner AContract Cheating as Part of the Assessment Help-Seeking Continuum: Insight from a Principal
Components Analysis of a Student Survey
Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Buyl EConcept mapping as a tool to visualize and enhance the knowledge structure of the master’s dissertation: an empirical exploration in the field of communication sciencesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Byng TInvestigating employer and early career employee perceptions of the development of employability skills during postgraduate study in the UK for students entering the Chinese PR industryAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Byrom TMind the Mind: mental health first aid training and cultural change in HEAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Byrom TTransformation or Transgression? The impact of an institutional habitus on working class student identityvAccess and Widening Participation recording available2018
Byrom TSplit Habitus and Othering : first generation students, habitus transformation and higher education (0301)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Byrom T‘Wishy-washy feedback doesn’t help anyone’: non-traditional students’ conceptualisation and understanding of feedback (0251)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Byrom T‘I didn't really know the reputation of any of them to be fair': widening participation and higher education choiceAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Byrom TCollaboration Matters: student mobility, schools and higher education international partnerships (0286)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Byrom TI would not recommend university to my friends unless they were sure they knew what they wanted to do in life, this has left me more confused than when I came': habitus and the emerging selfStudent Experience recording available2013
Cabus SAre Health Professionals Better Off in Foreign Industries? - On Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and Job-Related AbilityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Caddell MCreating Happiness in the Measured University: Navigating, resisting and re-making discourses of excellence in academic life.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Caddell MBlueprints, Bridges and Cluttered Landscapes: Exploring Metaphor and Motif in Widening Access PolicyAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Caddell MMaking Internships Meaningful: The Challenge of Encouraging Reflection and Skills ArticulationEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Cadieux S« So, what does this mean? » Data informed decision making at the University of Ottawa… and elsewhere?Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Cagliesi GIt Takes More than Money to Motivate Students into Masters Degrees: Evidence from the University of Greenwich Fast Forward Programme (0210)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Callender CDoes fear of debt deter higher education participation? New evidence from EnglandHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Callender CStudent debt, higher education participation, and intermediate skills development (0045)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Callender CPolicy discourses about HE in FE posit distinct advantages of FECs over HEIs, in relation to: accessibility; vocational and flexible provision; learning ‘ethos’ and environment; costs; and widening participation (HEFCE 2006, QAA, 2006, BIS, 2011).Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Calma ACritical thinking in business education: using creative and innovative assessment approachesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Camacho-Felix SDiscourse, Technology and Social Practice: questionning excellence and examining practices of diversity in Transnational EducationInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Cameron AAccelerated degrees – an institutional experience – the staff perspectiveAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Cameron AProgressing pedagogic research – an institutional case studyAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Cameron AAttainment and transition experiences of students progressing from an evening access programme to undergraduate studyAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Cameron AEmployability and graduate outcomes for sports students with widening participation characteristics – an analysis of a data derived from 2000-2015Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Cameron ATracking career destinations of sports graduates 2000-2015 – a longitudinal exploration of destinations and preparedness for the workplace (0228)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Cameron AAccelerated degrees – an institutional experience – the (beyond NSS) student perspectiveStudent Experience recording available2019
Cameron APreserving healthcare student wellbeing – what do we need to know to retain themStudent Experiences
Campbell KPlacing Habitus at the Hub of Inclusive HE TransitionsAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Campbell KExploring the Adult Learners’ Transition from the Workplace to Higher EducationStudent Access and Experience
Cannell PHigher education policy in Scotland and the implications for part-time studyHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Cao C“I am a researcher but also your friend”: working with diarists during a long-term study on employability management (0224)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Cao XIntroduction to Diary Research: Exploring the Everyday in Higher Education (0172)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Cao XEnhancing the Employability of International Students: Chinese students on
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Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Carasso HAre degrees worth higher fees? Perceptions of potential undergraduates on the financial benefits of entering higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Cardoso EBourdeusian capitals and graduate success: drivers and outcomesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Cardoso SThe internationalisation of doctoral education: the puzzling oversight of incoming mobility strategiesPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Carless DExcellence in University Assessment: An impossible mission? (0019)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Carm EInternationalization of Higher Education, experiences from a TVET student exchange program between Oslo and Akershus University College for Applied Sciences (HIOA), Norway and Kyambogo University (KyU), Uganda.International Perspectives & Context recording available2014
Carpentier VThe historical dynamics between international students and the expansion and differentiation of
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Higher Education Policy recording available2019
Carpentier VHistorical trajectories of expansion and institutional differentiation in higher education in the UK, USA and FranceHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Carpentier VHigher education socio-economic crises: lessons from 1929, 1973 and 2008 (0329)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Carpentier VSpaces, shapes and rationales of the expansion of higher education though a historical lens (0171)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Carpentier VTowards an index of stratification in higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Carpentier VPublic-private dimensions and equitable access to quality higher education: perspectives from Brazil and EnglandHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Carpentier VInternationalisation and the contested spaces of the public good in French universitiesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Carpentier VPublic good in French universities: Principles and practice of the ‘republican’ model (0251)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Carr JThe role of performance and narration in translating professional standards into practice: four analytical modelsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Carruthers JGiving Consideration to Psychological Safety in the Doctoral ProgramPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Carruthers KRealising the spatial in higher education researchAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Carruthers Thomas KAthena SWAN: Constraints and Disruptions (0259)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Carruthers Thomas KMY BRILLIANT CAREER? A GRAPHIC ESSAY (0152)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Carruthers Thomas KGender as a geography of power? Emerging findings from university spacesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Carruthers Thomas KDiaries of a Pandemic: reading and revisualising the spatial. Implications for gender equality in academia.Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Carruthers Thomas KPicturing the pandemic in higher education: A conversation.Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Carruthers Thomas KGendered implications of disrupted mobilities for female academics during COVID-19Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Carruthers Thomas KTeaching excellence as 'institutional polishing'?Higher Education Policy recording available2019
Carruthers-Thomas KGenders at Work: Space and Narrative (0326)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Carter SBorderland theory: How would you apply this to doctoral education?Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Cartwright NWhose knowledge counts and what counts as knowledge? Educational policy and student identities. (0121)Student Experience recording available2016
Carvalho CPublic Policies for reducing inequalities in Federal Brazilian higher education: main findingsHigher Education Policy recording available2018
Carvalho CFinancialisation in For-Profit Higher Education: the Brazilian and US cases in comparative perspectiveHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Carvalho CFor Profit Higher Education in Brazil: Paths towards Oligopolisation and Financialisation (0287)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Casanova DRedesigning learning spaces through students and academics contributions: the role of participatory designStudent Experience recording available2014
Case JSocial mobility and higher education: Emerging insights from a study of South African young people (0057)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Case JHigher Education in Society: The influence of university participation on the life courses of young South Africans (0099)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Case JExamining the post-graduation trajectories of young South Africans: A critical review of the literature on graduate destinations (0259)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Case JThe value of a higher education in terms of morphogenesis of student agency: A decade later, graduates look back on the experience of learningStudent Experience recording available2013
Cashian PEstablishing an Employability Social Structure as the Basis for Future Employablity Research: A Critical Realist PerspectiveStudent Experience recording available2013
Castellano PTeaching and learning practice and the retention of disabled students in Scottish higher educationPoster
Castellano PRetention of disabled students in Scottish higher educationStudent Access and Experience
Castelló MPost-doc experiences related to writing and well-being (0105)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Cattell K“Not everything that counts can be counted”: Transforming teaching excellence awards at a post-colonial South African universityManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Cavallaro MInfluence of the academic drift and subject specialisation on the participation of Universities of Applied Sciences in EU research projectsInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Cecilie Carlsten TEurope in a time of excellence: Converging trends of equity and excellence in higher education governance? (0316)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Celani GIncorporating professional knowledge in undergraduate curricula – an innovative program at Unicamp-BrazilLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Celinska CInternationalised Higher Education: A Mandate for Multicultural Training? (0016)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Celinska DStudent Perspectives on Learning in Internationalised Courses: What Makes a Difference? (0017)Student Experience recording available2016
Chadah DEmployability in higher education: refashioning required?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Chadwick DEdutainment (Education + Entertainment) Enhances Learning Of STEM Subjects In HE (0065)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Chaffer CUnderstanding the role of pedagogy in the reproduction of social inequalities during students' transition to Higher Education: a Bernsteinian analysisLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Chaló PAre there key competencies for PhD completion? Perceptions of English and Portuguese supervisors.Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Chambers A‘The Me and the Not Me’: The importance of anti-role models in the construction of professional identitiesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Chambers AThe field of study can be described in broad terms as professional identity. More specifically it is concerned with understanding the ways in which student physiotherapists construct a particular professional identity within a professional context that places increasing emphasis on interprofessionalism and collaborative working (DH 2000; 2001; 2002; 2009; Barr 1998, 2007).Student Experience recording available2012
Chance SCareer planning among self-initiated expatriate engineering academics in the UK during BrexitInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2022
Chance SSummary Report on National STEM Educational Policies in Relation to Girls’ Experiences in Physics across Europe and to the Engineering Pipeline (0252)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Charalambous MTowards a Constructivist Grounded Theory for Leadership Programme Design: The Case of the MA in
Creative Leadership
Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Charlton HUnderstanding part-time postgraduate student experience in the context of landscapes of practice – the experiences of Human Resource Management practitioners engaged in concurrent studyStudent Experience recording available2017
Charret AEuropean Universities: Building the future of higher education in the European Union through university alliancesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Chavrimootoo DIs Geography for Me? Evaluating the impact of a pilot widening participation intervention aimed to
encourage Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) participants to consider studying geography at
The University of Manchester.
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Cheeseman MUsing creative writing to understand the student experienceStudent Experience recording available2013
Chen SRevisiting the Research-Policy-Practice Nexus: Boundary Objects and Boundary BrokeringDigital University recording available2014
Chen SReconceptualising Critical ThinkingLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Chen XPublish or pòmiè! Writing for publication in Chinese universitiesAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Chen YWho deserves a better life? Expansion, access and social equality in Chinese Higher EducationHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Cheng MInternationalisation as University Business Model Innovation: A Case Study of the University of Nottingham (0022)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Cheng MDeveloping Intercultural Awareness for Better Peer Interaction: Study of a British UniversityInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Cheng MThe Impact of Curriculum Internationalisation: Perspectives of Academics and Students (0003)Student Experience recording available2016
Chetwynd FData mining: a useful student retention tool or what we knew already?Student Experience recording available2014
Chetwynd IOnline assessment: supported learning or “just do it”?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Cheung KThe dimensions underlying student attitudes and beliefs on authorship: An exploratory factor analysis of authorial identity in students.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Chhabra PRe-flexivity to balance the personal and professional roles as a doctoral student-motherPoster
Chiang KIs higher education not to be trusted or is the government unable to trust? Analysis from a Simmelian perspectiveManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Chirikov IGoing World-class Through Merger: How the State Affects Identity Formation in Russian Flagship UniversitiesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Christensen MAcademic Work Engagement, Resources and Productivity: Implications for Intervention Policies (0184)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Christidis AUnderstanding International Students’ Learning Needs and Improving Student Experience in an Increasingly Multicultural Context (0283)Student Experience recording available2016
Christle FA research evaluation of the impact of compulsory career coaching for final year undergraduates of
Business Management and Accounting
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Cini LStudent Protests in Neoliberal Times: A Global Overview (0046)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Clafferty EThe Triple C Model for Student Retention, Progression and Completion MaturesAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Clark JIdeology and the Economic Subject: The Role of the Entrepreneur within Conservatoire Education (0321)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Clark LCreating a Supportive Research Culture in the Disconnected University through Peer MentoringAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Clark LCreating a Transformative Space in the UniversityLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Clark L‘Transformative Intellectuals’: Exploring qualities of critical pedagoguesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Clark LResearch-based Education: Transforming staff and students through praxisStudent Experience recording available2017
Clark WThe convergence of actual and perceived outcome in group work assessment design: do the students fail their assessments or do the assessments fail their students? (0223)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Clarke JDe-valuing ‘alternative extra-curricular activities’: the symbolic reproduction of extra-curricular
activities as status distinctions
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Clarke JDe-valuing ‘alternative extra-curricular activities’: the symbolic reproduction of extra-curricular
activities as status distinctions
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Clarke JStart From the Outside and Work In; Non-traditional Students, Networking and the Accumulation of Social CapitalHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Clarke MCOVID-19 and student success: A literature analysis of ‘stuckness’ and systemic inequalities in global north and south contexts.International Contexts and Perspectives
Clay HFrom practical idealism to the ideology of the market: Whitehall and higher education, 1963 - 1983.Higher Education Policy recording available2014
Clayton SThe literature of academic identity is well represented in the sociology of Higher Education.Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Clegg KThe UK Research Supervision Survey: who, what, how and why?Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Clegg STemporal realities in higher education: different conceptualisations of the future (0061)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Clegg SMore than the sum of its parts: higher education research explored (0011)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Clegg STheorising human concerns: theorising emotion from an Archerian perspectiveStudent Experience recording available2013
Clements AGraduate employability in students of Black and minority ethnic (BME) background: A mixed-methods approachEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Clements NThe Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Practitioner reflection in supporting the robust evaluation of strategically funded outreach programmesHigher education policy
Cleveland RA hard look at soft skill developmentEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Cobb FThere's no going back;: The transformation of Higher Education Careers Services using big dataEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Cobb FInsight for employability: The impact and implementation of Careers RegistrationStudent Experience recording available2017
Coehlo MUniversity Social Responsibility: The impact of student involvement in training/audit projects on their social, civic/political and professional development (0434)Student Experience recording available2018
Cohen EDecolonization and Sustainability Rationales in ‘STEM’ HE Curricula: A Critical Realist Research Agenda for the ‘Curriculum-as-Lived’Student Experiences
Cohen EStudents' sense of belonging and communityStudent Experiences
Cole DOptions for inter-disciplinary research training – short courses versus collaborative programs in global healthPoster Session recording available2014
Coleman LTensions and ambiguity: assignment texts and practices in a vocational film production courseLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Collings RThe Tangled Web of Active Blended LearningDigital University recording available2019
Collings RAcademic Staff and Students Perceptions and Attitudes towards Blended LearningDigital University recording available2019
Collings RThe Correlates of Statistics AnxietyLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Congreve AWicked problems - a higher education perspectiveAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Coonan EBeyond the word count: creation, frustration and innovation at pedagogic research writing retreatsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Cooper NHow fish out of water finally steps into the kitchen: Strategies to foster a sense of belonging at university drawn from a narrative analysis of student stories. (0271)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Cooper THarnessing digital potential: a curriculum approach to the use of Digital Learning EnvironmentsDigital University recording available2013
Cooper TDiscourses of expectations: how should universities respond to students, employers and society?Higher Education Policy recording available2017
Cooper TSpecialist courses: social need, employers’ expectations, student demand and universities’ interests–some conundrumsHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Cooper TFreedom and control: the implications of student demand-driven university funding in Australia for student choice: a case study of Australian social professions. (0118)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Cooper TFast forward: ‘Australian youth work education: curriculum renewal’ towards a model of sustainability for niche professionsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Cooper TStudent retention and the pandemic: some preliminary analysisLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Coppoolse RCutting knots and riding hobby horses: alignment in educational innovationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Cords-Felby LImagining the future in the present - Student career dreams and academic identity as a contested
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Correia PHow do students see the connections among undergraduate courses? Using concept mapping to make interdisciplinarity visibleLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Cosnefroy LAcademic achievement, Engagement and Course experienceLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Cosnefroy LA comparison of French-students’ emotional experience from upper sixth to third-year of Bachelor’s degreeLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Cosser MThe evidence for access, mobility and progression in the pathway outcomes of previously disadvantaged studentsDigital University recording available2014
Cotnam MSymposium: We all have our parts to play: The roles of students, peer-mentors and administration in creating pathways to higher education and student success for minority-language studentsStudent Experience recording available2012
Cotronei-Baird VIntegrating employability skills in the university curriculum: Setting a research agenda that responds to stakeholders’ expectationEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Cotronei-Baird VInvestigating a typology for identifying strategies to integrate employability skills development in teaching and assessment practiceLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Countinho IDoctoral supervision –student´s perceptions about practices and monitoringAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Court SHandle with care – why the student:staff ratio may be a misleading indicatorLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Coverdale AThe benefits of social media for doctoral researchersAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Coverdale APositioning and sustaining accessibility expertise and teaching in the Computer Sciences and the digital universityAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Cowie NExploring opportunities for mobile learning in a post-COVID worldInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Cownie FDoes gratitude increase word-of-mouth amongst students?Student Experience recording available2019
Cownie FDo alumni want to give back to their university?Student Experience recording available2018
Cownie FEntitlement in HE: student and academic perspectives.Student Experience recording available2017
Cownie FThe gratitude-engagement cycle (0011)Student Experience recording available2016
Cownie FConceptualising the student experience: a new framework. (0114)Student Experience recording available2015
Cox ATelling stories about Artificial Intelligence and robots in Higher EducationDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Coxon AThe impact of Technology Enhanced Learning on students with Specific Learning Difficulties (0263)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Crawford KPositioning ourselves for research and teaching: a cross-country analysis of academic formationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Crawford KHigher Education as a public good: Pushing forward, pushing boundariesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Creaby FThe best of both worlds? The working lives of Degree Apprentices in EnglandEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Creaton JLeadership in a Changing LandscapeManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Creaton JThe Mesopolitics of Middle Management: The Role of Heads of Academic DepartmentsManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Creaton JPostgraduate Researcher Mental Health and WellbeingPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Crockford JUnknown Knowns: Implicit Epistemological Hierarchies in the Evaluation of Widening Participation
