Following a thorough peer review process, and a meeting of the Award Review Panel, the Society is delighted to confirm funding of up to £10,000 for each of the following four research proposals received from SRHE members:

Research Awards 2024
Navigating Microaggressions and EDI Initiatives: Lives Experiences of Chinese Academics in England
by Professor Ming Cheng, Sheffield Hallam University
The role of cultural institutions in the UK’s higher education research system
by Dr Ning Baines, University of Leicester & Dr Federica Rossi, Birkbeck, University of London
Exploring the experiences of students originally from the EU newer member states in Eastern Europe in UK Higher Education
by Professor Charlotte Chadderton, University of Derby & Dr Agnieska Bates, Bath Spa University
Surveillance imaginaries among Chinese postgraduate students studying in the UK
by Dr Anna Wilson, University of Glasgow

Two awards of £5,000 for the separate Scoping Award scheme, open to both members and non-members, were also made as follows:

Scoping Awards 2024
Understanding and Developing Deliberative Approaches to University Governance
by Professor Jeffrey Kennedy, McGill University & Professor Simon Pek, Gustavson, University of Victoria
‘I’m an impostor! Get me out of here!’: Mapping the impostor phenomenon and sense of unbelonging among minoritised university students
by Dr Orkun Yetkili & Dr Deborah Husbands, University of Westminster

As the funding available to support research and scoping projects is particularly limited, we would like to thank the many Society members and Scoping Award entrants for the time and care taken in putting together so many fascinating proposals.

We have provided constructive, individual feedback to all entrants whose proposals we were unable to fund, which will hopefully help refine these proposals and potentially find alternative sources of funding. If you have not received feedback on your application, please contact

Research Awards 2023
Gatekeepers of knowledge production on higher education: journal editorial board networks and working practices
by Rita Hordosy and Martin Myers, University of Nottingham
Locating women in the Sinaporean higher education sector: challenges, knowledge gaps and future directions
by Sarah Aiston, Teesside University
Class-Based Disablism in Higher Education
by Alison Wilde, Leeds Trinity University

Two awards of £5,000 for the separate Scoping Award scheme, open to both members and non-members, were also made as follows:

