Translating what we know about effective pedagogies in higher education into practice
Professor Carol Evans, University of Southampton: 

There is still much debate about what student engagement in learning looks like within and across disciplines within 21st century learning environments (Evans, Muijs, & Tomlinson, 2015). In this session, Carol will review the evidence base drawing on the vast literature base investigated as part of the HEA funded work on high impact pedagogies and student engagement in order to explore conceptions of meaningful engagement in learning and understandings of key elements of effective practice within 21st century higher education learning environments. The role of assessment in shaping curricula and supporting student self-regulation will be examined with reference to relevant frameworks and tools: The Feedback Landscape (Evans, 2013); EAT self-regulatory assessment framework (Evans, 2016).

Pedagogy and Innovation: A critical appraisal of the impact of MOOCs. 
Professor Diana Laurillard, University College London
The presentation will argue for three distinct types of impact that MOOCs have on pedagogy and innovation, in terms of  (i) undergraduate education, where it is indirect, as work on MOOCs generates ideas for innovation in undergraduate courses; (ii) professional development where it is direct, changing the ways teachers experience online learning, and discover new ways of using blended learning; (iii) educational research, where they can act as a means of teacher-researcher collaboration in the developmental testing of new digital methods in teaching and learning. 

Confessions of a serial innovator

Professor Simon Lancaster, University of East Anglia.

Professor Lancaster will chart his own journey from technology-driven innovation through back-filled pedagogy to the drive for rigorous measures of learning gain in order to make the case for change in higher education practice. He will share the extent to which the familiar higher education metrics of evaluation and good honours have informed his practice. The preliminary results of an exploration into the utility of coupling concept inventory and self-efficacy measures of learning gain will be reported. Prof Lancaster practices what he preaches, so come prepared to interact. 
February 15th, 2017 from 11:00 AM to  3:30 PM
SRHE, 73 Collier St, London N1 9BE
Event Fee(s)
Event Fee(s)
Guest Price £60.00
Member Price £0.00
Resource 1 280_Simon_Lancaster.pptx
Resource 2 280_EAT_Guide_CE.pdf
Resource 3 280_CE_feb_15.pptx
Resource 4 280_Simon_Lancaster.pptx
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Resource 6 280_EAT_Guide_CE.pdf
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