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Crockford JStrategic ambiguity and/or policy ad-hocery? The positioning of evaluation in higher education widening participation discourses. (0554)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Crockford J“You’ve got to prove your worth maybe in a way which, you know, universities traditionally didn’t quite need to”. Evaluating widening participation interventions for cohorts of young people pre-16. (0428)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Crockford J“Wishing won’t make it so": Deliverology, TEF and the wicked problem of inclusive teaching
Higher Education Policy recording available2019
Crockford J“It’s like laying bricks on lava”: The impact of Covid-19 on student academic experience of creative degreesStudent Experiences
Crofts MThe Impact of the Formal Equality Stance on Institutional Processes and Legal Compliance in Higher Education. (0134)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Crofts MThe Impact of Empowerment in Teaching and Learning and Innovative Assessment. (0125)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Croney PExperiential Learning – A Learning Worth Having? Academic Perceptions of the use of Experiential Learning in the first year of Business Higher Education.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Cronshaw SMothers undertaking part-time Doctoral study: Experiences and ImplicationsAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Crook SStudent mental health: the view from historyStudent Experiences
Cross BVisual language and reasoning within interdisciplinary dialogue: lessons from SRHE Scoping Study for Interprofessional Education to Support Collaborative Practice. (0270)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Cross BUniversal Design for Learning and Inclusion in Higher Education - Group Work for Effective Learning with Diverse International Students in the UKPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Cross BDisrupting Zoom Space: Lessons on Supporting Post Graduate Research Students’ Mental Health through Covid Lockdown from SGSSS Homestretch programme.Student Experiences
Cross ITeaching (super) wicked problems: climate change in the higher education curriculumAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Cross SHow do students understand and interpret learning gains? Perspectives from indepth interviews of UK distance learners.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Cui VCollaboration as a catalyst for understanding and improving learning and teaching in higher education: staff-student collaborative observation (0502)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Cunningham CCaged (Educational) birds: a hybrid metaphorical enquiry (0322)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Cunningham CThe role of performance and narration in translating professional standards into practice: four different analytical models.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Cunningham CAcademics’ conceptualisations of their own power and agency in relation to supporting culturally diverse students (0191)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Cunningham ECapitals and Compromises: How students use unpaid work to facilitate career mobilitiesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Cureton DMinding the Gap - From Disparity to Beyond Dr Debra Cureton (presenting) & Professor Glynis Cousin, University of WolverhamptonLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Curtis WEmployability in Education Studies (0053)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Curzon RTransformation of the student learning experience through student engagement – Examples of students as partners, co-producers and authorsStudent Experience recording available2013
Cuthbert CInstitutional employability drivers in difficult times.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Cuthbert CAvailable SoonEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Cutright MRecovery from terrorism: Testimony from survivors of Garissa and lessons learned for supporting resilience (0289)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Czarnecki CSocial rights of students from a perspective of comparative political economyHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Dagar KInnovative Internationalization: Exploring the (Re)modelled spaces in DubaiInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Dai QThe interaction between Chinese women’s understanding of womanhood and their lived experience in UK Higher EducationInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Dakka FEveryday Life in the Competitive, Accelerated Academy: politicising Belonging and Becoming through the lens of Rhythm.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Dakka FA Rhythmic Analysis of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Space, Time and Affect.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Dakka FSpace, Time, Belonging, Becoming: Chasing Rhythm in the Contemporary UniversityAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Dangeni“Despite the struggles, now I can see…”: Critical incidents during Chinese international student’s learning and development in UK master’s programmesStudent Access and Experience
Dangeni -“No more snapshots?”: Using longitudinal studies to explore postgraduate international students’ multifaceted experiencesStudent Access and Experience recording available2022
Dangeni DTravelling the River: Chinese International Students' Engagement at UK UniversitiesStudent Experiences recording available2021
Dann ZLeading the entrepreneurial curriculum: Paradoxes, tensions and entrepreneurial action (0315)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Danvers ETroubling the concept: an exploration of difference within students’ experiences of critical thinking in higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Danvers EContortion, loss and moments for joy: insights into writing groups for international doctoral studentsInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Danvers ERoma Women and Higher Education: Gender, Identity, Belonging and Responsibility. (0042)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Danvers EDead, dumbed down or discontented? Undergraduate students, critical thinking and higher education (0028)Student Experience recording available2015
Darwin SCan one size fit all: analysing the impact of regionalised global rankings on Latin American higher educationInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Daubney KWhat difference does it make? Using Careers Registration to define and measure student careers
learning gain at King's College London
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
David MFeminist Passions and Pedagogies: what is the future in the global academy?Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Davies CDefining the Future: an exploration of perceptions of employability of undergraduate minority ethnic studentsEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Davies CShaping the ‘knowledge object’: the role of dialogue in DProf research (0411)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Davies PCultural capital, graduate premium expectations and higher education choicesHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Davies RComparing value in higher education: the conundrum of commensurability.Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Davies RDoes it make sense to talk of teaching and learning in higher education? (0337)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Davies RIs ‘hypothetically speaking’ leading us astray?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Davies RJoking apart: on the educative value of the humorous (0541)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Davies RSAFE: Self-Assessment and Feedback for EducationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Davies RComplexity theory and higher education: model, metaphor and meme?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Davis CSupporting academics in challenging times: New thinking on teaching observationsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Davis CWorking with student researchers to understand more about student experience: potentials and challenges (0064)Student Experience recording available2016
Davis PLabour market knowledge and choice of subject to study: A Pragmatic Cluster Randomized Controlled TrialEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Davis SGraduates’ responses to student loans in EnglandHigher Education Policy
Dawson NCan Pedagogic Practice Enhance Post Graduate Business Students’ Abilities To Self-Direct One Teacher’s Reflections (0164)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Day ICharacteristics of intermediate assessment and student results: A literature review (0112)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
De Carvalho CPublic Policy for equity of access and retention in Brazilian Higher Education – a comparative analysis
between federal and private sectors
Higher Education Policy recording available2019
de Gayardon AGraduates’ Perspectives on the Student Loan System in EnglandHigher education policy
de Gayardon AK11 Denbigh 2 Thursday 6 December 11.30 -12.00Student Experience recording available2018
de la Tour NLearning from Crisis and (Re)Imagining Our Post-Pandemic University: Insights from a University of Warwick Enquiry ProjectLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Deane JLeading through networks: the benefits of informal networks to academic heads of departments (0346)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2018
Decker OChange, Manage or Meet: understanding and addressing the expectations of Business School Master’s studentsStudent Experience recording available2017
Deegan JIn this paper I discuss the enduring question of re-imagining initial teacher education, with a focus on recent developments in the primary sector in Ireland.Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Deem RRecent Research Excellence Evaluations In the UK and Portugal: Methodologies, Controversies, Cultures and Consequences (0269)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Deem R‘Social science doctoral training policies and practices: perspectives on recent developments and organisational consequences of the UK transition to collaborative doctoral training’Higher Education Policy recording available2014
Deem RThe project arose from an SRHE Donald Bligh funded workshop series on newer researchers in higher education.Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Deem ROrganising Academic Work and the English Teaching Excellence Framework (0225)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Deem RThe English Teaching Excellence Framework: Excellence, Metrics, Evaluation, Inclusivity And (Unintended) Consequences. (0359)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Deem RUniversity governance reforms in European Higher Education; some reflections on the roles and interventions of external governing board stakeholders in Portugal and the UKManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Deem RRethinking Doctoral Education: Changing Academic Cultures, University Purposes, Mental Health And
The Public Good
Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Deem R(How) will Covid 19 change doctoral education ? A critical appraisalPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
den Outer BAssessment literacy and subject commitment: a critical discourse analysis (0234)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Dencolo PRe-framing Supervisor Development for Internationalisation and Professionalisation (0476)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Denicolo PEmployer-Academic Engagement- a Response to the Skills and Impact Agendas (0334)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Denicolo PDoctoral Final Examinations: (Ir) Relevance to new skills and future challengesPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Dennis JMetacognition in higher education: How academics think and how they teach students to thinkLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Dennis J(Re-)evaluating teaching practices in post-coronial higher education – what do students want?Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Dennis JLessons learned from self-determination theory for improving the first year student experience. (0065)Student Experience recording available2016
Dennison PThe UKPSF through a Foucauldian lens, its origins and intentions, evolution and impact (0491)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Dennison PTeaching profession or teaching professional? Professionalization in the HE landscape (0212)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Dennison PThe changing shape of professionalism in learning and teaching within the academyAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Dennison PPersonal Tutoring : Using student experience to drive institution-wide changeStudent Experience recording available2013
Dent SRecognising the Personal: Exploring the potential of personal tutors to remedy attainment gapsAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Dent SThe Case for Recognition in Participation as well as Access; Widening Participation for Students Who Care for Children (0327)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Dent SConceptualising Care in Higher Education (0248)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Dent SShould I stay or should I go? – An exploration of student demand for greater mobility through credit transferHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Dent SEquity in Higher Education This Time It’s Personal! (0256)Student Experience recording available2018
Depuis OA data-driven institutional approach to service transformationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Derrick GExamining the Legitimacy of Panel Peer Review to Assess ImpactHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Detmer ADevelopment of socio-emotional skills for innovation in higher education students: exploring learning catalysts (0558)Student Experience recording available2018
Devis-Rozental CDeveloping Socio-Emotional Intelligence in First Year StudentsPoster Session recording available2014
Devlin MHigher education learning for all, or just for those ‘in the know’? Sociocultural knowing and success for Australian students from low socioeconomic statusLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Devlin MHigher education leadership for teaching and learning enhancement: Shared insights from the Australian contextManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Devlin MNavigating sexism in the academyManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality
DeWinter AEnhancing Transnational Education (TNE) Programmes: Understanding Student Motivations,
Satisfaction and Attainment in Anglo-Sino programmes
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Dhawan NThe Academic and Political Project of Women’s Studies: (Im)Possibilities of Transformation in Higher EducationInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2021
Dhawan NFuture trajectories for (Im)possible Imaginaries of Higher Education in India and South AfricaInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Dias TPeer-to-peer support: enhancing undergraduate experiencesStudent Experience recording available2019
Diaz AEngineering Of Higher Education SystemsHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Dippold DDeveloping global graduates: making the classroom centre stage (0154)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Dismore HParental Involvement in Student Complaints: help or hindrance? (0297)
Harriet Dismore
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Dismore HAttitudes towards learning of former apprentices who progress to higher education: a critical realist approachLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Dismore HMotherhood and the Professional Doctorate: Balancing Time and Space (0493)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Dismore HStudent experiences of interdisciplinary learning between the arts and sciencesStudent Experience recording available2017
Djerasimovic SEarly career researchers in Europe: a narrative of academic self-construction (0550)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Djerasimvic SWhat kind of research delivers political impact? Insights from the humanities-based REF2014 impact
case studies
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Dobbins KUsing ‘learning outcomes’ in higher education: where is the evidence?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Donina DThe Reform of Italian University Governance: Small Steps towards a Market-Oriented Model?Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Donnelly AEvaluating the impact of higher education funding aimed to address student hardshipHigher education policy
Donovan CStakeholder Perspectives on the Pubic Value of University-industry Teaching Collaborations: A case study of the MSc in Structural Integrity co-produced by Brunel University London and The Welding InstituteEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Donovan CMoral Panic and the Impact AgendaHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Dorner HBetween performativity and authenticity: researching reflection in doctoral student’s electronic teaching portfoliosAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Dovey JTransformative experience: knowledge exchange and impact in REACT projects (0322)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Dowle SDoctoral Supervision In Changing Times: How Do Supervisors Exercise Agency To Support Doctoral
Researchers To Timely Completion?
Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Dowle SPedagogically Potent or Bureaucratically Banal: The Trials and Tribulations of Doctoral Progress Reviews (0530)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Dowle SGetting there on time: Understanding what leads to timely submission of PhD theses (0114)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Drumm LForum theatre: creative solutions and critical debate in higher educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Drumm LFreeing or controlling pedagogies? A rhizomatic view of theory underpinning teaching with technology (0116)Digital University recording available2016
Drumm LRadically reconfigured or just broken? How emergency online teaching has altered staff and students' identities, wellbeing and conceptions of learning and teachingDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Drumm LPedagogical and theoretical mobilities in recent scholarship in digital education: a state of the art review in the age of CovidDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Duke DChallenging the Current Zeitgeist of Doctoral Education: Focussing as much on Fulfilment as on Stress as part of Excellence (0426)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Durak TA Comparative Analysis of Turkish and Chilean Students’ Motivations to Participate in a State-Scholarship ProgrammeInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Durak TThe Rationales Behind Emigration of the Turkish Academic WorkforceInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Dutton KTeaching Philosophies: understanding culture through expressed values.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Dyer SReimagining campus spaces for academic peer learning and creativity – methods of an
interdisciplinary project
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Dyer SDanger! Quicksand. The experiences of teaching-only academics in UK Higher Education (0234)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Dyer SPartnership as non-compliance? Does ‘partnership learning’ create a space of meaningful engagement within the neoliberal university? (0241)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Dyer SCreating Appreciate: A resource to support appreciative partnership learning (0242)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Eccles SFrom Belonging to Becoming: 1st year Udergraduate Students’ ReflectionsAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Eccles S‘Globelongers’ - Inspiring, Intrepid International Students (0087)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Eccles SReflecting on Leadership: Higher Education Academy Recognition and Academics as Effective Leaders (0090)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Edwards AThe Place of History in Education StudiesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Edwards KThe Role of Stigma in Partner Violence: A Social Psychological and Ecological Perspective (0191)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Edwards MInclusive university courses for students living with disability: Could universal design for instruction fulfil that promise?Digital University and New Learning Technologies
Eiras PStudents’ perceptions of internationalisation of three master of science (MSc) programmes at a Danish universityInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Eiras PMobility equals internationalisation? Students’ perceptions of quality of higher education in DenmarkInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Eldemir PInstitutional Diversity and Student Mobility Trends in Europe, a Longitudinal ApproachInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Elias PDoes numeracy count? Mathematics, STEM subjects and graduate outcomes (0306)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Elken MPolicy Rationales for Student Mobility in the Nordic Countries: Balancing Egalitarianism and the Global Knowledge Economy?International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Elliot DFeasible utopias in doctoral education: A research based model for expanded doctoral pedagogy (0322)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Elliot DWhy is there a need for a ‘doctoral compass’? A metacognitive scaffolding for navigating doctoral progressionPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Ellis TStudying Abroad During a PandemicPoster
Elwick ADo universities embody the values they espouse?Higher Education Policy recording available2017
Elwick EHigher education policy: Compounding the problem of social mobility or contributing to its solution? (0146)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Emery CEngagement and equity; a conceptual framework to help us understand university anchor engagement and what an English socially just anchor model may look like.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Emmanuel MIt’s who you know! The influence of developmental networks on the perceived career success of undergraduatesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Emms KImproving graduate employability - An alternative model of higher education?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Emms KNew Higher Education Institutions: Developing a New University for the 21st Century StudentEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Emms KProviding graduate-level excellence in vocational pathways – transcending the academic/vocational boundary in EuropeTechnical, Professional and Vocational Higher Education
Enders JThe Academic Arms Race: International Rankings and Global CompetitionHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Engelbrecht WDoes a pandemic change leadership approaches? Insights from a PHEI during the Covid-19 hard lockdown.Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Enrique-Gibson JRhythms of Academic Mobility (0103)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Enriquez JBORDERS OF TIME: The temporalities of academic mobilityInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Enriquez-Gibson JThe convergent and divergent boundaries of becoming a migrant academic (0014)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Enriquez-Gibson JDocument-speak: what module guides, grids and marking criteria have to say about assessment practices (0129)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Erikson MBeyond Learning: Students’ Responsibility for their Knowledge (0170)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Erikson M GPossible selves and possible others – explicating theoretical and methodological potentialsAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Ernsting FConsidering the Impact of Further and Higher Education Tutor Imaginings of BTEC Learners upon Student Learner IdentitiesStudent Access and Experience
Ertl HBologna-style degrees in the labour market – the impact of qualification and curriculum reform in German higher education (0239)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Esdar WResearch and Teaching – nexus or goal conflict? – Junior scientists’ perception on multiple demands at workAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Ese JThe Emptiness of Quality: A comparative discourse analysis of two reforms in Norwegian Higher Education (0166)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Esmond BBinary Code? Bridging the ‘Academic’-‘Technical’ Divide and the Permeability or Perpetuation of Pathways in England (0480)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Evans CHigher Education and Civil Society: Exploring the role of higher education in individuals' engagement with civil society. (0035)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Evans CElite' higher education participants and civil society. (0120)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Evans CWhat is ‘widening access’ to higher education in Wales? A review of the approaches adopted by HEIs in Wales to widen access?Access and Widening Participation recording available2014
Evans CImpact and Effectiveness of Widening Access to Higher Education in Wales.Higher Education Policy recording available2013
Evans CManaging Complex Assessment Interventions: Research within Research (0598)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Evans CMeaningful Assessment Practices in Higher Education (0614)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Evans LTHE PUBLISHING GAME IN ACADEMIC LIFE: Journal Editors’ and Authors’ Perspectives on Power and ProfessionalismAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Evans LRevisiting 'No woman is like a man in academia': a comparative analysis of marginalisation in UK higher educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Evans LBecoming and learning to be a professor: Academic leadership preparation and development for the UK’s professoriateAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Evans LThe dawn of a new academic professionalism in France? Facing the challenges of imposed reformAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Evans LProfessorial academic leadership in turbulent times: the professoriate’s perspectiveAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Evans LTechnology-enhanced learning in English universities: what do students want? (0046)Digital University recording available2015
Evans LTHE PROFESSORIATE’S LONG-RUNNING BALANCING ACT: snapshots of how well professors since the 16th century have met students’, society’s and stakeholders’ expectationsManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Evans PThe Mobilities of Micro-credentialsHigher Education Policy recording available2022
Everitt JHow doctoral supervisors and candidates clarify expectations during doctoral educationPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Ewins RBlended Learning Delivery on a Suite of Masters-Level Research Courses in Education (0327)Digital University recording available2015
Fabian KEnhancing learning confidence for direct entry computing studentsAccess and Widening Participation recording available2018
Fabian KHow are we positioning degree apprenticeships? Analysis of advertsTechnical, Professional and Vocational Higher Education
Facer KThe Fantasy of a UniversityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Fagrell PWhatever works works. Different ways for external stakeholders to contribute to quality and
relevance assurance in higher education in Sweden.
