The following reports from the 2022 SRHE Research Awards are available below:

Maria-Ligia Barbosa
Leonardo Rodrigues
André Vieira
André Pires

Dr. Maria-Ligia Barbosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Dr. André Vieira, Fluminense Federal University, Dr. Leonardo Rodrigues, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Northern Minas Gerais (IFNMG-Brazil) & Dr. André Pires, University of Sorocaba (Uniso)

Measuring institutional diversity in Latin America countries

Marie-Pierre Moreau
Lucie Wheeler

Professor Marie-Pierre Moreau and Lucie Wheeler, Anglia Ruskin University

Doing the dirty work of academia? Ancillary staff in higher education

The following report from the 2022 SRHE Scoping Awards is available below:

Erika Kalocsányiová
Maria Obojska
Rania Hassan
Şahizer Samuk

Dr Erika Kalocsányiová (University of Greenwich), Rania Hassan (University of Greenwich), Dr Maria Obojska (University of Luxembourg), and Dr Şahizer Samuk (BI Norwegian Business School)

Sustainability literacy in non-STEM higher education programmes: results from a multilingual systematic scoping review

The following proposals were 2021 Research Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Karen Gravett
Sarah O’Shea
Rola Ajjawi

Dr Karen Gravett, University of Surrey

Prof Rola Ajjawi, Deakin University

Prof Sarah O’Shea, Curtin University

Belonging to and beyond higher education in hybrid spaces

The following proposals were 2021 Scoping Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Miguel Antonio Lim
Limanzi Xu
Zhuo Sun
Yaqiao Liu

Dr Miguel Antonio Lim, Zhuo Sun, Limanzi Xu and Yaqiao Liu, The University of Manchester

A Systematic Academic and Policy Review of Chinese Higher Education Pedagogies in the Social Sciences and Humanities

The following proposals were 2020 Research Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Christina Guillaumier, Royal College of Music - SRHE Research Awards 2020
Diana Salazar, Royal College of Music - SRHE Research Awards 2020

Dr Christina Guillaumier & Dr Diana Salazar, Royal College of Music

Transforming performance pedagogies: interactions between new technology and traditional methods

Dr Elina Meliou, Aston University - SRHE Research Awards 2020
Dr Ana Lopes, Newcastle University - SRHE Research Awards 2020

Dr Elina Meliou, Aston University and Dr Ana Lopes, Newcastle University

Academic profession, contingent employment and career pathways during a crisis

Rajani Naidoo
Inside Out Outside In - A short film
Andre Keet

Professor Rajani Naidoo, University of Bath and Professor Andre Keet, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa

The Contribution of Universities to Racial Equity: Epistemic Violence and Alternative Forms of Cultural Capital

A short film produced as part of this project is also available from the following link – (Password: UOB)

The following proposals were 2020 Scoping Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

The following proposals were winners of the 2019 SRHE Research Awards and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Kathryna Kwok, Oxford Brookes University
Dr Siân Alsop, Coventry University

Kathryna Kwok, Oxford Brookes University and Dr Siân Alsop, Coventry University

Access to attainment: What are the responsibilities of universities towards their diverse student communities?

Xin Xu, University of Oxford, Department of Education

Giulio Marini, University College London (Centre for Higher Education Studies) and Xin Xu, University of Oxford, Department of Education

“The Golden Guests”? International Faculty in Mainland Chinese Universities

Sylvie Lomer
Parise Carmichael-Murphy
Jenna Mittelmeier

Sylvie Lomer, Jenna Mittelmeier and Parise Carmichael-Murphy, The University of Manchester

Cash cows or pedagogic partners? Mapping pedagogic practices for and with international students

Julia Pearce

See also article published in the British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) at

Julia M Pearce, King’s College London; David Parker, King’s College London; Lasse Lindekilde, Aarhus University

Understanding university academic staff attitudes towards recognising and responding to student radicalisation

Kathryn Waddington (University of Westminster)
Bryan Bonaparte (University of Westminster)

Kathryn Waddington (University of Westminster) and Bryan Bonaparte (University of Westminster)

