
Professor Karen Mpamhanga [Karen Smith], University of Hertfordshire

Professor Colin McCaig, Sheffield Hallam University

This network will be of interest to all those concerned with higher education policy including academics, practitioners, managers, policy-makers and organisations with an interest in the HE sector.

The overall aim of the network is to provide a forum for the discussion of higher education research and policy issues. In particular, it aims to facilitate:

  • The presentation and discussion of research related to higher education policy
  • The sharing of information, expertise and ideas about developments in HE policy
  • Discussion between HE policy researchers and the users of that research with a view to enhancing the potential of research to inform policy.
  • Consideration of potential future research agendas and possibilities for collaboration.
Further Details

For further details about the Higher Education Policy Network and/or to express interest in becoming involved in this network, please contact the network convenors, Professor Karen Smith ( ) and Professor Colin McCaig ( and SRHE’s Manager for Conferences & Events, Dr Rihana Suliman (

6 June 2025, Friday, 14:00
Who works best? Public and Private Sectors, Efficiency and Equity in Latin American Higher Education
Venue: Online event, link will be provided