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Fakunle OInterrogating methodologies and approaches on employability from different disciplinary
perspectives and country contexts
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Fakunle OExploring Graduate Employability through the International Student LifecycleEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Fakunle OThe employability of international masters-level student matters (0342)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Fallin LReading the Academic Library: an exploration of the conceived, perceived and lived spaces of the Brynmor Jones Library at the University of HullStudent Experiences
Falvo IDigital Transformation in Higher Education Institutions: a Systematic Literature ReviewDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Farmer JRemaking the Social Order": the significance of concers and commitments in the trajectories of academic developers in South AfricaPoster Session recording available2014
Farrell A‘Empowered Empathetic Encounters’: a key success factor in the building of effective international inter-institutional collaborationInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2014
Farrelly TWhat the doctors did next?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Farrier-Williams EEngagement, ethnography and the student voice: a review and recommendation for research (0475)Student Experience recording available2018
Farrier-Williams EAn Ethnography To Understand Student Value Co-Creation In The Student ExperienceStudent Experience recording available2017
Fay M“Why not me?” –The extent to which students’ academic identity impacts their sense of community
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Student Experience recording available2019
Feng KThe Institutional Strategy and Undergraduate Teaching of Engineering Studies in World-class Universities – Case Study in China, United Kingdom and CanadaManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2022
Figueira CUnveiling scholars’ conceptions of academic risk taking: A phenomonographic study (0232)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Filery-Travis ASupervising the Modern Doctorate – a Pan-European Study (0038)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Filippakou OHigher education as a system: a conceptual approach (0603)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Filippakou ORethinking higher education research: Towards a new epistemic orderHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Filippakou OHigher Education: Public good or Private commodity?Higher Education Policy recording available2014
Filippakou OExploring the Paradigms of Higher Education Research: Emerging Research Discourses in China and the UK (0270)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Filippakou OHigher education in Hong Kong and the global marketplace: Policy borrowing and the occident (0370)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Fincher SNon-storied narrative: anonymous academic diariesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Fincher SAcademic Hunger (0236)Digital University recording available2015
Findeisen VDefining Knowledge and Technology Transfer between Subsystems of the Innovation System – Results of an Empirical Study beyond the Universities’ perspectiveManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Fine PAn investigation into General Dental Practitioners’ Perceptions of the Influence of Postgraduate Dental Education on General Dental Practice.Student Experience recording available2014
Finn KSnowflakes and Smashed Avocados: Exploring the Contradictory Representations of the Higher Education Generation in times of Political Crisis and ChangeStudent Experience recording available2017
Finn KRe-thinking student geographies: Going beyond the im/mobility dualism in HE research (0217)Student Experience recording available2016
Fiserova JVideos in higher education – why bother? (0265)Digital University recording available2015
Fiserova JExpected returns are estimated in line with expected risk when evaluating investment in assets and/or portfolios in the field of finance.Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Fiserova JVideos: not just for the flipped classroomPoster Session recording available2014
Fiserova JImpact of a professional doctorate on candidates’ practice and professional development (0310)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Fisher DHigher Education, Globalization and the Re-structuring of the State: A Comparison between British Columbia, Ontario and QuébecHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Fisher DThe Transition to Higher Education from Isolated Rural Coastal Communities: A Canadian Case Study (0006)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Fisher RLearning style, learning climate congruence: What does this mean for the self-efficacy and affective commitment of Australian academics?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Fisher RStakeholders Conceptions of Value in Higher EducationEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Fleming RThe Tale of a Canadian CAT, or, Less Preciousness and More Permeability:Access and Widening Participation recording available2014
Flint ADefining student engagement in practice: individual understandings and motivations (0036)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Flint APartnership Learning CommunitiesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Flint AThe role, value and impact of academic representation: institutional and students’ union perspectivesStudent Experience recording available2017
Floyd AInter-professional identities and cultures in Education, Health and Social Care: implications for higher education research and practiceAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Floyd ALeading without authority: the challenge of cross faculty leadership rolesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Floyd AInvestigating the PDR process in a UK university: continuing professional development or performativity? (0180)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Floyd AExploring the role of Associate Dean in UK UniversitiesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Floyd AExploring the role of Associate Dean in UK Universities – Initial FindingsManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Floyd AFocusing the kaleidoscope: Investigating the newly formed role of “Academic Lead” at a research-led UniversityManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Floyd ABecoming a Researching Professional: EdD students' perceptions and experiences of using the Researching Professional Development Framework (0285)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Floyd SDialogue as an institutional change agent (0211)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Foley KTaking the distance out of distance learning: Using online and new technologies for student engagement (0366)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Fong YFollowing the Sun from China to Singapore: A Chinese student’s journey from EFL to ESLLearning, Teaching & Assessment
FONG Y SVirtual guest speakers to an online CLIL course: A study in mobility and impactLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2022
Ford JWomen, careers and leadership roles: lessons for the academy from other professional workersAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Fordyce KInvestigating International Student Perspectives on Critical Thinking for UK Masters-level Study (0275)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Formby AFraming the ‘Graduate Transition’ in Times of Austerity and Political UpheavalStudent Experience recording available2017
Forster NExploring representations of Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Bargee Communities in widening participation discourseStudent Experiences
Foskett KIndian voices – Foreign study  More than just the post graduate programme.Student Experience recording available2012
Fossland TAffordances in online professional development of doctoral supervisors: a case study of a multi-campus, large-scale, cross-disciplinary course .Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures recording available2021
Foster CSupporting First Year Students: The Role of Adjustment (0407)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Foster CParents as Stakeholders - Do they matter?Student Experience recording available2017
Foster EWhat about the doubters? Trying to engage all students with their studiesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Frances CNew Evidence of the Dangerous Role of Economists in Incorporating Higher Education into Global Measures of Comparative National Well-BeingHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Frances CThe Alarming Rise of the For-Profit Sector in the United States: Contested Ideas About What Higher Education Is For !!!Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Francis JPersonasAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Francis JPick a card - real time elicitative evaluationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Fransman JNew global challenges, new knowledge actors, new forms of research: what higher education can learn from the research practices of NGOsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Fransman JFreedom and Control in Response to the ‘Impact Agenda’: a systematic review of understandings of ‘research engagement’ in the UK (0343)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Fransman JPluralities of engagement: Negotiating difference in the ‘research literacies’ of academics and practitioners through the development of a new journal of public engagementAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Fransman JFraming impact in the digital university: Representational affordances of the websites and blogs of Early Career ResearchersDigital University recording available2013
French AIt’s not always about how well you teach, but who you are’: Can student evaluations ever deliver a
fair assessment of academic labour in higher education?
Higher Education Policy recording available2019
French AA missed opportunity? How the UK’s teaching excellence framework fails to capture the voice of
teaching staff.
Higher Education Policy recording available2019
French AIn a fast-changing higher education landscape can TEF help excellence and inclusion cohabit? (0204)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Frick LRemaining hopeful: Re-imagining doctoral education in a global spacePostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Friend KExperiential learning in the pandemic: lessons learned from alternative placements in EducationEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Friend KInternational collaborative exchange project: stories from first-year university students during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemicInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Friend KReconciling international and academic identity: creating a space for storytelling for non-British
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Friend KBrexit: EU student reflections of belonging at one university in the midlandsStudent Experience recording available2019
Friesenhahn JTaking a leap of faith: How young scholars all over the world forge ahead for successful research careers.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Frost AIs there any value in teaching-based knowledge exchange? (0169)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Fumasoli TThe Determinants of Institutional Positioning of Higher Education Institutions: a Reappraisal of the Organizational Dimension BarbatoManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Fung DRewarding Educators and Education Leaders in Research-intensive Universities. (0277)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Fung DCurriculum change as institutional story: lessons from contrasting narratives (0054)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Fung DA Connected Curriculum for Research-based Education: Programme Leaders’ Stories (0273)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Fung DPlaying in different keys: the changing role of the Head of Department in research-intensive universitiesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Fung DExploring distributed leadership in an English university. (0278)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
G-Rodríguez BA model for managing the “social appeal” of a university: Satisfaction and Reputation as mechanisms of behavioral intentionsManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Gagnon JMoving beyond good intentions towards inclusion: What the Changing Mindsets project reveals about unequal student experiences and outcomes (0305)Student Experience recording available2018
Gagnon JYou don't seem damaged: Exploring the identities of the daughters of single mothers as they experience higher education as first generation studentsStudent Experience recording available2013
Gaio Santos GResearch on careers has become more diverse as well as complex. Such a complexity has evolved along two dimensions.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Gallo MHigher Education over a Lifespan: A Gown to Grave assessment of a lifelong relationship between Universities and their graduatesStudent Experience recording available2012
Gamsu SSocial network analysis methods and the geography of education: regional divides and elite circuits in
the school to university transition in the UK
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Ganniari-Papageorgiou EPaving the Way to Digital Learning: A case study in Engineering (0335)Digital University recording available2018
Gao LAcademic Participation and Identity of Chinese Overseas Visiting Scholars Based on the Theory of
Community of Practice
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Garaz SThe Link between Socio-Economic Background, Field of Studies, and Employability of Ethnic Roma Students in Europe (0043)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
García-Almeida DKnowledge recipients’ proactivity as a determinant of knowledge absorption in cooperative learning experiences in higher educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
García-Castro VExploring the relationship between foreign language anxiety and students’ online engagement at UK universities during the Covid-19 pandemicDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Garcia-Souto PPeer assessing individual contributions in a group projectStudent Experience recording available2017
Gartland CLessons from the USA: informing knowledge and expectations of university through subject specific student ambassador outreachAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Gartland CSupporting transition to HE: stratifications and strategies in the post 16 sector (0258)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Gaskell CDimensions of openness in MOOC environmentsDigital University recording available2013
Gaskell CStudent Experience and Leadership TrendsHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Gaskell CUnderstanding Satellite Campuses in the UKLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Gaskell CLeading small scale, new and evolving higher education institutions in turbulent timesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Gaunt JNothing succeeds like success: supporting high achievers in HE after enrolment (0535)Student Experience recording available2018
Gedye SThere is increasing emphasis during the doctorate on the process of academic development in its broadest sense; not only concerned with the production of a thesis but with experience in a range of other contexts including teaching and administration (McAlpine & Åkerlind, 2010; Roberts, 2002).Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Gedye SStudent Articulations of their own EmployabilityEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Gedye SThe Impact of DiscontentManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Geitz GGoal Orientation, Learning Behavior, and Sustainable Feedback in Higher Education (0215)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Gelder GThe Value of Verbal Dialogue in Assessment Feedback (0295)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Gerchen AManaging Professorial Appointment Procedures: Increasing Professionalism and New Specialists at German UniversitiesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2021
Gerschwind LTenure Track Tensions: Academic Career Paths in a Deregulated SectorAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Gerwinne IWhere is diversity? On work-life balance in German universities (0559)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Gibbon JThe gender pay gap in higher education: A comparative studyAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Gibbs PTrust in higher education: Do Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) communicate trust well?Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Gibbs TRunning on Goodwill? Relationship Quality and Service Outcomes in University Professional Services (0177)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2018
Gilbert AWhat does the escalating number of part-time teachers in the workforce mean for Higher Education?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Gilbert AIs employability consuming the graduate attribute agenda?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Gilder EWhere/Who Am I? The Self-Construing of an Expatriate Academic Acting across Global Boundaries of Function, Role, and Places (0240)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Gillespie HInvestigating marking mindset as part of a learning gain projectLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Gilmour A‘A sector in transition’: exploring the nature of professional development in the Scottish HE sectorAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Girotto MAn approach to university management and leadership competences in Central Asia: current trends and future challengesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Girotto MHow academic managers talk about strategy process: roles, practices and rationales of strategy engagementManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Gkogkidis V.Co-Creation of Innovative Gamification Based Learning:
A Case of Synchronous Partnership
Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Godonoga ASocial responsibility practices in business schools: A longitudinal analysis of PRME reportsInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2021
Goldberg MThe same as any other office workers? How to Respect Academics in Five Easy StepsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Golding JDoctoral supervision across worlds: comparative supervisor lenses exposed through collaborative workshopsInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2022
Golovushkina EEnhancing learning and employability of doctoral candidates in social sciences: results
of a mixed methods study
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Goodfellow RThese Research Training Resources are Digital, Open, and Global. Who Cares?Digital University recording available2013
Goodman JHackathons for Sustainable Development in Higher Education: A New Tool but for What Purpose?Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Goorney SOpportunities and Challenges for Flexible Learning in STEM Higher EducationHigher Education Policy
Gordon RThe Situated Evaluation: Subverting and (Re)building MethodsStudent Experiences
Goreham H“On the shelf or making a difference”? How can we capture the impact of leadership research? (0335)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Gornall L‘Research on academic work matters to the scholars undertaking the study too!’Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Gough MIs critical thinking just a skill amongst others in the student’s experience?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Gough MAcademic freedom and forms of autonomy (0124)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Gough MRebuilding the (Post-Pandemic) Doctorate, opportunities for revitalisation of theory and practicePostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Gough MResearch Student Perspectives on Supervisor/Advisor Approaches to SupervisionStudent Experience recording available2014
Gough NStudent Freedom, Doctoral Quality and the Wellbeing AgendaPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Gourlay & M Oliver LTechnologies and text trajectories: the curriculum as emergent networkDigital University recording available2013
Gourlay LCuration, combat or coping? Student entanglements with technologies in HE.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Gourlay LDigital academic literacies as posthuman apparatus.Digital University recording available2017
Gourlay LPosthuman texts and the digital university (0313)Digital University recording available2015
Gourlay LThe digital university, critique and utopian fantasiesDigital University recording available2014
Gourlay LThe ‘learnification’ of student engagement. (0332)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Gourlay LStudent engagement' and the tyranny of participation (0332)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Gouthro PDisciplinary Boundaries and Creative Pedagogical PracticesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Govindarajan SEvaluation of Students’ Performance in different learning environments: Face-to-face (prior-pandemic), Completely Online (peri-pandemic),Blended (post-pandemic)(Covid-19 pandemic time-based analysis)Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Gracia LExploring feedback with students: A telling account?Student Experience recording available2012
Graham CA Tale of Two Cities: the sequel An international comparison of the contributions of professional services staff to student outcomes. (0142)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Graham CA Tale of Two Cities: the contribution of Professional staff to the student experienceAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Gravett KTroubling transitions: creative and critical approaches to understanding students’ transitions into and
through higher education.
Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Gravett KRe-imagining doctoral pedagogies and temporal practices in higher educationPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Gravett KReferencing and inclusion: exploring barriers to agency in the higher education student experience (0135)Student Experience recording available2018
Gravett KBelonging to and beyond the digital university: belonging as situated practiceStudent Experiences
Gray CImplementing marketised Higher Education: The view from the street level.Access and Widening Participation recording available2014
Gray CExamining the contribution research methods can make to the learning gain debateLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Gray CResearch methods teaching in vocational environments – developing critical engagement with knowledge?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Gray CNavigating Student Progression: Should I stay or should I go?Student Experience recording available2013
Green DNegotiating competing visions: Educational development in the strange middle groundAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Green PStudent engagement and graduate level employability: An empirical investigation into the impact of a work placement year.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Greenwood JSucceed with Skills: A Diagnostic Programme to Bridge Gaps in Higher EducationStudent Access and Experience
Gregson MSRHE 2014 Symposium research and scholarly activity: negotiating the challenges of engaging in research for college-based HE LecturersAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Griffioen DConceptions of Truth in Higher Education: A Pillar of Research-Teaching-NexusAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Griffioen DLecturers’ Criteria for ‘Good Research’: a Framework for DebateAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Griffioen DAcademic Drift Evaluated: A Staff PerspectiveHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Griffioen DThe Knowledge, Action and Identity Project. A Research Design to Understand the Transformation of
Students in Higher Professional Education
Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Griffioen DAttitudes and/or Experiences? Undergraduate Students’ and Lecturers’ Experienced Research Integration in Higher EducationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Griffioen DStrategizing Beyond Educational Inadequacy In Connecting Research And Teaching: An Institutional Approach (0082)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Griffioen DStudents’ Motivation in Longitudinal Perspective: The influence of Potential, Personality and Learning context (0125)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Griffioen DThe role of national policies in ensuring that higher education produces knowledgeable professionals: A comparative studyManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Griffioen DAre Students of Some Disciplines more Involved than Others? Disciplinary Differences in Experienced Research Integration in Higher EducationStudent Experience recording available2017
Griffioen DDifferences between Students’ Perception on Education: Comparing Honour and Regular Students at a Dutch University of Applied Sciences (0084)Student Experience recording available2015
Griffiths TChanging Spaces: sociomateriality and learning spaces during the Covid-19 pandemic.Poster
Grim JWhat Could Be: A Phenomenological Examination of Faculty of Color Leader Identity DevelopmentAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Grimm AAffect, methodological nationalism and global HEInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2021
Grindle NConnecting students with research: an analysis of six ‘Meet the researcher’ activities at a large UK research-intensive university. (0538)Student Experience recording available2018
Grindle NExternal-facing assessments: Balancing the needs of students, external partner organisations and the publicStudent Experience recording available2017
Groeben AHigher Education's new Mission - The Emergence of Service LearningHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Groombridge TCharacteristics of Mathematics Text That Affect Comprehension Among University-Level English Language Learners in The UAEInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2014
Groves OSupporting participation in higher-education equity research through the visual mapping methodTechnical, Professional and Vocational Higher Education
Grue MOne Step Toward Excellence and Inclusion:International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Gruzdeva KStudents' orientations toward higher education in England: defining value for moneyEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Guccione KMentors matter! Building a mentoring culture throughout academic practice.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Guccione KTeach early, teach often: mentoring and coaching as enablers of supervisory development in early career researchers.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Guccione KMore than lucky: Exploring how post-doc professional networks are activated in gaining research fellowship awards (0106)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Guccione KHow much do we appreciate international postgraduate researchers’ psychological wellbeing?