Developing Compassionate Pedagogical Practice with Students as Co-Researchers

See also the following book published as a result of this research: Developing Pedagogies of Compassion in Higher Education – A Practice First Approach

The following proposals were 2019 Scoping Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Khristin Fabian
Ella Taylor-Smith

Khristin Fabian, Edinburgh Napier University
Ella Taylor Smith, Edinburgh Napier University

How are we positioning apprenticeships? A critical analysis of job adverts for degree apprentices

Dr Natalie Forster, Northumbria University, Martin Gallagher, Northumbria University, Dr Christina Cooper, Northumbria University

Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater Communities in higher education widening participation discourse: A critical review and agenda for future research

Holly Henderson
Ann-Marie Bathmaker

Holly Henderson, University of Nottingham
Ann-Marie Bathmaker, University of Birmingham

Local Higher Education in a global marketplace: Everyday mobility and local capital in island Higher Education

Richard Waller, University of the West of England.

White working class young men’s engagement with higher education: Accessing voices of the ‘hard to reach’ and (frequently) ‘left behind’ – Report To Follow

The following three proposals were 2018 Scoping Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Marie-Pierre Moreau & Murray Robertson, Anglia Ruskin University

Marie-Pierre Moreau & Murray Robertson, Anglia Ruskin University

  ‘Care-free at the top’? Exploring the experiences of senior academic staff who are caregivers

Abhijit Sengupta, University of Kent
Federica Rossi, Birkbeck, University of London

Abhijit Sengupta, University of Kent
Federica Rossi, Birkbeck, University of London

  Exploring the complexity of universities’ knowledge exchange activities: Looking beyond currently measured outcomes

The following three proposals were 2017 Scoping Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Ciaran Burke,University of Derby
Tracy Scurry, Newcastle University

Ciaran Burke,University of Derby
Tracy Scurry, Newcastle University

  Graduate Resilience: A review of the literature and future research agenda

Kelly Coate, King’s College, London
Camille Kandiko Howson, King’s College, London

Kelly Coate, King’s College, London
Camille Kandiko Howson, King’s College, London

Senior Professional Leaders in Higher Education: The Role of Prestige

Margaret Hamilton, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia
Cate Gribble, RMIT
Sally Smith, Edinburgh Napier University

Margaret Hamilton, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, Cate Gribble also RMIT, and Sally Smith, Edinburgh Napier University

Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia

Ian Kinchin, University of Surrey
Namrata Rao, Liverpool Hope University
Anesa Hosein, University of Surrey

Ian Kinchin, University of Surrey, Namrata Rao, Liverpool Hope University, and Anesa Hosein, University of Surrey

Migrant Academics and Professional Learning Gains: Perspectives of the Native Academics

Nick Pratt, Plymouth University
Julie Shaughnessy, University of Roehampton

Nick Pratt, Plymouth University and Julie Shaughnessy, University of Roehampton

Supervision of professional doctoral students: investigating pedagogy for supporting critical voice and theorisation

The following three proposals were 2016 Scoping Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below

The following five proposals were the winners of the 2015 SRHE Research Awards and the final reports from these projects will appear below:

Bruce MacFarlane, University of Southampton

Bruce MacFarlane, University of Southampton
Damon Burg, University of Southampton

Knowledge creation in higher education studies: an intergenerational analysis

Karen Smith, University of Hertfordshire

Karen Smith, University of Hertfordshire
Scott Fernie, Loughborough University
Nick Pilcher, Edinburgh Napier University

What role does (or should) higher education research play in higher education policy? An exploratory study

The following three proposals were 2015 Scoping Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Linda Evans, Leeds

The origins and history of university professors and professorship in the UK
Report Available Shortly

Ourania Filippakou, Brunel University
Catherine Montgomery, University of Bath

Ourania Filippakou, Brunel University
Catherine Montgomery, University of Bath

Exploring the Paradigms of Higher Education Research: Emerging Research Discourses in China and the UK

The following three proposals were the winners of the 2014 SRHE Research Awards and the final reports from these projects will appear below:

