This session is part of Newer Researcher Work in Progress Webinar series. These sessions are open and free for all to attend.
SRHE aims to provide a platform to present the most stimulating and innovative research taking place in higher education studies and practice. The Newer Researcher Network recognises the body of exciting research being undertaken by newer and early career researchers and seeks to create a supportive space in which such researchers can present their work-in-progress, receive feedback, and develop connections with national and international peers.
Questions and feedback from attendees are warmly welcomed - we aim for this to be a constructive space for work in progress. Participants are encouraged to support the presenters and contribute to their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) by completing an anonymous feedback form. The link to the feedback form will be sent via email before the event and it will be shared again during the webinar.
13.00 – 13.05 |
SRHE welcome Overview of the session |
13.05 – 13.30 |
Zhuo Sun: Who pays the bills? Reputation management in Chinese and UK universities: Who are university managers speaking to on social media-governments or international students? Including Q&A |
13.30 – 13.55 |
Marc Perkins: Preparing higher education organizations for future crises: Lessons from Finnish university and university of applied sciences leaders. Including Q&A |
13.55 – 14.00 |
Summary & close |
Speaker Bios
Zhuo Sun is PhD researcher from the Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester. Her research interests are reputation management for higher education institutions, university rankings and international higher education policy. Her current publications include an active/reactive reputation management framework to examine the reputation management activities within higher education realm, and how Chinese universities cope with negative events that potentially undermine their imagine under the influence of COVID-19. Zhuo also works as a teaching assistant at the University of Manchester since 2022.
Marc Perkins is a project researcher with the Higher Education Studies Team at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research in Jyväskylä, Finland, where he is researching crisis leadership and staff well-being at higher education organizations. As a researcher Marc uses primarily qualitative techniques, exploring the richness that is often missed in traditional quantitative surveys. For example, when researching well-being, Marc asks participants to take pictures, write journals, or create artwork to help facilitate rich reflections about this sensitive topic. In addition to a masters’ degree in educational sciences from the University of Jyväskylä, Marc holds a masters’ degree in biology. Before moving to Finland, Marc worked as a Professor of Biological Sciences for nearly 20 years at Orange Coast College, a community college in California, USA. Marc lives in Jyväskylä, Finland with his fiancée and two cats. Marc enjoys cooking, photography, bicycling, Nordic skiing, and foraging for berries and mushrooms.