Higher education is going through a period of rapid internationalisation and marketisation. But where are the voices of our students and colleagues in relation to these changes? This event aims to provide a platform for a variety of voices and opinions to be expressed and debated. We are highlighting how universities respond to these changes from a variety of contexts and positions. We are also aiming to combine research findings to the more practical application of how the market and international process shape Masters’ level delivery.

This seminar will cover tensions between marketisation and the postgraduate student experience, and the consequences and impact on the undergraduate student experience and the bridging between undergraduate and postgraduate education. Throughout the day we hope to touch on consequences for the sector, national and institutional policies, disciplinary differences and the impact on the learning experience of all students.

Rebecca Hughes, Pro-Vice-Chancellor International, Sheffield

Christine Humfrey, Consultant in International Higher Education and founding Director of the International Office at the University of Nottingham

Paulo Charles Pimentel Bótas, Research Officer, International Centre for Higher Education Management (ICHEM), University of Bath

Richard Race, MA Education Programme Convenor, Roehampton University : The Internationalisation and Marketisation of Postgraduate Delivery: a Masters case study.

Georgina Emmanuel, doctoral student, King's College London.
There will be a short audio/visual presentation on the international student experience, by David Forrest, post-doc University of Sheffield
June 15th, 2012 from 12:30 PM to  4:30 PM
SRHE, 73 Collier Street, London N1 9BE
Event Fee(s)
Event Fee(s)
Guest Price £25.00
Member Price £0.00