Jim Pugh accepting for Dr. Katy Vigurs

Jim Pugh accepting
for Dr. Katy Vigurs

Dr. Richard Watermeyer

Dr. Richard Watermeyer

Janice Malcolm accepting on behalf of Dr. Joanna Williams

Janice Malcolm accepting on
behalf of Dr. Joanna Williams

Dr Joanna Williams (University of Kent)
Dr David Roberts (University of Kent)

Academic Integrity: Exploring Tensions between Perception and Practice in the Contemporary University

Dr Katy Vigurs - Research-informed Comic

Research-informed Comic

A ‘research-informed comic’
based on this study is also available here

The following four proposals were 2014 Scoping Award winners and the final reports from these projects are available below:

Dr Madeleine Laming (Murdoch University, Australia)
Dr Pamela Martin-Lynch (Murdoch University)
Aileen Morris (The University of Lincoln)

Mature-aged men’s experiences of higher education: Australia and England compared

Dr. Alicia Prowse (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Valeria Ruiz Vargas

Potential of the Human Capabilities Approach (HCA) for strategy development in the Higher Education curriculum

Dr. Alex Baratta (University of Manchester)
Dr Paul Smith (University of Manchester)
Dr Lydia Reid (Durham University)

Academic identity and religious identity: cognitive dissonance in students’ higher education learning and assessment

Dr. Cate Gribble (Deakin University, Australia)

Exploring ‘employability’ in different cultural contexts

The following three proposals were the winners of the 2013 SRHE Research Awards:

Dr Neil Harrison & Assoc. Prof. Richard Waller

Dr Neil Harrison &
Assoc. Prof. Richard Waller

Prof. Carolyn Jackson

Prof. Carolyn Jackson

Prof. John Taylor

Prof. John Taylor

Dr Neil Harrison & Assoc. Prof. Richard Waller (University of the West of England)

AIMS: Assessing Impact and Measuring Success in widening participation initiatives

Prof. Carolyn Jackson (Lancaster University) & Dr. Vanita Sundaram (University of York)

Are ‘lad cultures’ a problem in Higher Education? Exploring the perspectives and responses of HEI staff

The following proposals were 2013 Scoping Award winners

Prof. Moira Lewitt & Dr. Beth Cross (University of the West of Scotland)

Interprofessional education to support collaborative practice: an interdisciplinary approach

Dr Tamson Pietsch and Dr Meng-Hsuan Chou (Brunel University)

Organising scholarly networks: perspectives from history and public policy

The following four proposals were the winners of the 2012 SRHE Research Awards:

Professor Linda Evans – with Dr Matthew Homer (University of Leeds)

Academic journal editors’ professionalism: perceptions of power, proficiency and personal agendas

Dr Anna Jones & Professor David Smith (Glasgow Caledonian University)

Leading university teaching: exploring the uses of higher education research

Dr Janice Malcolm (University of Kent) and Professor Miriam Zukas (Birkbeck, University of London)

Discipline and workplace learning in practice: an exploratory study of academic work

The following two proposals were 2012 Scoping Award winners

Below are the completed reports from the 2011 SRHE Award scheme, the first year these awards were made available.

Dr Terri Kim from Brunel University and co-investigator Professor Rachel Brooks from the University of Surrey.

Internationalisation, Mobile Academics, and Knowledge Creation in Universities: a Comparative Analysis

Dr. Fumi Kitagawa from the Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester and Claire Lightowler from The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS)

Incentvising Knowledge Exchange: A comparison of vision, strategies, policy and practice in English and Scottish Higher Education.

Professor Carole Leathwood from the Institute for Policy Studies in Education (IPSE) at London Metropolitan University and Dr. Barbara Read from the University of Roehampton

Assessing the impact of developments in research policy for research on higher education

Dr Howard Stevenson now at the University of Nottingham (formerly University of Lincoln) and Dr Justine Mercer from the University of Warwick

Challenging times: an analysis of current developments and future prospects for industrial relations in the UK higher education sector.