Sorry Registration for this event ended on May 20th, 2021 12:00 AM
 Registration is closed for this event

Aim of retreat

To provide a motivational and supportive space for productive writing that offers guidance on the mental/emotional aspects of writing as well as the academic technicalities of writing.

Academic writing workshop (11.00-13.30 online)

Day 1. (AM only) The purpose of this online session is to explore useful strategies for producing clear, coherent and concise academic texts such as doctoral theses and journal papers. We will consider the importance of writing to prompts in order to 1. clarify one’s aims, as author, of a piece of writing; and 2. Identify the needs and expectations of the target readership.

The session will consist of presentation, discussion of key points raised and short individual work tasks followed by a writing exercise, which will be conducted offline for 30 minutes.  The group will then return online for discussion of the exercise, summary of the session and questions.  Participants will benefit most from the session if they have a piece of academic writing that they are currently working on which they can focus on in the exercise.

Day 2. (AM only):  Writing retreat briefing – what to expect + target setting (11.00-12.00 online)

                                 Free-writing and generative writing techniques (12.00-13.00 online)


Day 3: (Full day):

09.30-10.00:  Introductions and declaration of targets (online)

10.00-10.20:  Free-writing (online)

10.20-12.20:  Writing session 1 (offline)

12.20-12.40:  Mindful breathing (online)

12.40-13.30:  Lunch (offline)

13.30-15.30:  Writing session 2 (offline)

15.30-15.45:  Tea break (online)

15.45-16.15:  Mini workshop: what to look for when editing your writing (online)

16.15-17.00:  Writing session 3 (offline)

17.00-17.30:  Report back to group: What have your achieved? What do you need to do    next?  General debrief on retreat (online)

17.30:             End of retreat


Dr Alison Yeung is an independent academic writing consultant who delivers writing training to a number of research institutions in the South of England.  Prior to that she was Academic Writing Teaching Fellow at the University of Surrey for seven years, where she designed and delivered writing training programmes and one-to-one support for doctoral researchers, early career researchers and academics. She is co-author of Mentoring to Empower Researchers and Inspiring Collaboration and Engagement, two new titles added to the Success in Research series published by Sage Publications.

May 25th, 2021 11:00 AM to May 27th, 2021 5:30 PM
Online event, link will be provided
Event Fee(s)
Event Fee(s)
Guest Price £75.00
Member Price £0.00
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