
Dr Lisa Lucas, University of Bristol

Professor Rajani Naidoo, University of Bath

The South West Higher Education Network is a group of over 90 academics and doctoral students from Higher Education Institutions in the South West of England and South Wales, based in the Graduate School of Education at Bristol and convened by Dr Lisa Lucas (University of Bristol), Dr Rajani Naidoo (University of Bath) and Professor Ann-Marie Bathmaker (University of the West of England). It was established in January 2005 and runs regular half day events. The group’s aims are to nurture and support higher education researchers in a region where there are few HEIs with a critical mass of HE researchers, to give UK HE research an international as well as national focus (by inviting international speakers who are visiting the UK) and to build research capacity in the field of Higher Education by facilitating and developing the work of those new to this arena (including doctoral students).


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Join us on 3 July, 11:00AM for an LTA Network event on Academic Freedom: Pedagogic tensions and possibilities for the higher education classroom. Register here: @NamrataRao22 @EmilyDanvers

University s/cyborgs widening undergraduate access - a new open access article - published! that I have been working on for a bit which spurred me to contemplate hope and change agents for race equity in the academy @EdReview @SRHE73

Our @EmilyDanvers @SRHE73 LTA event is just over a week away on 3rd July, Wednesday. Do come along if you are interested in the tensions and possibilities afforded by Academic Freedom in HE classrooms

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