Perspectives from their first port of call
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Guccione KThe role of trust in the student-supervisor relationship: developing authority and authorship in doctoral candidates.Poster Session recording available2014
Guccione KStabilising transitions to doctoral study: finding the reasonable boundaries of peer-mentoring. (0440)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Guccione KTrust Me! Building and breaking professional trust in doctoral student-supervisor relationships. (0279)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Guccione K‘I never thought of this work as supervision, but it definitely is!’ Becoming aware of supervision work as an early career researcher.Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Gulasaryan ACollaboration in learning: Student experiences on the intrinsically European Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters ProgrammeInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Gunn AConservatives 2 - Liberal Democrats 0: Winners and Losers in the 2010-15 Coalition’s policy-making on the funding of undergraduate education in England (0150)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Gunn AFrom Wilson's White Heat to Cameron's Catapults: The role of Academic Research in Industrial Policy- 50 years of change.Higher Education Policy recording available2014
Gunn AGlobal university alliances and the creation of collaborative advantageManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Gunn VWhat Art School Education might tell us about ambiguity and agency in Higher Education student learning (work in progress) (0320)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Gunn VInspiring Desire – Queering doctoral education to understand orientations to learning Gunn Vicky, University of Glasgow, UKAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Gupta AHigher education students as people in transition? Evidence from a six-nation European comparative studyInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Gupta SResearch Methods through Co-Design with International StudentsInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2022
Guzman CUtopias and imagination: Creating new time and space in universitiesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Guzman CNeoliberal academia and epistemic tension in knowledge production: interrogating research
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Guzman-Valenzuela CConstructing academic identities: between the academic career and the academic trajectoryAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Guzman-Valenzuela CThinking from the borders: colonialism and Latin American universitiesInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2021
Guzman-Valenzuela CChilean student movement: agentic responses to the neoliberalization of higher education (0010)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Guzmán-Valenzuela CThe public dimension of Chilean universities: contesting discourses (0041)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Guzmán-Valenzuela CHigher education research in Latin America: revisiting MacFarlane’s archipelagoInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
H Ylljoki OConflicting temporalities in academic work: experiences of senior and junior social scientistsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Haase SPreparing for Professionalism. How Engineering Students Experience the Role of Professional Engineers in SocietyStudent Experience recording available2013
Hadjianastasis MStudents as Consumers, Students as Product in the Age of Liquid Modernity: a Critical Appraisal
Through the Lenses of Zygmunt Bauman and Critical Pedagogy
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Hagen NCoauthored doctoral dissertations: Quantifying the candidate’s shareLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Halford EZen and the art of risk assessment: what are the implications of a system of risk- based quality assurance for higher education in England? (0152)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Hall EAchieving balance in academic identity and career – insights from award winning undergraduate research mentorsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Hall JDeveloping Institutional Partnership Approaches to Diversifying and Decolonising the CurriculumLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Hall LIntercultural Sensitivity Learning in a Virtual Learning EnvironmentAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Hall MThe impact of artificial intelligence on knowledge work: Implications for educating future graduates (0412)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Hallett RNew economies of student engagement using a digital curation learning-cycleDigital University recording available2019
Hamilton MDeveloping entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and AustraliaEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Han SEmpowered or disempowered by mobility? Experience of international academics in ChinaAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Han SPolicy Experimentation in China’s Higher Education Reforms and PolicymakingHigher Education Policy
Han SWould ‘First-class Discipline’ Initiative Boost Disciplinary Diversity in Chinese Universities? An Exploratory Study with Four Cases (0278)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Han STransforming into a Global University—A Case Study of Tsinghua University of China (0325)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Han-Huei Tsay CStudent Engagement and the Novelty Effect in a Technology-mediated Gamified CourseDigital University recording available2017
Hancock S‘Science in action’: doctoral scientists and identity constructionAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Hancock SGender and access to postgraduate study in the UK – evidence from a multi-institutional study (0272)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Hancock SPathways beyond graduation: exploring the characteristics of those who progress to postgraduate study, and the barriers perceived by those who don’tAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Hancock SSuccess in a knowledge economy? Understanding the early labour market experiences of doctoral graduates in the UKEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Hancock SMobility after the PhD: exploring the characteristics and outcomes of UK doctoral graduatesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Handforth RImagining Our Futures: Exploring how women doctoral students negotiate academic career-possible selvesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Handforth RReading the Personal: Troubling everyday encounters within women doctoral students’ research diaries (0222)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Handforth RLetters to Future Selves: Exploring how women doctoral students visualise their futures (0242)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Handforth RThe Doctorate: A Gendered Experience? (0012)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Handley FStaff-Student Partnership Initiatives to Promote Digital Technology Use in UK Higher Education: Their Emergence and Role in Defining Students as Partners (SaP) (0328)Digital University recording available2018
Hands VBenchmarking Sustainability Research: A methodology for reviewing sustainable development research in Universities (0303)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Hansen GWriting in L2 English at the Doctoral Level – How Is It Perceived by Students and Addressed in Supervision?Student Experience recording available2013
Hansen MUniversities and unicorns: how are (education) technology companies making digital data valuableHigher Education Policy
Hansen M“Go West” – The impact of core-periphery differences on student encounters in an international study environment at a Danish universityStudent Experience recording available2014
Harboe T‘Classroom walk-throughs’ as a management approachHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Hargreaves CAddressing Doctoral Researchers’ Well-being: Will our Solutions have Impact?Student Experience recording available2017
Hargreaves CDoctoral Researchers' well-being: integrating support (0117)Student Experience recording available2016
Hargreaves CDoctoral alumni views in hindsight: learning through uncertainty, identifying opportunities 'if I could go back and do it now'.Student Experience recording available2014
Harris-Huemmert SChanging Forms of Governance in German Higher Education (0229)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Harris-Huemmert SPresent challenges to university construction, design and maintenance (0635)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2018
Harris-Huemmert SDesigning and managing Higher Education estate: two Swiss examplesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Harris-Huemmert SUniversity Leaders in Germany: towards greater professionalism and the professionalisation of others?Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Harris-Huemmert SAre we becoming more professional and if so, how? International developments in various fields of higher education managementManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Harris-Huemmert SEvaluations on diversity in German higher education: developments and examplesPoster Session recording available2014
Harrison JThe New Regionalisation of UK Higher Education (0346)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Harrison NGraduate Employment And Postgraduate Study Outcomes For Care-Experienced StudentsAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Harrison NUsing the lens of ‘possible selves’ to explore access to higher education – a new framework for policy, practice and research (0424)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Harrison NThe epistemology of effectiveness: exploring the challenges of demonstrating impact from higher education outreach activities (0389)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Harrison NRethinking risk: theorising young people’s attitudes to higher educationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Harrison NRoutes into and through higher education for care leavers in EnglandAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Harrison NStudent choices under uncertainty: applying Simon’s concept of bounded rationality (0069)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Harrison NThe effectiveness of means-tested university bursaries: recruitment, retention and success (0196)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Harrison NDeveloping a new theorisation of ‘success’ in widening participation (0312)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Harrison NWhat works and who knows: problematising ‘success’ in widening participationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Harrison NReturning to learning: gender, ethnicity and re-entry into postgraduate studyEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Harrison NPersonality and place: two neglected concepts in thinking on widening participation to higher education and social mobilityHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Harrison NInternationalism in an age of insularity: constructions of ‘global citizenship’ in English university strategic policy documents (0525)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Harrison NMarginalised communities in higher educationStudent Access and Experience
Harrison NHabitus, helicopters and wholesale escape: critiquing social mobility through elite higher education in another countryStudent Access and Experience
Harrison NIndividual and social influences on students’ attitudes to debt: a cross-national path analysis using data from England and New Zealand (0199)Student Experience recording available2015
Harrison NConstructing university students’ attitudes to debt: a cross-national studyStudent Experience recording available2014
Harrison NMarginalisation in higher education: proposing a new conceptual modelStudent Experiences
Harrison NEnabling care-experienced students to thrive in higher education using the capabilities approachStudent Experiences
Harrison PComparing higher education cultural contexts: International recruits’ insights on induction experiencesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Harvey HAn Investigation into the impact of Higher Education Policy: the Teaching Excellence Framework. A single case. (0154)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Harvey LLearning on the boundary: Developing Dramatic Enquiry for intercultural educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Hatt LUsing the Threshold Concept Framework to inform Entrepreneurship EducationEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Hawkes DA new social segregation? The impact of tuition fees, student number controls and school leaving age
on the composition of student cohorts, and hence academic practice and student experience, in UK
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Hawkes DExploiting Social Networks as a Tool to Improve Student Learning and Employment Opportunities:
Evidence from a range of Masters Degrees (0246)
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Hay DNot just talk: Restoring pedagogy in the silent body (0368)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Hay DAn anatomy of bioscience image-making: divides and loop-holes in between research and teachingAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Hay DDrawing, judgement and design of “epistemic things”: windows on the corporeal body of the scientist and her or his relations in new knowledge-makingAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Hayashi TNew Challenge for Quality Assurance Framework in Japanese Graduate EducationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Hayton APromoting diversity in creative arts education: The case of Fine Art at Goldsmiths, University of LondonAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Hayton ATheory, Evaluation and Practice in Widening Participation: Presenting a new framework to evaluate WP interventions (0320)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Hayton EHigher education campus trajectories: causes and consequencesHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Haywood HThe paradoxes and pressures of trying to maintain academic professionalism in Higher Education (0221)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Haywood HParents' Experiences of HE Choice (0048)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Haywood MInspiring Future Academics: The Human ElementLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
He RBeyond ‘Study’ Abroad: Remapping the “Exosystem” in International Education and a Comparison between Chinese and British Foreign Language LearnersStudent Experiences
He RMobility in ‘immobility’: Re-imagination of Prospective Chinese Students’ International Education Mobility during the Covid-19 PandemicStudent Experiences
Headington RStudents’ experiences of assessment feedback through analysis of the personal support networks of second year undergraduate student teachers at an English university (0253)Student Experience recording available2015
Healey MDeveloping research-based learning in college based higher education (CBHE): UK and international perspectivesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Healey RScaling the Mountain: an exploration of gendered experience of academic staff in relation to the Research Excellence Framework 2014 (0021)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Healey REthical thinking in a disciplinary context: the ethical development of undergraduates and expectations of tutors in the arts, social and pure sciencesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Heard-Laureote KNetwork formation in Higher Education: Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) as network entrepreneurs.Higher Education Policy recording available2017
Heil BThe role of Partnership and Informal Learning in HE Workplace EngagementAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Helland EJob autonomy in higher education, a mediator between empowering leadership and engagement (0174)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Henderson EThe Inaccessibility of ‘International’ Conferences: Hidden Inequalities in the Academic Profession (0260)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Henderson ECapturing the minutiae of mobility: using diary method to research the conference experiences of academics with caring responsibilities (0187)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Henderson EExploring the Everyday: Diary Method in Higher Education ResearchAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Henderson E“Novel” Delegates: Representations of Academic Identities in Fictional ConferencesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Henderson EA PhD in motion: Expected and unexpected processes and outcomes of shortterm academic mobility schemes for doctoral studentsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Henderson EConference fatigue? Representations of the in/significance of academic conferences (0118)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Henderson EQueering the conference delegate: Disrupting the proper subject of academic mobilityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Henderson E“It’s not only me doing things for me”: Conference participation for doctoral students with caring responsibilitiesAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Henderson E‘It was a good email’: Pre-application communications in doctoral student recruitment and the role of the potential supervisorAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Henderson EThe unreliable omniscient narrator: Challenges of writing and being in autoethnographic higher education research (0248)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Henderson EHidden Social Exclusion in Indian Academia: Gender, Caste and Conference ParticipationInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Henderson H‘Go Higher for Lower’: Blurred Boundaries and Possible Selves in FE’s HE Promotion (0267)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Henderson H‘The island is your campus’: Place and the geographies of island Higher EducationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Henderson HLocal students in Higher Education cold spots: Geographies of undergraduate futuresAccess and Widening Participation recording available2018
Henderson HLocal students at the local college: College-based Higher Education students and narratives of place and (im)mobilitiesAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Henderson HTheorising time, space and inequalities: The ‘possible selves’ concept in Higher Education researchAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Henderson HThinking about the future: Potential sociologies of Higher Educations students’ possible selves (0074)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Henderson HSpatial narratives: The problem and potential of the spatial in narrative Higher Education research (0245)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Heng TStereotyping International Students: The Role of Conceptual Framing in ResearchInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Henningson MUniversity Strategies on Affiliated FacultyManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Hensby ACampaigning for a Movement: Collective Identity and Student Solidarity in the 2010/11 UK Protests against Fees and Cuts (0037)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Hermansen HBeyond “implementation”: Enabling sustainable transformation of digital teaching and learning in higher educationDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Hermansen HEnacting leadership: Unpacking the work of study program leaders in teacher educationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2021
Hermansen HBlurring the boundaries between higher education and professional practice: Constructing new relations across institutional and epistemic spacesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Heron EListening Rooms: A qualitative method for better listeningAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Heron GAdapted Kaizen Group Enquiry Based Learning; a Four Year Longitudinal Analysis Utilising a Hybridised Kaizen Group Model for Plural Participatory Inclusion in a Post Graduate Taught Programme and the Emerging Role of Digital Collaborative SpaceAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Heron MResearcher-led academic developmentAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Heron MTalking about talk: tutor and student expectations of oracy skills in higher educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Heudorfer AObjectives of undergraduate research programs - Creating a program theory for research-based learningLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Heut IResearch and Teaching nexus in post 92 Universities: Tensions and challengesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Hey VRetiring Subjectivities: The affective load of becoming ‘retired’: Shedding, Shredding or Recalibrating?Higher Education Policy recording available2017
Hey VMaking a Difference? Conducting an applied study on the experience of BME staff in English Higher EducationHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Hey VStand and Deliver?: Affect Overload & Intersected AntagonismsHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Heyes JDancing with the Digital: An epistemic insight-based workshop designed to bridge disciplines and spark students’ epistemic creativityLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Higdon RNegotiating boundaries and borders: transformative pedagogies on a PGCertHE. (0088)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Higdon RWhat is a degree for? – Using students’ contributions to explore meaningful models of employability for creative degrees, creative aspirations and creative work.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Higdon RExperiencing Employability – first and final year undergraduate perspectives of “The Employability Agenda”Student Experience recording available2013
Higgins TExperiencing and thinking difference in teaching, learning and assessmentAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Higgins TTheoretical and empirical modelling of change in academic practiceAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Higson HIs Bologna Working? Employer and Graduate Reflections of the Quality, Value and Relevance of Business and Management Education in four EU CountriesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Higson HHow do you encourage student engagement in placement in placement learning?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Higson HHow can coaching and mentoring help HE staff to maximise their performance?Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Higson HReflections on research and practice in Equality and DiversityAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Higson HWhy does a doctorate in business administration (DBA) provide such unique impact on all its stakeholders?Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Higson HEvaluating the use of peer mentoring in developing mathematical skillsStudent Access and Experience
Hill ETelling the stories of what matters to Generation Z students in Higher EducationStudent Experience recording available2019
Hill GChanging Supervisory Practices - a case for transformative inquiry.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Hill JDeveloping graduate attributes through participation in the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (0100)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Hill JReconceptualising Assessment and Feedback to Promote Student WellbeingLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Hill JImproving the Student Learning Experience through Dialogic Feed-Forward AssessmentLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Hill JCan Relational Feed-Forward Enhance Students’ Affective Responses to Assessment?Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Hill JStudent Journeys: academic identity among commuting students before and during the COVID-19 pandemicStudent Experiences
Hill K“Bright Lights: Internationally educated female students and their approach to managing their study commitments”.International Perspectives & Context recording available2014
Hiller G“I could have graded your paper if you had met the minimum criteria of an academic paper” –
Diverging academic practices in the field of practice ‘examinations, proof of performance and grading’
Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Hilliard JThe impact of COVID-19 and distance learning on undergraduate students’ resilience and psycho-social wellbeing: A three-stage study to explore, implement, and evaluate effective strategies to build student communityPoster
Hillier YSymposium: Research and scholarly activity: negotiating the challenges of engaging in research for college-based HE lecturersAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Hillier YHigher education and its communitiesAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Hillier YShared and disputed ambitions in the FE/HE interface: The development of VET practitionersHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Hillyard SCollegiate consistency? An exploration of the application and transition experiences of non-traditional entrants at an elite, UK university. (0328)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Hinchcliffe GThe Space of Reasons: The role of academic judgement in assessment.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Hinchliffe GWhat is an Academic Judgement?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Hinchliffe GEpistemic Freedom and EducationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Hinchliffe GThe rationalisation of education (0052)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Hinchliffe GHigher Education in a hegemonic world (0158)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Hinchliffe GEmployability: a capability approachManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Hine AIn Australian universities, there is an increasing recognition of the need to provide opportunity, excellence and wider participation of a variety of students in the Higher Education experience.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Hinton-Smith TMethodological reflections from an interdisciplinary, international collaborative research project on teaching and learning in higher education: Experiences, challenges and opportunities for a feminist research teamInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Ho XCharacteristics and Dilemmas of Higher Engineering Education under the Background of Supply-Side Structural Reform in China (0373)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Hoelscher MComparing German and British Governance with the Governance-Equalizer: An empirical trial (0232)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Hoffman DSpace, time and networks: Key research collaboration and design challenges for critical comparative higher education research (0139)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Hoffman DAspiration, Achievement and Abandonment in ‘The World’s Best Country’: Merit and Equity or Smoke and Mirrors?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Holflod KWhat is Playful Learning? Examining Playful Voices across Boundaries in Higher Education PedagogyLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Holford JR.H. Tawney and the Idea of Higher EducationHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Holland PGraduate Employability: Impact of Race & Gender in Nursing using ‘QuantCrit’ mixed methodsEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Holmes CHigher education, the recession and austerity: efficiency in the inputs and outputs of the graduate production processHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Holmes LGraduate employability and employment: contestation and perspectivesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Holstein JThe co-option of the traditional university: a narrative analysis of 20 years research and innovation policy in the UK (0208)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Holubek VExploring teaching and learning cultures in transnational pedagogical development cooperationInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Homes LBecoming a leader in higher education as an identity projectManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Hong QReassessing the “Meritocratic Power” of Higher Education in Intergenerational Mobility in ChinaHigher education policy
Hook GQueerly belonging: sole parents in higher educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Hooper HCulture shock and the gendered teaching experiences of new academics.Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Hooper HAn Activity Theory analysis of professional support and technical staff experiences of induction into teaching.Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures recording available2022
Hope JTransitions into higher education professional and professional identityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Hope J"I want something better for my children”: Familial, aspirational and social capital of mature students
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Hope J‘Cutting Rough Diamonds’: the transition experiences of First Generation Students in Higher EducationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Hope JDoing It Right When Someone Is Looking: Neoliberalism and Quality Assurance in UK Higher Education (0080)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Hope J‘I want something better for my children’. A study of the ‘experimental capital’ of First generation mature students in HE (0050)Student Experience recording available2016
