Registration is closed for this event


This session is part of Newer Researcher Work in Progress Webinar series. These sessions are open and free for all to attend. 

SRHE aims to provide a platform to present the most stimulating and innovative research taking place in higher education studies and practice. The Newer Researcher Network recognises the body of exciting research being undertaken by newer and early career researchers and seeks to create a supportive space in which such researchers can present their work-in-progress, receive feedback, and develop connections with national and international peers.

Questions and feedback from attendees are warmly welcomed - we aim for this to be a constructive space for work in progress. Participants are encouraged to support the presenters and contribute to their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) by completing an anonymous feedback form. The link to the feedback form will be sent via email before the event and it will be shared again during the webinar.


13.00 – 13.05

SRHE welcome

Overview of the session 

13.05 – 13.30

Catherine Kelly: An Exploration of how values affect evaluation practices and their influences on decision-making within English Higher Education Providers

Including Q&A

13.30 – 13.55

John Parkin: Playmobil pro: a playful tool to support conceptual understanding of environmental and sustainability education topics

Including Q&A

13.55 – 14.00

Summary & close


Speaker Bios

Catherine Kelly is Evaluation and Research Lead at the Department for Education: Before completing her PhD at the University of Bristol, Catherine worked as a project coordinator and evaluation manager on different widening participation projects across England. She is passionate about evaluation and how it can be used to support universities to increase social justice and achieve their widening participation agendas. Her prior experience and passion for evaluation informed her PhD research which explored how evaluation influences staff members responsible for widening participation within different higher education providers. Catherine’s research interests cut across disciplinary areas with a focus on the influences of systems of evaluation, the extent to which they ‘speak truth to power’, and how actors within organisations enact evaluation policies.

John Parkin is a Senior Lecturer Practitioner in Education and BA Primary Education Studies Course Director at Anglia Ruskin University. John was a primary school teacher for 17 years with most of his teaching career working in the early years. This experience of early childhood education fostered his interest in learning through play which he also brought into his higher education teaching. John uses a playful approach to learning in his teaching. Playful approaches are an area of interest to John as well.

July 18th, 2024 from  1:00 PM to  2:00 PM
online event, link will be provided
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