
Professor Paul Ashwin, University of Lancaster

Higher Education Close-Up (HECU) is a virtual network for in-depth research into higher education. It aims to provide a forum for discussion about, and the enhancement of, this kind of research via a twitter account  ( which provides a space to discuss ideas about theory and method in HE research, to share ideas and to build collaborations.

Prior to the creation of this twitter account, forum discussions took place via a JISCMAIL list, and the archive is still available via

The last HECU conference took place at Lancaster University from the 4th to 6th July 2022, and the conference theme was Critical approaches to close-up higher education research

HECU 11 : 3-5 July 2024 at Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa

Please visit for details, and note that the closing date for submission of abstracts is 31st January 2024

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Join us on 3 July, 11:00AM for an LTA Network event on Academic Freedom: Pedagogic tensions and possibilities for the higher education classroom. Register here: @NamrataRao22 @EmilyDanvers

University s/cyborgs widening undergraduate access - a new open access article - published! that I have been working on for a bit which spurred me to contemplate hope and change agents for race equity in the academy @EdReview @SRHE73

Our @EmilyDanvers @SRHE73 LTA event is just over a week away on 3rd July, Wednesday. Do come along if you are interested in the tensions and possibilities afforded by Academic Freedom in HE classrooms

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