Hopkins SThe benefits for postgraduate mentors of the mentoring process. (0102)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Hordern JHigher expertise and pedagogic rights in the post-truth society (0419)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Hordosy R‘Possible Selves’ in Practice: how Further Education students conceptualise Higher EducationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Hordosy RThey teach it better because it's something they're really interested in - Undergraduate experiences of research at a Northern Red Brick UniversityStudent Experience recording available2017
Hordosy RHow do students finance their studies after the change in tuition fees, loans and grants? Timeline of financial transitions at a Northern Red-Brick University (0319)Student Experience recording available2015
Horodosy R‘Research is great and everything, but it doesn’t help me’: Undergraduate experiences of the research / teaching nexus (0458)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Horodosy R‘I’ve got work experience purely through asking’: a Critical Exploration of Extracurricular Activities and Employability (0351)Student Experience recording available2018
Horrod SLearning & teaching in policy and practice: Where has all the criticality gone?Higher Education Policy recording available2019
Horton-Walsh SGlobal student employability: Analysing the rhetoric of international placement messages (0059)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Horton-Welsh SHow do I decide on a Year in Industry (YINI) Placement: Assessing the Credibility of YINI Opportunities: A Qualitative Content Analysis ApproachEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Hosein AThe Acculturation of Undergraduate Students through Research MethodsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Hosein A“It should be the same!?!” – An Unexpected Disparity in Teaching between Post-Colonial British and UK Educational Systems (0176)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Hosein ADoctoral students navigating the borderlands of academic teaching in an era of precarityPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Hoskins KHigher education provision and access for early years educators: localised challenges arising from national policyAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Hoskins KTalent spotting, political projects and finding affinities: precarious transitions into academiaPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Hoult SAspiring to a postcolonial engagement with the Other: an investigation into postgraduate students’ ‘colonial signatures’ from their intercultural experiences during a university-led South Indian study visit to Keralan higher education institutions (0136)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Hounsell DWhat Makes for Constructive Feedback to Students?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Hovdhaugen ETighter study program structures and study progression: weak effects of new structuresHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Howell CConceptualising higher education and the public good in Africa: a journey of complexity and challenge.International Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Howes TAustralian universities and the government problem: could reconnecting with students be a way forward?Higher education policy
Howes TLeading strategic planning in universities: case studies from AustraliaManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Howitt SBecoming a scientist: students’ ethical judgments on the use of data (0217)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Howson C KEvaluating Institution-wide Curriculum Change: A Linguistic Analysis of Policy EnactmentHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Hramiak AApplying the Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching to Explore the Cultural Adaptations of Teach First Beginning Teachers (0008)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Hramiak AUsing the Dynamic Model of Educational Effectiveness to Explore Perceptions of Impact by Teach First Beginning Teachers (0007)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Hu MThe interplay of social class and gender on Chinese international postgraduates' mobility and cultural consumptions in the UKInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Huang DPhysical versus virtual mobility: the ecological systems of international students studying under different formatsStudent Access and Experience
Huang RChinese International Students’ Perspective on Employability --- A qualitative study (0171)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Huang SDiscrepancy in Quality Assurance: A case study of the influence of the first nation-wide evaluation of universities in ChinaHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Huet IProfessional Development of Doctoral Supervisors: a Systematic Literature ReviewPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Huet IDeveloping students as researchers and learners in Higher Education: the experience of SADRASStudent Experience recording available2017
Hughes APrinciples into practice: the inclusive curriculum (0318)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Hughes AFacilitating diversity and inclusion as measures of quality: the case of an Inclusive Curriculum Framework (0548)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Hughes CCollaborative Innovations for Widening Participation in Post Graduate Taught Programmes: Addressing the Needs of those ‘Least Likely’Access and Widening Participation recording available2014
Hughes CLearning Gain for Private or Public Benefit? Reviewing University Responses (0209)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Hughes GGlobal Online Inter-university Teaching (GO-IT): an inclusive approach to students as global researchers?Digital University recording available2018
Hughes GOpening the feedback ‘black box’: how can mass digital assessment support individual student progress?Digital University recording available2014
Hughes GStudent-directed use of individual and cohort learning gain data to monitor professional skills developmentLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Hui-Jung Chen KAdopting Self-accreditation in Responding to Diversity of Higher Education: Quality Assurance in Taiwan and Its Impact on Institutions (0258)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Huisman BThe influence of peer feedback on students’ academic writing: A meta-analysis (0106)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Hulsman JBranding in Higher Education: A Speech Act Theory Perspective on UK UniversitiesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Hunt SCan private providers be expected to improve higher education inclusion, choice and quality in the UK? (0295)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Hunt WParticipation in paid, unpaid and 'hidden' internships at six months after graduation: Are some
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Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Hurford DIdentifying and addressing international teachers’ complex needsPoster Session recording available2014
Hurlow SNegotiating The Employability DiscourseStudent Experience recording available2012
Husbands DThe Impostor Phenomenon Among Racially Minoritised Students: A Qualitative StudyStudent Access and Experience recording available2022
Hutchings CAcknowledging first year students’ ‘brought along’ experiences on an academic literacy course.Access and Widening Participation recording available2017
Hutchings CAn analysis of migrating identities in students returning to postgraduate studiesAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Hutchings MLearning and Not Learning from policy and practice: widening participation and organisational learning (0311)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Hutchings PStudent Engagement With VLEs: Why And Why Not?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Huybers TStudent evaluation of degree programmes: the use of Best-Worst Scaling (0102)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Ida HPositioning reading as academic literacies: the pedagogical experience of academic staffAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Ida HHow can we theorize academic librarians’ cross-boundary identity? --- Focusing on information literacy as a new dimension of librarians’ jobsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Ida HSupporting engagement in English language learning during COVID-19 using paper-based textbooks—A case study of Japanese universitiesDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Ilie SExploring the effectiveness of low-cost low-intensity programmes for improving educational knowledge and progressionAccess and Widening Participation recording available2018
Ilie SUnderstanding unequal pathways towards higher education in a developing context: focusing on access and learning (0307)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Ilie SExploring patterns of learning gain in higher education: the equity dimensionHigher Education Policy recording available2018
Ilie SLearning gain: from concept to measurementLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Ilie SDefining learning gain in higher education – exploring the student perspective (0230)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Ilieva-Trichikova PTowards measurement of higher education as a common good: possibilities and
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Ingram N‘Talent-spotting’ or ‘social magic’? Inequality, cultural sorting and constructions of the ideal graduate in elite professionsEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Ingram NCivic participation among UK university graduates: exploring the influences of class, gender and type of employmentStudent Experience recording available2017
Ingram RCollege Connect: Enhancing the Evidence Base for ArticulationStudent Experience recording available2014
Irvine BA framework for Specialist (Autism) Mentoring in UK HEPsAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Isaac STeamwork Self-Efficacy and Gender in Engineering Students: A study on differences in group dynamics and their sources (0278)Student Experience recording available2016
Isaac SEpistemic cognition and in-class activities of engineering students (0274)Student Experience recording available2016
Isirabahenda GMy master field was not in line with reality: Insights from Customer Support Employees about Graduate EmployabilityEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Issberner JEnterprise in the curriculum is rarely about Entrepreneurship: A case study in setting up Enterprise Education awareness at the University of St Andrews. (0529)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Jackenkroll BThe relationship between ethical leadership, illegitimate tasks and burnout facets of academic staff in
German universities: A path analysis
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Jackson C‘Lad Culture’ and Learning in Higher EducationStudent Experience recording available2013
Jackson DUnderstanding university students’ involvement with business consultancy: an audit and review of barriers and motivationsEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Jackson MInternationalising a Creative Curriculum (0331)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Jaksztat SExplaining Employment Sector Choices among Doctoral Graduates in GermanyAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures recording available2021
James ARemote Research Bootcamps for Preproposal and Post Data Early Career ResearchersDigital University and New Learning Technologies recording available2021
James APlaying in a Pandemic: lessons for higher education teaching and researchLearning, Teaching & Assessment
James DCollaboration and Criticality in Social Science Doctoral Education (0343)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
James KHigher Education Sector Engagement with Higher Education Academy Fellowship (0078)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
James N“I couldn’t have done it without my Access tutor”. Inspiring Access to Higher Education students to (re) engage with learning.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
James N“I was going from one dead end job to another”: Developing the employability of Access to Higher Education students.Higher Education Policy recording available2013
James N‘The access course could change your life’: Capturing mature students’ understandings and expectations of Access to Higher EducationHigher Education Policy recording available2012
James NNew Pedgaogic Spaces for Mature Students in Higher a Post Pandemic EraHigher education policy
Jameson JReferring to a number of data collections done by the authors and others on student learning experiences in HE, looking at the views of pre-entry students and their parents, undergraduate students, academic staff and employers, (see Jameson et al 2009; Strudwick and Jameson 2010; Purcell et al 2010), this paper discusses the dynamic and competitive landscape of current HE provision in the UK.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Jameson JAn ESRC HIVE-PED Research Report: How age, gender, class and industry frame complex, pragmatic, delayed progression patterns to higher education for apprentices in EnglandAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Jameson JTrust, the Visibility/Invisibity Leadership Paradox, and a Model for Reflective Negative Capability in the Academic Management of English Higher Education (0358)Digital University recording available2015
Jameson J‘Critical Corridor Talk’: Just Gossip or Hidden Moral Resistance to Managerialism? The Negative Capability of Distributed Higher Education LeadershipManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Jameson JObliquity Leadership: Successful Circuiting the Dean’s Disease in Higher EducationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Jameson JSocrates, Barefoot Leadership and Trust in English Higher Education in an Age of AusterityManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Janßen MWorth in academia in times of change - Reformation of the German university sector and its consequences on the construction of worth (0368)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Jayadeva SEnthusiastic learners or instrumental customers? Constructions of students across six European countriesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Jefferies ADigitally literate or merely digitally competent? Exploring technology ownership and use among HE students in two non-UK environments (0056)Digital University recording available2015
Jefferson ADoctoral socialization in time of pandemic: reproduction of inequality in the new social field.Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Jenkins AIncome and Expenditure in the UK university system in the 21st Century: A Golden Age? (0130)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Jennings DMindful of the Future: Improving Student AssessmentLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Jensen JCreative Inquiry: A Case Study of the Marriage of Arts & Creativity in an American University's
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Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Jensen TDigital natives revisited: the need to reorganize academic institutions and conceptual categories in a digital worldDigital University recording available2013
Jogie MGrowth Mindset: The Lost DimensionAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Johnes GThe Impact Of Institutional Student Support On Graduation Rates In PhD ProgrammesStudent Experience recording available2012
Johnes JCosts and efficiency in the English higher education sectorHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Johnson CDesigning an Online Music Tutor Development Programme (0148)Digital University recording available2018
Johnson CA pedagogical framework for teaching music online: A multiple case studyDigital University recording available2017
Johnson JA nalysing the transformational effects of UK higher e ducation on Chinese female studentsInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2014
Johnson JThe transition from rote learning to critical reflection: experiences of Chinese Masters students in the UKLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Johnson MIntersubjectivity and Teaching: Analysing constraint in online and face-to-face engagement through the cybernetic lens of Ross Ashby (0314)Digital University recording available2016
Johnson MBeyond the Pedagogic models of Technology Enhanced Learning: An inquiry into the conditions into the construction of educational theoriesDigital University recording available2014
Johnson MUncertainty, Collegial Organisation and the Collective Competencies of DigitalizationDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Johnson MSocial Ontology and Academic Status: A case-study from the Russian Far-East (0254)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Jonbekova DUniversity-Industry Partnerships in Kazakhstan (0356)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Jonbekova D‘The diploma is not enough’: students’ views on the role of higher education credentials for employability in KazakhstanEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Jonbekova DInternational Education Scholarships: Pathways to Social ChangeInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Jonbekova DThe challenges of developing university-industry partnerships: Innovation under constraintInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Jones ALeading University Teaching: Exploring the rationale, decisions and evidenceManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Jones CConformity of Employability Messages and Student PerceptionsEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Jones CIt is a decade since the then Department for Industry, University and Skills proposed that employability should be central to the vision of all universities (DIUS, 2008)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Jones CThe Impact of Management Education on Students’ Perceptions of Employability.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Jones CCreating spaces to share Creativity - Nurturing a community of expertise in simulationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Jones CA Systematic Review of Academic Personal Tutoring using a Design Thinking MethodologyStudent Experience recording available2019
Jones C EThe Impact of Postgraduate Management Education on Students’ Perceptions of Employability. (0241)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Jones DUsing a Pictorial Narrative Approach to Understand Aspirations of Higher Education Towards
Diversion and Desistance from Offending
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Jones JEvaluating the impact of a Welsh Government lead education intervention: Economic regeneration or ‘soft’ outcome success?Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Jones KAcademic Career Breaks in the Neoliberal Academy: Postdoctoral Researchers as Neoliberal Subjects, Identity Work and Existential AngstEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Jones RExploring the Role of Extra-Curricular Activity in Developing Employability and Graduate IdentityEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Jones R‘If you pass the baton to them, they will take more care of it’: Some reflections on safely transferring learning control to degree students to improve the student learning experience.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Jones REngagement and Alienation amongst Business Undergraduates: A Student Voice. (0140)Student Experience recording available2015
Jones SAdmissions staff and their values: how HE selectors reconcile personal identities, local needs and institutional demandsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Jones S‘Educational Genomics’ and Higher EducationHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Jones S“It may as well be nine million”: initial responses to higher tuition fees at English Universities by academically able students in low-participation schoolsHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Jonsas KProject research, children, and securing the next contract - navigating the traps on a precarious career trajectory (0404)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Jonsas KGoverning Women. Academic Careers, New Public Management, And Gender In Business Schools (0284)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Jonsas KThe Missing Link between the Realms of HE and Work? Conceptualisations of Knowledge Exchange in Educational CollaborationEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2021
Jonsas K“I just need exposure”: Understanding the benefits of knowledge exchange for business undergraduates, academics, and industry partnersEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2021
Jonsas KEnhancing by Stealth: Student ‘Becoming’, Mobility and EngagementLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Jordan KNetworked selves and networked publics in academia: Exploring academic online identity through sharing on social media platforms (0230)Digital University recording available2018
Jordan K‘Sort by relevance’: Exploring user assumptions about ranking in online academic literature searchesDigital University and New Learning Technologies recording available2022
Jovanovic TThe Roma in Serbian Higher Education: Enablers and Barriers (0101)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Joyce-Gibbons ADesirable non-teachable attributes for a successful teaching career in Peru: How to identify these in recruitment and selection to undergraduate coursesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Jung JDiversification of Master’s Degree in Hong KongPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
K CEngagement versus Satisfaction: Approaches to Measuring the Student ExperienceStudent Experience recording available2012
Kaasboel EExperience and transformative processesHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Kadiri MAssessing the use of immersive virtual reality in the Higher Education classroom to enhance learner engagementDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Kador TA participatory approach to developing outward-facing assessmentsStudent Experience recording available2017
Kahn PHigher Education for a Collective Approach to WorkEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Kahn PFostering sustainable development through organizational institutionalism: a role for higher education?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Kahn PJudging the quality of higher education from a firm basis in realityHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Kahn PCritical perspectives on student engagement as ‘what students do’ (0138)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Kallenberg TWorking in the Shadow of Hierarchy: the Managerial-Administrative Relationships in a closer perspectiveManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Kallneberg TPrism of Change? The academic middle manager and the transformation he accomplishes Ton Kallenberg Researcher Head Staff Department Education Research & Student Affairs Erasmus University RotterdamManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Kandiko CWhy work in academia? A comparative analysis of motivation and prestige factors of academics in different national contexts.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Kandiko CStudent Expectations and Perceptions of Higher EducationStudent Experience recording available2013
Kandiko CWhat are student experience surveys for? Shared and contested ambitionsStudent Experience recording available2012
Kandiko Howson CThe Prestige Economy and Mid-career Academic Women: Strategies, Choices and Motivation (0002)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Kandiko Howson CRaising the Prestige of Educational Expertise: Research-Intensive Curriculum ChangeAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Kandiko Howson CCulture and Curriculum Change: A Prestige Economy AnalysisAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Kandiko Howson CSenior Professional Leaders: Prestige, Credibility and Advancement in Higher Education (0291)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2018
Kandiko Howson CClosing attainment gaps through personal tutoring: Putting learning gain data to use (0360)Student Experience recording available2018
Kandiko Howson CStudent engagement in the UK: Defining, distilling and critiquing partnership (0003)Student Experience recording available2015
Kandiko-Howson CMeasuring learning gain (0333)Student Experience recording available2016
Kandiko-Howson CStudent engagement in the UK: Cognitive testing survey itemsStudent Experience recording available2014
Kane SStudent transition: belonging at university and living at home (0121)Student Experience recording available2015
Kaniadakis AInterpretation and application of assessment criteria in a large soft skills module: The role of relationships in communities of practice (0627)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Kanuka HQuestioning Teaching and Technology BeliefsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Kanuka HForty years on: What now?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Kapinga-Mutatayi MInterrelationships between students’ approaches to learning, perceptions of learning environments and academic performance in an African contextStudent Experience recording available2017
Karim MImpact of Short Video Case (SVC) on the Attendance of Students in Business School (0337)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Karlsson SEvaluation as a management tool in academiaManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Karmakar M‘Dreams’ and ‘Struggles’ of Female Dalit Students in Indian Public Universities.Student Experiences
Kataeva ZGlobalization, the Bologna Process and dilemmas of higher educational organizational changes in the
former Soviet countries
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Kauppila HArt as the heart of sustainable development in higher educationStudent Experience recording available2019
Keane ESocial Class in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in Ireland: Considering the Formal Categorisations and Self-Classifications of 2013/2014 Postgraduate Post-primary ITE EntrantsAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Keenan M“I’m not really sure why I took that!” Exploring the everyday and the unexpected through photo-elicitation (0223)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Keenan MExploring heteronormativity and Bi and Trans exclusion on campus: Learning from the experiences of undergraduate students.Access and Widening Participation recording available2017
Kelemen MAnimating the future of community based researchAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Kelly JEnvisaging a Future: Enhanced TransitionLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Kempenaar LFemale academics and career progression: Can Structured Writing retreats make a difference? (0180)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Kempenaar LBut who’s counting? A follow up evaluation of one year of structured writing retreats.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Kempenaar LPractice what we preach: Teaching health promotion in Higher Education (0355)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Kendall AGiving up and getting lost in Hanoi: re-imagining transnational higher education with post-qualitative
practices in a UK, Vietnam TNE partnership
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Kennedy E“The voice serves as feedback”: students’ affective experiences of an online doctoral programmeDigital University recording available2014
Kerridge SResearch Management and Administration as a Profession: Who are Research Managers and Administrators? Demographics of the profession internationally.Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Kester KWhither epistemic (in)justice? English medium instruction in conflict-affected contextsInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Khan BExploring the participation and lived experience of Black African, Black Caribbean and Other Black (BACOB) doctoral candidates in English universitiesStudent Access and Experience
Khan PCritical perspectives on methodology in higher education researchAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Khodary YAssessing the Effectiveness of Political Science Higher Education in EgyptLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Kilburn DCapacity building in advanced social science research methods: Researching teaching and learning processesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Kim TTicking the ‘Other’ Box: Positional identities of East Asian academics in UK universities internationalisation and diversificationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Kim TThe Hidden Narratives of Higher Education Internationalisation: Can Excellence and Inclusion Cohabit? The Case of East Asian Mobile Academics in UK Universities (0268)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Kim TPurity and danger in university governance: a comparative analysis of autonomy and control in higher education (0260)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Kim TGlobal Academic Capitalism, Transnational Knowledge Capital, and Academic Stratification (0352)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Kinchin IPedagogic Frailty: A lens to support professional development of senior academicsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Kinchin IPedagogic frailty: an initial consideration of aetiology and prognosis. (0026)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Kinchin IThe significance of knowledge structures in Technology-Enhanced Learning: A Bernsteinian analysis of the TPACK* framework. (*TPACK = Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Kinchin IUndergraduate research as pedagogy for the twenty-first century university: Student-generated perspectives on research-teaching links.Student Experience recording available2013
Kinchin IThis work builds on the application of a vast body of research that has used concept mapping to illustrate the
structure of knowledge – structure that is often overlooked, or masked by common teaching practices.
Student Experience recording available2012
King VMapping new lecturers’ shared and contested identities: a collaborative inquiryAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Kirby HWhat time is good for you: To what extent do student perceptions of the time of their activities motivate their attendance behaviours?Student Experience recording available2018
Kirby-Hawkins H#9K4WHAT? The voice of the actively disengagedStudent Experiences
Kitagawa FKnowledge Exchange and Impact: A comparison of policy incentives and diverging spatial relationships in the UK Higher EducationHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Klassen MThe academization of engineering education in the United States and the UK A neo-institutional perspective (0293)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Klemencic MWhy would students contribute to collective well-being and university quality enhancement?The role of student belonging (0311)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Klemencic MFrom student engagement to student agency in higher education: conceptual considerations (0307)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Kloet ESliders in educational changeAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Kloet ECurriculum as a totem, symbolizing teacher’s images of studentsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Kloet EBeneath the surface, the influence of archetypes in an educational change programmeHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Kloet EDeveloping a university wide policy for increasing flexibility and 21st century skills (0156)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Kmiotek-Meier EWhat to Offer in Career Service Trainings? Competencies and Skills Needed on (German) Labour Market for GraduatesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Kmiotek-Meier EThe agenda for now and the future: The centrality of international student mobility in Luxembourg’s higher education policy discourse (0244)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Kmiotek-Meier EThe Things We (Might) Lose. Content and Context of Digital Teaching in Times of Covid-19Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Knight LLessons to learn from 15 years of Access AgreementsHigher Education Policy
Knowler HExploring the assessment experiences of postgraduate ‘international’ students: developing ‘culturally sensitive’ practicesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Knox JLecture Recording for Inclusive EducationDigital University recording available2019
Kobayashi SPersonal Development Planning as a means to strengthen supervisory relationships in doctoral educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Kobayashi SI’m just thinking - How learning opportunities are created in doctoral supervisionLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Kofinas ADis-Engaging with Gamification in Higher Education (0143)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Koh JCreating Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Through Instructional ConsultationDigital University recording available2019
Koh JHLFostering Professional Thinking In Early Learning Dietetics Lectures Through Flipped LearningLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Kohtamäki VDeveloping expertise in higher education administration and management: Perspectives of alumni studentsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Kohtamäki VUniversity Leaders' Motives for Institutional Autonomy in FinlandManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Kolokitha M‘Freelance academics’ and the dream of ‘permanent’ position (0309)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Komljenovic JUniversities and unicorns: mapping financial investment flows in higher education technologyHigher education policy
Komljenovic JUniversities and unicorns: the role of assetisation and rentiership in the construction of higher education digital futuresHigher education policy
Komljenovic JPaper 5: Employability aspirations of first year students of chemistry and chemical engineeringLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Konstantinou IUnderstanding the experience of mature students completing a degree apprenticeshipStudent Experiences
Kosbar YTrespassing and Transgression: Arab Masculinities and Gender Equality ResearchHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Kotta LThe University of Queensland’s faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology (EAIT) recently undertook a review of the engineering curriculum to study and report on the nature of the UQ Engineering experience.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Koutsouris GUnderstanding the Barriers Posed by the Hidden Curriculum that HE students from diverse cultural
and social backgrounds experience
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Krause K-LDisruptive change, transforming cultures: approaches to university-wide curriculum renewal through blended learningDigital University recording available2014
Krueger ADigital Infrastructures in Academic Evaluation –
Measuring Performance or Performing Measurement?
Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Kubiak CWhat are the support needs of students with caring responsibilities?Student Experiences
Kum HThe ‘New’ Professional Emigrant: Complexities and cultural challenges of Cross Border transitions as a university lecturer from Cameroon to Scotland and
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Kumar AReframing idea of justice in Indian higher educationHigher Education Policy
Kumar NCross-border expansion and the production of public outcomes of universitiesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Kumar NMeasuring management student's experiences: Exploring Indian Management College Climate ScaleStudent Experiences
Kushnir IEuropeanisation agenda and membership in the European Higher Education Area post-2020: stakeholders’ perspectives from the UK and GermanyHigher Education Policy
Kuzhabekova AShort-Term International Mobility as a Faculty Development Mechanism: Lessons from Kazakhstani
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International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Kwiek MQuantifying Academic Careers: Large-Scale Data and Changing Individual Research Productivity from a Life Cycle PerspectiveAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Kwiek MHighly-Paid Academics: Productivity, Prestige and Salary Patterns across EuropeHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Kwok KThe Difference Index: A Novel Quantitative Measure of Module Mark Differences Between Student GroupsManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality
L Ackfelt A“The words we say will teach, if we practise what we preach: Developing a new discourse to encourage cultural changes in higher education.”Higher Education Policy recording available2012
L Krause KAssuring academic standards through inter-university peer review: A sector-wide approachLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Lai MHow rural students deal with ‘stuckness’ and enhance their opportunities in higher educationInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Lainio AConstructions of higher education students as threat and object of criticisms across six European countriesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Lainio AStudents; Being and Becoming Consumers of Higher Education? (0436)Student Experience recording available2018
Lam S HResearch-based versus work-integrated learning: Are there any differences in perceived learning of
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Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Lamaras PEssential Features of Serious Games Design: Search and Analysis ProcessDigital University recording available2014
Laming MMature-aged men’s experiences of higher education: Australia and England compared. (0231)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Lamoureax SBreaking silos: Improving the recruitment and admission experience of international students (0181)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Lamoureux SBuilding confidence in students’ HE & FE choices: impact of a two-day immersive university experienceAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Lamoureux S“Things That Make You Go Hmmm”: How Analyses of Student Voice Lead to an Institutional Learning Moment (0081)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Lamoureux SGoing beyond the « luck of the draw » : Improving the experience of college transfer students at a large research universityAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Lamoureux SEnsuring a quality student experience: we all have our parts to playManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Lamoureux SOne size doesn’t fit all: Pathways into and within higher education institutionsStudent Experience recording available2013
Lamoureux SSymposium: We all have our parts to play: The roles of students, peer-mentors and administration in creating pathways to higher education and student success for minority-language studentsStudent Experience recording available2012
Land RToil and trouble: troublesome knowledge as counter-discourse to neoliberalism.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Lane ASame Same, but Different: The Biographical Profile of Entrepreneurship Educators in Higher EducationTechnical, Professional and Vocational Higher Education
Lange JScientific findings and innovations are of great significance for the societal development and competitiveness of nation-states.Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Langemeyer IHumboldt’s Come-Back? Approaches of research-oriented teaching validated and scrutinized on the basis of an empirical AnalysisLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Langemeyer IInsights on research-driven teaching and learningLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Langsten LLearning in Public and Private Universities in EgyptLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Larkin MAssessing the extent of student part-time employment and the effects on engaging in Higher
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Laufer MResisting Digital Change: Is it a Bad Thing?: An exploration into why university staff resist digital teachingDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Lauridsen KDiversity in peer groups - the benefits and tensions it may entailStudent Experience recording available2013
Lauridsen OGuided peer learning in diverse student groupsStudent Experience recording available2013
Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2018
Lavigne EPaths to the Canadian Deanship: A Study of Canadian Universities’ Appointment Announcements (0071)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Lawrence AAcademic identities revealed? Reflections on participant-selected artefacts presented within a narrative inquiry research methodologyAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Lawrence AFace-to-face versus online interviews when choice is returned - the virtual mobility of qualitative researchers in changing HE spacesAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Lawson FInspiring Minds Research-Engaged STEAM Outreach: How we can and should change our practice.Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Lawson FA Case Study of how research co-creation between schools and a university research centre is supporting the development of ‘Epistemically Insightful’ curriculum transformation in English Secondary Schools.Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Le AAcademic work from the perspectives of aspiring academics: an exploratory study of doctoral candidates from four disciplines in AustraliaAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Lea MResearching academic literacies in the digital university: considering individual accounts and network practiceDigital University recording available2013
Leahy RStructures in Higher Education that Support Industry EngagementAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Lean J‘Finding the Fun’: Play as a mode of experience for the educator/researcher in HELearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Lean JRise at Manchester Met: An Open World Landscape in Higher EducationPoster
Leathwood CExploring the impacts of the casualisation of academic staff on the teaching and learning of undergraduate studentsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Leathwood CResearch Policy and Academic Performativity: Compliance, contestation and complicityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Leathwood CIn/citing affect in the global higher education market: the emotionality of research policy textsStudent Experience recording available2013
Lebeau YWhen Forced Mobility Challenges Neoliberal Globalisation: Translating UNESCO’s Agenda for Fair Access to HE into National and Institutional Internationalisation StrategiesHigher Education Policy
Lebeau YChanging patterns of international mobility in the making of an academic community: A case study of
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Lee AWhat can four international case studies teach us about the doctoral process?Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Lee AIdentifying the components of excellent doctoral supervision: creating an inclusive experience for the doctoral candidate (0388)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Lee CInternational branch campus students’ perceptions of their experience and employabilityEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Lee CInternational branch campus students’ perceptions of what ‘developing employability’ isEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Lee GInstitutional Autonomy vs State Control: Dual Sector Universities in British Columbia Canada (0312)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Lee GThe Role of dual sector universities in widening participation: part of the solution or part of the problem?Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Lee JComplicit Reproductions in the Global South: Courting World Class Universities and Global RankingsInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Lee JConceptualizing Local Research Capacity in KazakhstanInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Lee JWhy Universities Matter: Understanding the International Student Experience in the UKStudent Experiences
Lee SDoes college level the playing field? Impacts of spatial inequalities on the gap in the earnings of similar graduatesHigher education policy
Lees / Avery R / BEngaging and Empowering Students Through Inter- and Intra-Module ContinuityLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Lees RInvestigating Staff Opinion of the Module Evaluation ProcessAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Lees RStudent Conceptions of Employability: a phenomenographic study of placement vs non-placement business students (0267)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Lees RThe integrative curriculum – using synoptic assessment to support the achievement of programme learning outcomes (0329)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Lees RFeedback use in Formative Assessment – are academics practising what they preach?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Lehane MBlended learning: next steps, new opportunities.Digital University and New Learning Technologies
Lehtomaki EGlobal citizenship in higher education: learning to debate through cross-cultural dialogues (0218)Student Experience recording available2015
Leibowitz BContext, Agency and Responsibility in Professional Learning: A South African Study (0261)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Leibowitz BThe professional development of academics as teachers: Reconsiderations (0038)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Leigh JIt’s a win- win: Developing Post-Doctoral Researcher and Undergraduate opportunitiesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Leigh JExploring embodied academic identity through creative research methods: A video essay (0417)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Leigh JInclusivity in Academia: Research; Teaching; Work; Accessibility (0386)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Leigh JExploring embodied academic identityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Leigh JEmbodied Perspectives on Research in Higher EducationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Leigh JThe importance of communities in HE: the example of WISC, the international network for women in supramolecular chemistry and its work to support the retention and progression of women and marginalised genders.Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Leigh JSummer Vacation Research Competition: An opportunity for Post-doctoral Researchers and Undergraduates (0387)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Leighton RLecturers’ curational behaviour: selecting, structuring, and presenting resourcesPoster
Leinster JTo what extent do board games facilitate deep learning in higher education?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Leisyte LDigital performance management in higher education: transforming the control of academic work?Digital University and New Learning Technologies recording available2022
Leisyte LShifting Governance Arrangements and Protected Spaces in Universities (0216)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Leite-Velho GReform and consequences: Financial Changes in Portuguese Universities 2007-2020International Contexts and Perspectives
Lenger AUnintended Consequences of Quantification, Metrification and New Public Management in Higher Education: The Rise of a New Spirit of Academic CapitalismAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Leung ATeacher Feedback and Student LearningLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Lewin DThis paper takes the view that the University is a place of education – not only of learning; a place where formation and transformation of students can and should take place.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Lewis CKnowledge, impact and legacy in community heritage research projects: Cambridge Community Heritage and beyondAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Lewis CThe Higher Education Field Academy: The impact of research-engaged approach to Widening Participation in Higher Education (0068)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Lewis DBridging understanding: Confucian values and concerns for the self-cultivation of academic identity in China (0374)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Lewitt MDeveloping professional identity in biomedical science: Face-to-face marking of an assignment as a “space of influence”Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Lewitt MPerforming the research data: interdisciplinary approaches in the construction of knowledge (0271)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Lewitt MBeyond the Looking Glass: a multi-methods approach to interdisciplinary investigation of interprofessional educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Lewitt MLearning for interprofessional practice: identifying interprofessional capabilities and cultures (0170)Digital University recording available2015
Lewthwaite SPedagogy in context: international experts’ insights into the teaching of advanced research methods. (0244)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Lewthwaite SThe pedagogy of social science research methods: a textbook caseLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Li HHow to understand the gap between practice and theory when making education innovation?Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2012
Li JThe Implementation of Project-based-learning in China’s Higher Education: A Case StudyLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2022
Li Kusterer HReviewing the reviewers: The social construction of evaluation criteria in professorship appointments in Swedish academia. (0225)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Lightfoot NIt wasn’t really where the university was in the league table..’: A comparative investigation of student choice of higher education institutionsHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Likhovtseva ERegional Universities: A new Normality of Higher Education ?International Contexts and Perspectives recording available2021
Lim MConcepts and Practices of Quality: Higher Education in Emerging Economies - a case study of the PhilippinesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Lim M AResponding to racial microaggressions: Chinese students’ experience in the UK and universities’ global social responsibilityInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Lim M AChinese Higher Education Pedagogies in Social Sciences and Humanities: A Systematic Literature and Policy ReviewInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Linden JThe role of disciplinary knowledge in higher education curriculum practices (0091)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Lindsey LThe role and views of volunteer patients in undergraduate pharmacy education: involved stakeholders or back seat drivers?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Lindsey LIdentifying support needs and developing support for a diverse student group in their transition to higher educationStudent Access and Experience
Lindvig KHow do PhD-students become academics through interdisciplinary research projects? (0167)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2016
Lingling Xu CEducating China on the move: A typology of contemporary Chinese higher educational mobilitiesInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Listau KWork engagement: A double-edged sword? A study on the relationship between work engagement and the work-home interaction (0185)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Litherland KStaff perceptions of “inclusive” and “excellent” teaching in a changing HE landscape (0537)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Little DMirrors, models, and merits: educational developers’ credibility and leadership (0177)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Liu H“Chinese Model” of Lifelong Education System EstablishmentHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Liu JShaped by global and local dynamics: Evolving themes, paradigms and academic “tribes” in higher education research in ChinaInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Liu XInstitutional governance of private universities in China - a comparative analysis of three universities (0019)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Liu YWhen Choices Become Chances: Extending Boudon’s Positional Theory to Understand University Choices in Contemporary China (0005)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Liu YWomen Rising as Half of the Sky? An Empirical Study on Women from the ‘One-Child’ Generation and Their Higher Education Participation in Contemporary China (0073)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Ljubojevic DThe Realpedagogik – linking Learning Design research with Learning Design practiceLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2021
Lo SAnalysis of Tools for the Critical Appraisal of Educational ResearchLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Lo WReorienting Internationalisation of Higher Education in Taiwan:
From Outward-Looking to Inward-looking (0370)
Higher Education Policy recording available2018
Lo Y WA Comparative Study of Institutional Dynamics of Universities in Hong Kong, Macau and TaiwanManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Loads DHere I introduce the notion of semantic levity, by extending Maton’s work on semantic waves.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Locke WAcademic careers: milestones and options on a critical pathAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Locke W‘Early’ ‘career’ ‘researchers’ in the social sciences: Redefining the terms Dr William Locke, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, UK Dr Richard Freeman, UCL Institute of Education, University College London, UKAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Locke WThe implications of a diversifying workforce for higher education systems, institutions and individualsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Locke WThe implications of a changing academic workforce for the university as a critical institution (0047)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Locke WAcademic work and careers in local, national and global contexts (0159)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Locke WGlobal University Rankings: Impacts on Universities WorldwideHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Locke WWhat are academics for? Enduring perceptions and key challengesHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Locke WCould ‘Trust’ be the New Indicator for Knowledge Exchange Activities and Strategies?Higher Education Policy
Locke WLiving with the world rankings: How ‘aspirational’ universities negotiate status anxiety within increasingly competitive environments (0049)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Locke WAusterity and the academy in England and internationally: market discipline and the restructuring of the academic workforceManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Lockett MThe impact of the UK Quality Code for Higher Education on alternative higher education providersManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Lomer SStudent responses to blended learning: valuing relationshipsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Lomer SInternational students in UK national policy: quality, consumers and Other (0084)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Lomer SRationales and representations: international students in UK national policy from 1999-2013 (0095)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Lomer SEthically engaging international students: student generated material in an active blended learning
International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Lomer SCash cows or pedagogic partners? Mapping pedagogic practices for and with international studentsLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Lopes AThe research-teaching nexus and academic identities in Portuguese nurse educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Losse MRebalancing teaching and research by boundary crossing action research in an institutional learning community (0087)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Loughlin CDigitally Mediated Note-taking Practices of Students in Higher EducationStudent Experience recording available2017
Love TThe impact of clickers on module evaluation questionnaire responses (0192)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Loveland - Armour LMapping the Disparate Landscapes of University Students’ Experiences with DyslexiaStudent Experience recording available2019
Lowe JFrom lifelong learning to youth employment: the future for higher education in Scotland’s collegesStudent Experience recording available2014
Loytonen TArts in Re-imagining the UniversityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Lu BThere and back again: Transnational mobilities of returnee doctoral supervisors with overseas doctoratesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Lu SUniversity Ranking, Hukou System, College Geography and College Policies: Factors of Affecting Students' Social Capital—Based on A Study of Chinese Eleven CollegesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Lucander HA Model for Quality Assurance of Assessments and examinations (MQAA) (0224)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Lucas LThe Future of Research and Teaching in UK Universities?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Lucas L‘Who leaves the most behind’? Developing ‘curricular justice’ in doctoral education in South Africa and the UKAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Lucas LChallenging Curriculum: exploring access and equity within doctoral education and academic profession learning (0122)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Lucas LGetting to university: experiences of students from rural areas in South AfricaStudent Experiences
Luchinskaya DAnalysing the rows: Investigating different approaches to agency among the ‘Class of 2020’ graduatesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Luchinskaya DBeyond individuals’ employment outcomes: wellbeing and career clarity insights from UK graduates’ higher education journeys.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Luckett KWhat might ‘decolonising the curriculum’ mean?Access and Widening Participation recording available2017
Luczaj KA Reverse Brain Drain? Western Scholars in Academic PeripheriesInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Luescher-Mamashela TAchieving progressive ends by conservative means? Policy internationalisation in South African higher education governance in the period of 2001 to 2009International Perspectives & Context recording available2014
Lumb MContemporary EDI (equality, diversity, inclusion) as symptom and tool of ‘neoliberalisation’ in higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2022
Lumb MEmployability and the Possibility Paradox in Australian Higher EducationStudent Experiences
Luo JEnhancing Chinese direct entrants’ cross-cultural transition: A two-phase studyStudent Experience recording available2019
Luthra RReacting to restriction in the neo-liberal University: Management and EU Staff Response to BrexitManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Luy ALessons from Beyond HE: Exploring Sense of Belonging to Redefine Inclusive ExcellenceAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
M Bathmaker AScholarship and research activity in a stratified HE system: what are the rules of the game for HE in FE lecturers in England?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
M-Zimdars ACan contextual data aid ‘fair admission’?Higher Education Policy recording available2013
Ma YChances and Challenges to personal and professional development in Chinese higher
education institutions: Perspectives of Chinese returnee lecturers who have overseas learning
International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Macdonald IFive go to Mozambique: a film of how design students develop intercultural competencies for professional practice and global citizenship. (0035)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Macdonald KThe Academic Developer – Pillar or Prop? (0195)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Macdonald MWhen a prop becomes a hurdle: effectively scaffolding the level 4 learning experienceDigital University recording available2014
Macfarlane BHigher education research as an accidental career: the pathfinder and pathshaper generations (0173)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Macfarlane BMultiple authorship: power, performativity and the gift economy (0075)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Macfarlane BEstablishing International Branch Campuses: the need for a moral compass (0070)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Macfarlane BStudent Performativity: How Presenteesim, Learnerism and Globalism are Eroding the Freedom to LearnHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Macfarlane BThe student protest movement in Hong Kong: understanding the strawberry generation (0066)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Macfarlane BStudent engagement policies and the subversion of ‘student-centred’ (0069)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Macfarlane BAssessment and student performativity: the surveillance of social attitudes and behavioral skillsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Macfarlane BStudent performativity: how presenteesim, learnerism and globalism are eroding
the freedom to learn
Student Experience recording available2013
Macfarlane BThe Surveillance of Learning: a critical analysis of university student attendance policiesStudent Experience recording available2012
Macfarlane KSupporting Equality of Access to Higher Education in Scotland: Access and Transition Through Immersion in Higher Education for Advanced Higher Pupils (0223)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Madgali JMeeting new expectations: heads of department as leaders in universities in the Arabian GulfManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Madriaga MHow international students become black: a story of whiteness in English higher educationAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Madriaga MAntiblackness in institutional strategies to overcome race inequality and discrimination (0437)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Madriaga MHaving to negotiate whiteness in addressing black and ethnic minority gap attainment in English higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Madriaga MPursuing decolonial desires: university outreach and spreading the ‘good news’ of higher educationHigher education policy
Madsen LShaping academic practice through transnational research capacity building: ‘It shaped how I look at
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Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Madsen LStudents experience of an interdisciplinary science study programme: negotiations of belonging (0205)Student Experience recording available2016
Maekele Tsega SInternationalization of higher education and student mobility: Access, widening participation and (mis)recognitionInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2021
Maguire TA national dialogue on enhancing teaching in higher education: moving towards an Irish framework of professional developmentInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2014
MahdaviMazdeh HWhen to innovate and when to mimic? Responding to disruptive changes in higher educationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Maher BDivided by Loyalty: The Debate Regarding Loyalty Provisions in the National Defense Education Act of 1958 (0256)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Mählck PCapacity-Building, Internationalisation or Postcolonial Education? Space and Place in Development Aid Funded PhD Training (0143)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Mählk PAcademic mobility at the intersection of development aid and research policy: Mobility and career development of Ph.D. graduates in the Swedish development support to research capacity building in Mozambique 1990 – 2013Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Mahoney CThe integration of research, teaching and learning: the impact of national and international collaborations on practice.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Malcolm IAn Alternative Vision: Tracing Education Improvement Practices (0126)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Malcolm JTime, space and ‘real’ work: researching social scientists’ everyday work practicesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Malcolm JNot here, not now: reconstructing academic work from a distanceAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Malette AUnpacking The Complexity Of Student Mobility In A Broader Geopolitical Context For Institutions And
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International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Malette AConverging voices and synergies for student success: strategic enrolment management development at a research intensive Canadian universityInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Malette AMind the gap: Canadian students’ experience of a one-semester study abroad at a Francophone Belgian university (0135)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Malette ASymposium: We all have our parts to play: The roles of students, peer-mentors and administration in creating pathways to higher education and student success for minority-language studentsStudent Experience recording available2012
Mannay DCreating a community of learning: engendering opportunities for equality across the academic and student divideStudent Experience recording available2012
Mansour SThe Evolution of Universities’ Internationalisation Strategies: the Student Social ExperienceStudent Experience recording available2014
Marchenko NInternational collaboration for education of future Arctic expertsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Marginson STowards a new political economy of public/private in higher education (0066)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
Marginson SHigher education, political cultures and public good: A comparative studyHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Marginson SGlobal public and common goods in higher education (0283)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Marginson SThe social implications of high participation higher education systemsInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2014
Marie JParticipant Experiences of Students Reviewing Teaching PracticeStudent Experience recording available2017
Marie JWhat can research-based education and student partnership practitioners learn from each other?Student Experience recording available2017
Marini GThe rise of blended professionals in higher education systems: empirical evidence from a survey in Portuguese higher education system (0301)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Marini GFrom the “boys’ club” toward “a player of the managerial university”. The UCU in UK research intensive HEIs from the lay representatives’ experience. (0053)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Marini GThe trajectory of Republic of Ireland higher education system. Past and forward-looking policies. (0170)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Mármol Queraltó JUniversities and ‘Unicorns’: A critical analysis of investors’ discourse of the rise of Educational Technologies within the COVID-19 pandemic contextHigher Education Policy
Marnet OThe Quality of Board Decision Making Processes in Higher Education Institutions: UK and European Experiences.Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Marshall SWhat can we learn from surveys such as those reported in ‘Academically Adrift’?Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Martin FIntersecting inequalities in young Chinese women's transnational education mobility: Class, race, gender and ageInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Martin LWhat a university is for? Management degree apprenticeshipsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Martin PAn exploration of the factors affecting the likelihood of young people in England progressing into higher educationStudent Access and Experience
Martindale LLeadership, complexity and emotional labour: a collaborative ethnographic study of adaptive and enabling leadership during COVID-19Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Marvell R‘I know I have some trauma responses, but it’s not my identity’: Complicating the ‘master status’ of care experience and estrangement for students in English higher educationStudent Experiences
Masado AChanging patterns in vocational entry qualifications: student support and outcomes in undergraduate degree programmesAccess and Widening Participation recording available2014
Masehela LMy background, my obstacle! The rising challenge of university access for students from low-income families in South AfricaAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Maskeen SA qualitative interview study into the distinct experiences of Pakistani and Bangladeshi students in
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Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Masta SClassroom Counterspaces: Centering Brown and Black Students in Doctoral EducationPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
Mateos - Gonzalez PPredicting Progression to Postgraduate Study in UK Higher Education using Machine Learning
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Mathews IFrom potential to reality – the development and use of an e-portfolio in social work education. (0162)Digital University recording available2015
Mathieson SDeveloping critical reflection in academic workplaces: lessons for the Apprenticeship for Academic Professionals from a sociocultural perspectiveAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Mathieson SExploring ecologies of practice across the disciplines in the shifting economies of the research-teaching-practice nexus (0204)Digital University recording available2015
Matikainen MTransformative learning in teacher educationLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Matsuoka YWill Open Educational Resources underpin students’ engagement in EFL class?: Investigating the feasibility of adopting OER in Japanese universitiesDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Matthews CCreating business-ready graduates: Embedding a professional ethos in the 21st century learning experienceStudent Experience recording available2014
Mawer MShifting concepts of value in UK higher education?Student Experience recording available2013
Mawson KDoes membership of an institution-based peer led writing group with online support engender an effective community of practice for academic writing?Poster
May T‘Temporality and Diversity: What role for pluralistic and engaged research practices in the future university?’Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Mayer MNovel methodological approaches: ‘messy methods’ in education research.Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Mayer MChange-Making in Universities: influencing leadership decision-making. (0182)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Mayer MThe Essence of Transformative Learning and HE Undergraduate StudentsPoster Session recording available2014
Mayer MStudent Success: Strivers, Striders and Thrivers. (0181)Student Experience recording available2015
Mayer MChallenges and solutions to combatting predatory essay mills: supporting student academic integrity in UK higher educationStudent Experiences
Mbah MCatalysing Africa’s sustainable development through university's community-based research: The role of Indigenous knowledge systemsHigher Education Policy
McAllister LBeyond Safety in Teaching and Learning: Supporting the Delivery of Challenging and Contested TopicsStudent Access and Experience
McAlpine LBecoming a PI: Luck, agency and persistence… “Just keep rowing!” (0107)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
McAlpine LFor a number of years, my colleagues and I have been documenting the experiences of doctoral students, researchers and new lecturers as they navigate careers and seek employment within (and sometimes beyond) the academy.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
McAlpine LRhythms of work: Spatially- and socially- located research practices among sciences doctoral studentsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
McArthur JAnd the inferior faculties shall inherit the Academy…: the Humanities and the future of higher educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
McArthur JPaper 4: The role of assessment in shaping knowledge engagementLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
McCabe ODoes a block teaching curriculum structure enable an agile response to emergencies?Learning, Teaching & Assessment
McCabe OHypocrisy or Authentic Agitation? Reflections on Addressing the HE Awarding GapStudent Access and Experience
McCaig CWidening participation in England: policy phases from 'diversity as a good' to 'competitive
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
MCCaig CThe evaluation of HE outreach: the market and drive to evidence effectiveness (0441)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
McCaig CCompeting Discourses of Excellence and Inclusion: Marketisation in English Higher Education Policy, 1987-2017 (0200)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
McCaig CTEF and the marketisation of English HE (0656)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
McCaig CModelling the English higher education market: policy, perception and reality. (0028)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
McCaig CNeoliberalism and the drivers of system differentiation: a journey from equality to equity (0098)Higher Education Policy recording available2015
McCaig CThe Strange Death of Number Controls in England: choice and competition in a marketised systemHigher Education Policy recording available2014
McCaIg CChanging the HE landscape or pulling up the ladder?: the impact of Student Number Controls on English higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2013
McCaig CNew OFFA Access Agreements and the National Scholarship Programme: Ramifications for Access to English Higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2012
McCaig CWidening Participation in an evolving differentiated market: a policy analysisStudent Access and Experience
McCartney A“The value of selective ‘Technology-Enhanced Learning’ (TEL) tools in evidencing Conformity,
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McCartney DInternationalization, pathway colleges, and the privatization of Canadian higher education (0193)Higher Education Policy recording available2018
McCash PRe-designing work-related learning in higher educationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
McCowan TGauging graduate employment destinations in Sub-Saharan Africa (0189)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
McCowan TThe impact of tertiary education in low and lower-middle income countries: a rigorous reviewHigher Education Policy recording available2013
McCowan TClimate change and the role of the universityInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2019
McCowan TIntercultural universities in Mexico and their impact on the Sustainable Development GoalsInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
McCowan TEmployability in African higher education: homogeneity, diversity and stratificationInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2014
McCulloch JThriving lives for military service children – improving progression to HEHigher Education Policy recording available2018
McCulloch SBeing an academic: The changing writing practices of academics and how this influences professional identity (0111)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
McCullough DThe Research of Work-Related Learning for the Improvement of Practice; An Overview and a New DirectionAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
McCune VAcademic Identities and Wicked Problems: Beyond Discipline-focused Identities?Academic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
McDermott PA Methodology that Makes Self-Assessment an Implicit Part of the Answering Process –Results from a Year Long Study (0618)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
McDermott PA Methodology that Makes Self-Assessment an Implicit Part of the Answering Process – Preliminary ResultsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
McDonnell JCollaborative enquiry and democratic fellowship. Developing a scale-able model of student-lecturer research collaborationStudent Experience recording available2013
McDougall JCurating Knowledge Exchange: Let Us Mess AboutDigital University recording available2014
McDuff NTackling the BME attainment gap – the policy and research context (0316)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
McDuff NInclusive principles into inclusive practice: introducing an institutional Inclusive Curriculum Framework in Higher EducationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
McGhie LUnderstanding HE environments: a suggested framework for lecturer identity work (0461)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
MCGhie LExploring lecturer identity in college-based Higher EducationAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
McGhie LHidden freedom for lecturers in Higher Education sector margins: finding autonomy and working on ways to keep it (0227)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
McGinn MMentorship, sponsorship and the hidden curriculum of research fundingAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
McGrory MWhat are the International Students’ Success Rates in Germany’s Institutes of Higher Education? How Do International Students Compare to German Students in Economics and Business Studies, Mechanical Engineering and Architecture (Under)-Graduate Degree ProInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2018
McGrory MFollowing the Bologna Process, did the introduction of the BA/MA degrees in teacher training in German Higher Education impact on grade development?International Perspectives & Context recording available2017
McKenna C‘I take a critical stance but I feel my role is about compliance’: Academic development, criticality and compliance (0186)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
McKenzie LBeing ‘an in-between’: Teaching assistants negotiating their role alongside higher education study.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
McKenzie LReflective writing: I wouldn’t start from here ….Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
McKenzie LTime for a Change? Teacher Educator’s views on the current provisionAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
McKenzie L‘I’ve been on a real journey . . . ‘ the experience of mature women students in Higher Education (0112)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
McKenzie LThe literature on teacher education consistently refers to the value of reflection as a means of developing practice (LSDA, 2003; Harkin, 2005; Pollard, 2005; Hillier, 2012).Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
McKenzie LWhere do we go from here? The experience of Teaching Assistants after completing a Foundation degree.Student Experience recording available2014
McKevitt CUndergraduate students in peer review: exploring assessment and feedback processes while judging academic work.Learning, Teaching & Assessment
McLardy MUsing an experiential team building activity to promote postgraduate students’ social integration and professional skills developmentStudent Experience recording available2017
McLean LContinuing Professional Education: A Framework of ParticipationPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
McLean MEpistemological access and epistemic access among university students from disadvantaged backgrounds in South AfricaInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
McLean MA ‘promising space’: Universities’ critical-moral mission and its educative functions.Student Experience recording available2014
McLeod GBeyond The Trigger Warning: Staff and Student Experiences of Potentially Emotionally Sensitive Topics in Higher Education (0207)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
McMahon SCampus sexual violence and graduate students (0192)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
McQuarrie FDo Tenure and Promotion Policies Discourage Publications in Predatory Journals?Higher Education Policy recording available2019
McQuarrie FA Comparative Exploration of Post-Graduation Educational Mobility for College, Institute and University GraduatesStudent Access and Experience
McQuarrie FA Cross-Disciplinary Comparison of Students’ Self-Reported Degree Completion Strategies (0231)Student Experience recording available2018
McVitty DStudent engagement as the promise of agency: frames, domains and technologies of student agency in institutional learning and teaching strategies (0202)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
McWhirr S‘I think therefore I-statement: An analysis of post-graduate reflective writing’ (0233)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Medland E“I’m an assessment illiterate”: Investigating the assessment literacy of external examinersLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
Medland EExamining the Assessment Literacy of External ExaminersLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Medland EPrecedents to feedback literacy: Uncoupling feedback from assessment using an evidence-based approach to reflect on and validate the Feedback Talk FrameworkLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Mellström UGlobal horizons and imaginary spaces: travel and experience among transnational students in SwedenAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Memon APutting Competence at the Core: Experiences of using the European Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in Postgraduate Programmes.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Mercer JThe influence of gender on the UK professoriateAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Mercer JLeadership Development and Leadership Activity within the 'Cinderella' Sector: the perceptions of Further Education college principals (0252)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Merrill-Glover KWidening Participation through Work-based learning; An Epistemological dilemma.Access and Widening Participation recording available2014
Meschitti VGender and the construction of career paths in academia (0124)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Meschitti VMentoring to guide women’s academic careers. A review and proposition for future researchAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Messenger HPotential in the space between: a sociocultural analysis of a learning and teaching programme with a partner HEI in Sri Lanka (0039)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Messenger HA sociocultural perspective on learning for leadership in a global context: a focus on the experience of full-time ‘pre-experience’ MBA studentsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Messenger HPausing at the threshold: using arts based enquiry to promote reflective, appreciative learning on entering an ‘identity workspace’Student Experience recording available2014
Meth DA change of heart? A simple textual object serves as powerful agent in legitimising English higher education policy shifts, 2003-2016.Higher Education Policy
Mewburn IAre we haunted by the ghosts of PhDs past? (0266)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Mewburn ICurrent debates about the purposes of higher education often construct a binary between an older ideal of a Humboltian university dedicated to the greater public good and a modernised institution serving the needs of the knowledge economy (e.g. Holmwood, 2011).Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Mewburn IWhy do doctoral researchers blog? An analysis of genre, audience and purpose (0268)Digital University recording available2015
Mewburn IDoctoral employability as read in non-academic job adverts asking for advanced research skills: a machine learning studyEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Mewburn IWhat do non academic employers want? A critical examination of ‘PhD shaped' job advertisements for doctoral employability (0097)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Mewburn I“Why didn’t you hire a PhD graduate?” A critical examination of recruitment, selection and onboarding practices of employers seeking to hire researchers. (0265)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Meyer SThree’s a crowd - Does including an employer in the learning relationship affect learner freedom (0187)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Mgqwashu ECo-generation of Knowledge Through International Research Collaborations in Higher Education? Multiple Perspectives from the SARiHE ExperienceAccess and Widening Participation recording available2018
Michael MA Visual Study of an Academic Writing Skills Workshop – an Example set in BrazilAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Mihut GWhat comes next? How Covid-19 may impact the labour market outcomes of internationally mobile students: A scoping reviewInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Miller Judd PPerforming Arts to Academia - Creativity to Conformity?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Miller MHow do students respond to institutional labels around widening participation and equality and diversity? (0336)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Mills DCollaborative governance and institutional reform (0347)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Mimirinis MVariation in academics’ conceptions of e-assessment (0328)Digital University recording available2016
Mimirinis MExploring undergraduate students' conceptions of "teaching excellence" (0544)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2018
Mindano GWhat does ‘student voice’ mean to students and does anyone listen to it? (0059)Student Experience recording available2016
Minett-Smith CThe transforming practice of team teachingAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Minett-Smith CExcellence through Inclusion: Telling the story with data.Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Minett-Smith CProviding Effective Feedback on Exams under Structural Constraints: Integrating Self-Directed
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Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Minett-Smith CRethinking Feedback: Convergence of academic practice, student engagement and partnership (0369)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2015
Minett-Smith CMaking the Language of Assessment Inclusive: Assessing students’ familiarity and confidence with assessment terminology.Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Minett-Smith CCareer Readiness and the Transformational Journey of Higher Education: are they linked?Student Experience recording available2019
Minett-Smith CDare to Change: Realizing the Opportunities of Postgraduate Curriculum DevelopmentStudent Experience recording available2017
Miruka C OThe crisis in Kenya’s public universities: disjuncture and fracture in missionManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2017
Mishra SSocial Networks, social capital and higher education dropout intentionAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Misra DA Path Dependency Approach to Understand the Role of
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Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2018
Mitchell RCareer entry of modern languages graduates: the long term impact of study abroad on graduate
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Mittelmeier JCross-cultural collaborations in higher education: Anticipated versus realised teacher roles in dissolving group work tensions (0079)Student Experience recording available2016
Mitterle AMaking public policy mobile: On the interrelationship between public policy degrees and job trajectoriesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2022
Mitterle AMaking stratification explicit – a study of verticality in German higher educationInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Mitterle AInternationality with German characteristics On the relationship of stratification and internationality in German higher education (0220)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2016
Mitterle A“They don’t show up” The role of hidden teachers in sustaining teaching in German higher educationStudent Experience recording available2012
Mitton LBringing the BTEC into the inclusivity agenda (0291)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Mkwananzi FConceptualising higher education (i)mobility in contexts of socio-spatial exclusion in South AfricaInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Moate JGlobal Connectedness in Higher Education: Student voices on the value of cross-cultural learning dialogueStudent Experience recording available2014
Mody SCross-cultural adaptation in blended learning environment in UK HEIsInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2021
Mogaji EWhy isn't my professor a black woman? A clue to gender inequality in higher education from websites and prospectuses.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Moitra NTribal Youth in Transition- Higher Education, (Un)-Employment and Social ChangeAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Mole DThe Quality Assurance of Higher Education in Hong Kong 1993 to 2013: What have we learned?Higher Education Policy recording available2013
Mole DThe Hong Kong Education Reform: the End of the BeginningHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Molina R MGaps and slopes: the problem of ‘leveling’ non-traditional students in Latin American Higher EducationStudent Access and Experience
Molthan-Hill P‘A SPOC with a Twist: The Sustainability in Practice Certificate'Digital University recording available2014
Monk CThe role of Peer-Supported Development within the changing face of Higher Education teaching and learningLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Montano S“Build Me a Store”: Creative Digital Authentic AssessmentsAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Montano SEmployability Promises Comparative Analysis of Embedded Employability Skills Assessment across Four Higher Education Institutions.Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Montano SExploring Freedom and Control in TNE practice: Reflections on the Lived Degree and Placement Experience. (0296)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Montano SUnderstanding Student Employability Skill Development: A Critical Realist Approach (0082)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Montano SWhat use is authenticity if students do not understand the skills gained?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Montgomery CThe emergence and significance of transnational education in internationalised higher educationHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Montgomery CSurfacing ‘Southern’ perspectives on student engagement with internationalisation: doctoral theses as alternative forms of knowledge (0581)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Montgomery CMinorities and elites in global higher education: Complexities, contradictions and the Minzu Universities of China (0371)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Montgomery CTransformative assessment cultures in higher education: lessons from DenmarkLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Moreau MNow you see me, now you don’t: Gendered regimes of care in academia (0226)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Moreau MMaking Connections, Going Places? Equity and privilege in access to academic positionsAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures recording available2021
Moreau M-P‘Care-free at the top’? Exploring the experiences of senior academic staff who are caregivers (0397)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Moreau M-PAcademic carers performing mobile subjectivities in the neoliberal universityAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
Morgan MIndividual perceptions of advantage and disadvantage in accessing, undertaking and progressing in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Postgraduate Taught studyAccess and Widening Participation recording available2017
Morgan MIndividual perceptions of advantage and disadvantage in accessing, undertaking and progressing in
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Student Experience recording available2019
Morgan MManaging and balancing the experience of applicants, students and employers at Masters level through understanding their expectations- the findings from an 11 University HEFCE funded projectStudent Experience recording available2017
Morgan MWhere has postgraduate study grown? An international comparative analysisStudent Experience recording available2013
Morgan SBarriers to the Adoption of social Technologies in Higher EducationDigital University recording available2014
Morley LWomen Leaders in Finnish Universities: Doing/Undoing Gender?Higher Education Policy recording available2019
Morley LHidden Narratives of Internationalisation: Mobility and Migrant AcademicsHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Morley LLost Leaders: Women in the Global AcademyHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Morley LIs Higher Education Leadership an Identity Cage for Women?Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Morley LThe Affective Ecology of Internationalisation in Japanese Higher EducationInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Morley LThe Affective Economy of Internationalisation: Migrant Academics in and out of Japanese Higher Education (0267)International Perspectives & Context recording available2018
Morley LInternationalisation in Higher Education: Theorising Equity and Exclusions (0044)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Morrice MManaging Social Differences in Higher Education: Hidden DistinctionsHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Morris CDisposable academics? Intersections of gender, precarity and care in academic lifeHigher Education Policy recording available2019
Morris CReinvigorating the gender agenda in higher education curricula: Problematics and possibilities for gender work in the contemporary UK contextLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Morris KFramed by the lifelong learning, workforce skills and widening participation agendas and underpinned by the Robbins principle that higher education courses should be available to all those who are qualified and wish to study, mature entry to university has risen from approximately 10 per cent of all graduates and diploma holders in 1980 (Department for Education and Employment, 1992)1 to nearly a third of the undergraduate student body today (HESA, 2009-10).Student Experience recording available2012
Moschini EA gamification approach to enhance ‘third space mobility’: building a digital community and fostering engagement amongst culturally diverse studentsDigital University and New Learning Technologies
Moscovitz HImagining the New Geopolitics of International Higher EducationInternational Contexts and Perspectives recording available2021
Moskal MIntersecting inequalities and transnational biographies of international students from China, Indonesia, Thailand, and TanzaniaInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Moskal MStrategies of International Students, Intersecting InequalitiesInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Mountford Zimdars ABuilding Rigour into Evaluation Design (0427)Access and Widening Participation recording available2018
Mountford-Zimdar AMeritocracy and the University: What universities are looking forManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2014
Mountford-Zimdars AA Comparative Study of the Factors Shaping Postsecondary Aspirations for Low-Income Students in
Greater Boston and Greater London
Access and Widening Participation recording available2019
Mountford-Zimdars ACauses of differences in student outcomes in English Higher Education (0025)Access and Widening Participation recording available2015
Mountford-Zimdars AFraming Higher Education: Questions and Responses in the British Social Attitudes Survey, 1983 – 2010Higher Education Policy recording available2014
Mountford-Zimdars AAn education puzzle: Why are there so few educational researchers in PVC Education position in higher education institutions? (0289)Management, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2015
Mountford-Zimdars AThe Power and habitus of Professors and Professionals: Using the theory of professions and systems theory for identifying intervention points for change to Elite Universities’ admissions processesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality
Moussa-Inaty JDo I prefer to see a face?Digital University recording available2014
Mudondo TTowards An Information Systems Security Governance for Repositioning Polytechnics in Zimbabwe: A
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Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Mudondo TTowards a new paradigm in Higher Education in Zimbabwe: Research and knowledge mobilisation to reposition Polytechnics in the knowledge economyHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Mudondo TAn Investigation into the challenges of Knowledge Management in Zimbabwean higher education.Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Muhuro PThe SARiHE project: Negotiating the transitions from rural contexts into and trajectories through higher education in South AfricaAccess and Widening Participation recording available2018
Muijs DPredictors of postgraduate student experience and engagement: a multilevel analysis of postgraduate survey data. (0266)Student Experience recording available2015
Mullen EA visual journey of graduate identity constructionEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Mullen EExploring academic and employer perceptions of quality and value in Initial Teacher Education (ITE)
for preparing student teachers
Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Mullen EExploring visual methodologies in higher education research: a case of university-workplace transition as graduate identity formationEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Mullen EExploring ‘mismatch’ between line manager and graduate perceptions of university-workplace transitions (0624)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2018
Mullen EEnhancing student employability: reconsidering innovations in integrating employability and skills development into our curriculumEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2017
Mullen EExploring the processual nature of Human Resources Graduate Employability (HRGE): a line manager perspective (0302)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Mullen EHR Graduate Employability: An Exploration of Organisational Contributors (0292)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
Mullen MIntercultural Capability- Exploring First Year HE Students’ Reflections on and Expectations of their
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Student Experience recording available2016
Müller-Benedict VHow comparable are grades, between disciplines, universities and over time spans? To what extent do they reflect the performance, or are there other systematic influences on grading, which prevent a fair comparison?International Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Mulvey BA 'Pluralist Internationalist' Approach to Global Justice in International Student RecruitmentInternational Contexts and Perspectives
Muneer R“I feel like I've got a finger in the University, whereas everybody else has got their whole body in it”: Lone parents’ experiences of Higher Education (0177)Student Experience recording available2016
Munoz-Garcia ATracing of a wasp: Rhizomatic Knowledge in the process of International Academic Mobility (0132)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Murphy AAct One, Scene One: using narrative as theatre to illuminate the possible selves of healthcare students with dyslexia in Higher Education. (0247)Access and Widening Participation recording available2016
Murray Ó MIs Belonging Always Positive? Cultivating Alternative and Oppositional Belonging at UniversityStudent Access and Experience recording available2022
Murray RSocial Writing Profiles (0050)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Murray RNegotiating research, other academic roles and life: An evaluation of a long-term approachAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2014
Murray RWhat is academic writing for? Exploring resistance to research assessmentAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Murray RAcademic writing during a pandemic: Using the Writing Meeting to develop self-efficacyAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Murray RDisrupting or reinforcing (im)mobility in UK higher education? Exploring the impact of the Ukrainian conflict.Higher Education Policy
Murray REnabling PhD students to participate as writers in international debatesLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Murray RStudent and staff perspectives of open-book versus closed-book assessments – a case study from an undergraduate biology courseLearning, Teaching & Assessment
Murray RHow do academics ‘do internationalisation’?Poster Session recording available2014
Musaeus PMoral Emotions And Academic Teaching And LearningHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Mutatayi MFROM RESPONDENTS INCONSISTENCY TO QUESTIONNAIRE UNRELIABILITYLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2014
Nagarajan SInternationalising Allied Health Education: Challenges to Internationalisation At HomeLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Naidoo KMethodological Conversations: Reflections on Using Participatory Methodology Across the Three Data Collection Sites in the SARiHE ProjectAccess and Widening Participation recording available2018
Naidoo RBeyond Imperial Standardisation: Higher Education and Global WellbeingHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Naidoo RBranding Higher Education: Academic Struggles with Promotional WorkHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Najjuma RMobile mentoring for strengthening teacher preparation in low resource settings: A comparative study of two teacher education programmes in Uganda.Digital University recording available2017
Nakajima HInstitutional Strategy and Knowledge Sharing in Higher EducationManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2019
Nathwani TA statistical measure of the design and nature of work undertaken by graduatesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Nathwani TUsing Census data to generate a UK-wide measure of disadvantageStudent Access and Experience
Nesbit TApps on Smart Phones to Increase Engagement in Lectures: Student Focus Group Perspectives (0376)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Nesbit TAdopting Apps In the Classroom - The Case For Technical SupportDigital University recording available2019
Nesbitt TImplementing the One-Minute Paper Using Applications on Personally Owned Devices: Student Perspectives on the Benefits (0329)Digital University recording available2018
Nesbitt TFinal Year Accounting Internship Courses: Initial ExperiencesEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2014
Nesbitt TSMS Messaging Enhancing Student Engagement in Large Lectures: A New Zealand Based StudyLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Nesbitt TPrevailing Personal Social Communication Technologies Enhancing Engagement in Large Lectures: From Texting to Mobile Web Enabled DevicesStudent Experience recording available2013
Nesbitt TAdvantages and Risks of Using Facebook to Communicate with Students: The Christchurch Earthquake ContextStudent Experience recording available2013
Netz NHow does study abroad experience influence the gender wage gap?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Newman WTHE VALUE OF UNDERTAKING A PLACEMENT YEAR: THE STUDENTS' VIEWEmployability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2019
Nielsen GValuing public welfare: on student politics as representation, mobilization and prefiguration (0122)International Perspectives & Context recording available2016
Niemann RPower and gender: analysing the experiences of women for transformed practices in higher education in South AfricaAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Nokkala TLinkages between university autonomy and success of European university systemsHigher Education Policy recording available2012
Nokkala TPeer mentoring for PhD students – facilitating the emergence of expertise, researcher identity and researcher skillsPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2017
Nolan SBreaking the fourth wall: Using ethnographic fiction in researchAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Nolan SBuilding bridges or barriers? A critical examination of the playfulness of serious playLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2019
Nolting TThe dual study concept of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University – New perspectives for an effective collaboration between science and businessPoster Session recording available2014
Nordin NMeeting the Challenge: Early career development of academic staff in Malaysian universities (0043)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Nørgård RGlobal-local belongings in higher education at digital-tangible campuses beyond the ephemeral sky (0161)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Nørgård RPlayful teaching between freedom and control: exploring the magic circle in higher education (0175)Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2016
Nottingham PBalancing Acts: Developing Online Professional IdentitiesDigital University recording available2017
Nuechter LCross-sectoral and cross-subject mobility of graduate skills: transfer or translation?Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers
Nuttall AReconnaissance as a pre-requisite to (re)thinking and (re)imagining educational researchPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice
O'Connell CEnglish and German academics’ perspectives on metrics in Higher Education: Dimensions of fairness and organisational justiceAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
O'Connell CMetricisation of English Higher Education: Academics’ perspectives on impact of teaching and research metrics on professional practiceAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2017
O'Connor PConvergence and dissimilarity: Centralisation of power, but variation in practices in STEM in academia cross-nationally (0018)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
O'Grady AGiving Something Back': higher education students and educational interventions (0240)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2015
O'Leary MLearning about learning and teaching through collaborative observationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2017
O'Shea SRethinking tensions and freedoms in the higher education environment: Exploring the capabilities and capitals of first-in-family learners (0151)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
O'Shea SConsidering the impact of ‘entitlement’ and ‘belonging’ on student persistence within the pandemic universityStudent Experiences
O'Siochru CThe Position of Psychology in Education Studies - Why do we need to teach psychology in Education Studies?Learning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Oancea AMetrics and indicators for researchAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Oancea AThe Impacts of Impact Assessment on Higher Education Organisations, Practices and CareersHigher Education Policy recording available2017
Ogundipe Akinbode HUnderstanding the Aspirations of Working-Class GirlsHigher education policy recording available2021
Ogunkunle ATrends and Transformation of Higher Education in NigeriaManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Ólafsdóttir A.Factors Influencing the Academic Progress of Master’s Students. (0331)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Olakulehin FThe Limits of Inclusion: Disability and access to higher education in NigeriaHigher Education Policy recording available2013
Oldaç YSelf-formation in international student mobility: A comparative biographical study of Turkish
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International Perspectives & Context recording available2019
Olele CCreating Gender Awareness for Empowerment Towards Sustainable Development Among Female Undergraduates in Tertiary Institutions in Rivers State.Student Experience recording available2014
Oliver MSelf-control? Students’ quantified self in the digital university (0334)Digital University recording available2016
Oliver MDigital scholarship and doctoral identities (0340)Digital University recording available2015
Oliver MEducational Resilience in the Digital UniversityDigital University recording available2014
Oliver MAssessment Careers: towards a vision of post-modularisationLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2012
Oliver MDoctoral students’ engagement with institutional research cultures: expectations and experiencesPostgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2017
Omar SThe educational value of using simulation games in the classroom: learners’ perspective (0572)Digital University recording available2018
Omar SEmpirical evidence on the impact of tuition fees on students’ satisfaction, value, service quality and recommendation (0041)Student Experience recording available2016
Omingo MPedagogies for Critical Thinking in Universities in KenyaInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Ommering BHigher education as a breeding ground for future researchers: a grounded theory study focusing on perceptions of and motivation for research among first-year medical students (0181)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Ommering BFostering the scientific workforce: motivating students for research as a first step towards success? (0182)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2018
Orr KCollege-based Higher Education in England: Who is it for? What is it for? (0304)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Orr SKnowing, not knowing and the unknown. Ambiguity and the locus of knowledge and power in student – tutor relations. (0323)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2016
Osborn JAn alternative approach to exploring the student experience using psychological contracts. (0336)Digital University recording available2015
Osborn JSubtle Transformers: How academics shape and influence student expectations.Poster Session recording available2014
Osborn JStudent Psychological Contracts: An exploratory framework.Student Experience recording available2017
Osborn JShaping student psychological contracts; what lecturers really have to say.Student Experience recording available2012
Osborne JThe role of performance and narration in translating professional standards into practice: four different analytical models.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Osman SNavigating Academia as Black Muslim women: The experiences of Black Muslim students at the University of LeicesterPoster
Osmon NImproving Transition from School and College to University (0306)Higher Education Policy recording available2016
Osterlind MThis Could be Heaven or this Could be Hell: The changing shape of Swedish higher education from a work place perspective focusing on doctoral researchers (0632)Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2018
Osterlind M LShould I Stay or Should I Go? – A further exploration of Swedish Doctoral Researchers’ “Heavenly
Postgraduate Scholarship and Practice recording available2019
Owen CStrategy, identity and Europeanisation: reformulating the past and imagining the future in CEE and SEE universitiesManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2013
Owens MFECs make an important contribution to the delivery of HE in England (and an even more important contribution in Scotland). There are currently as many students taking HE courses in FECs as there were in the entire HE system at the time of the Robbins report which triggered the major post-war expansion of HE in the United Kingdom (Scott 2009).Higher Education Policy recording available2012
Owens MUsing Technology and International Learning Opportunities to Enhance the Student Experience and Reflect Professional PracticeStudent Experience recording available2013
Owens MUsing A Blend of the Technical and the Traditional as a Tools to Encourage Interdisciplinary CollaborationStudent Experience recording available2013
Owens MEmbedding Research into a Practice-Based, Creative CourseStudent Experience recording available2012
Owens TNew tablets in old bottles? Do mobile technologies encourage innovative learning and teaching practice?Digital University recording available2013
Ozeki SWhat Areas of Medical School Education do Graduates Consider Important? Findings from an Alumni SurveyPoster
Pacquette ARace Cars and the Hellbox: Understanding the Development of Professional Competence among Computer Animation StudentsLearning, Teaching & Assessment recording available2013
Padilla-Carmona TThe Roma in Spanish Higher Education: A Case Study of Successful Trajectories (0047)International Perspectives & Context recording available2015
Palfreyman DTowards the Marketization of English Higher Education?IHigher Education Policy recording available2014
Panova ADoes Universities’ Intensified Research Orientation Mean Restructuring the Governance Model? The Faculty Perspective in the Case of RussiaManagement, Leadership, Governance & Quality recording available2021
Papageorgiou VDesigning together: The role of collaborative and multidisciplinary teams in designing for online learningAcademic Practice, Work, Careers and Cultures
Papatsiba VInternational research collaboration in the social sciences: in the golden cage of funding or tackling knowledge boundaries? (0357)Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2015
Papatsiba VWhat drives academics to engage in internationalisation? Motives and 'logics of action' in cross-national collaborative study programmesAcademic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2013
Papatsiba VChanging academic collaboration in European social science research? Externally-driven imperative or perennial workings of the ‘invisible college’?Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2012
Pappafilippou VPathways to social mobility through investment in the future (0094)Employability, Enterprise & Graduate Careers recording available2016
Parker JUndergardeners and stargazers: philosophical perspectives on the purpose of the university.Academic Practice, Work and Cultures recording available2019
Parker JLiberal Arts in UK Higher Education: Is There A Distinctive British ApproachAccess and Widening Participation recording available2019
Parker JChallenging the Liberal Arts: Undergraduate Education in the United States and United KingdomInternational Perspectives & Context recording available2017
Parker JUndergraduate Research and the Attainment Gap: Analysing the Impact of Undergraduate Research
on Disadvantaged G