Scoping Awards 2023
Learning to manage rejection? Investigating the lived experiences of former professional male athletes who have engaged in higher education
by Vicky Hunter, Leeds Trinity University & Chris Platts
The Marginalisation of Teacher Education in Higher Education Institutions
by Lizana Oberholzer, University of Wolverhampton
Research Awards 2022
From students to graduates: Examining the post-graduation transitions of care-experienced higher education students in Wales
by Dr Ceryn Evans, University of Swansea
Governments harnessing the power of data to get ‘value for money’: Simulation studies evaluating England’s Office for Students B3 Proceed Metric
by Dr Alexander Bradley, University of Portsmouth
Doing the dirty work of academia? Ancillary staff in UK Higher Education
by Prof. Marie-Pierre Moreau, Anglia Ruskin University
Measuring the relationship between institutional diversity and student equity in Latin American countries
by Prof. Maria-Ligia Barbosa, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Scoping Awards 2022
Decolonising UK universities: a systematic review of improvements and challenges in decolonising activities and initiatives in UK higher education
by Dr Jawiria Naseem, University of Birmingham
Sustainability literacy in non-STEM higher education programmes: a multilingual systematic review
by Dr. Erika Kalocsanyiova, University of Greenwich
Research Awards 2021
Belonging to and beyond higher education in hybrid spaces
by Dr Karen Gravett, University of Surrey
‘Sort by relevance’: Exploring assumptions about algorithm-mediated academic literature searches
by Dr Katy Jordan, University of Cambridge
Who do you think you are: An exploratory investigation of medical students’ development of their possible selves
by Dr Ana Madeira Teixeira Baptista, Imperial College, London
Scoping Awards 2021
Chinese Higher Education Pedagogies in Social Sciences and Humanities: An Academic and Policy Literature Review
by Dr Miguel Antonio Lim, University of Manchester
Graduate Employability in an Era of ‘Technological Unemployment’
by Dr Jisun Jung, University of Hong Kong
Pursuing higher education in contexts of socio-spatial exclusion: a scoping study of the educational trajectories of youth from informal settlements
by Dr Faith Mkwananzi, University of the Free State
Research Awards 2020
Dear Diary: Equality implications for female academics of changes to working practices in lockdown and beyond
by Kate Carruthers Thomas, Birmingham City University
Transforming performance pedagogies: interactions between new technology and traditional methods
by Christina Guillaumier & Diana Salazar, Royal College of Music
Academic profession, contingent employment and career pathways during a crisis
by Elina Meliou, Aston Business School & Ana Lopes, Newcastle University Business School
The Contribution of Universities to Racial Equity: Epistemic Violence and Alternative Forms of Cultural Capital
by Rajani Naidoo, University of Bath, Professor Andre Keet, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa, & Professor Stephanie Lavaux, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
Scoping Awards 2020
Investigating how socio-economic background influences music students’ aspirations, sense of identity and belonging within UK conservatoires
by Kirsty Devaney, Birmingham City University
Marking whiteness in widening access and participation policy
by Manny Madriaga, Sheffield Hallam University
Research Awards 2019
Access to Attainment: What are the Responsibilities of Universities towards their Diverse Student Communities?
by Mary Deane, Oxford Brookes University & Sian Alsop, University of Coventry
Cash Cows or Pedagogic Partners? Mapping pedagogic practices for and with international students
by Sylvie Lomer & Jenna Mittelmeier, University of Manchester
Understanding University Academic Staff Attitudes towards Recognising and Responding to Student Radicalisation: The role of universities as safeguarders in the 21st Century
by David Parker, Aston University & Lasse Lindekilde, Aarhus University
Managerialism and academic professional autonomy – power and resistance in post-1992 and Russell group universities: The case of lecture capture technology
by Nataliya Rumyantseva, Ruth Ballardie,& Ratnes Alakahone, University of Greenwich
Developing Compassionate Pedagogical Practice with Students as Co-Researchers: A Focused-Ethnographic Case Study
by Kathryn Waddington & Bryan Bonaparte, University of Westminster
Transnational Academic Mobility to Global South: An Exploratory Study of International Faculty in China
by Xin Xu, CGHE, University of Oxford & Giulio Marini, University College London.
Scoping Awards 2019
The coming “intelligent university”? Exploring the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on UK Higher Education
by Andrew Cox, University of Sheffield
How are we positioning apprenticeships? A critical analysis of job adverts for degree apprentices
by Khristin Fabian & Ella Taylor Smith, Edinburgh Napier University
Representations of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities in higher education widening participation discourse: a critical review and agenda for future research
by Natalie Forster, Northumbria University & Dr Christina Cooper, Newcastle University
Research Awards 2018
Understanding Aspiration and Education towards Diversion and Desistance from Offending: The Role of Higher Education in Wales
by Debbie Jones & Mark Jones, Swansea University
The ‘3-D University’? How do organisational culture, social composition, and geography mediate the Student Experience?
by Richard Budd, Liverpool Hope University
Local Higher Education in a global marketplace: Everyday mobility and local capital in island Higher Education
by Holly Henderson & Ann-Marie Bathmaker, University of Birmingham
Participation in paid, unpaid and ‘hidden’ internships at six months after graduation: Are some graduates excluded?
by William Hunt, University of Warwick
A determination of how African academics understand and maximise the existing and potential role of indigenous knowledge and practices within their community-based research: Profiling the ecologically minded university and its contribution to sustainable development
by Marcellus Mbah, Nottingham Trent University & Ane Turner Johnson, Rowan University
White working class young men’s engagement with higher education: Accessing voices of the ‘hard to reach’ and (frequently) ‘left behind’
by Richard Waller, University of the West of England.
Scoping Awards 2018
Students’ sense of belonging in higher education: the impacts of social class, locality and institutional habitus
by Mi Young Ahn, Bangor University
The use of computer meditated technology to support students’ mental health and wellbeing in Higher Education settings
by Terry Hanley, University of Manchester
A scoping review to investigate the models and measures of learning outcomes used in research on professional skills development in technology-enhanced simulations-based medical education
by Riikka Hofmann, University of Cambridge
Research Awards 2017
How connected are students to campus technologies and official learning spaces? A study of digital literacy and writing in Higher Education
by Ibrar Bhatt, Queen’s University, Belfast
Making EU Staff Welcome in a Hostile Policy Context: Human Resource Strategies in UK Higher Education
by Renee Reichl Luthra & Thomas Hippler , University of Essex
Implementing Inclusive Teaching and Learning in UK Higher Education – utilising Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as a Route to Excellence
by Nicola Martin, London South Bank University
‘Care-free at the top’? Exploring the experiences of senior academic staff who are caregivers
by Marie-Pierre Moreau, University of Roehampton
Exploring the complexity of universities’ knowledge exchange activities: Looking beyond currently measured outcomes
by Abhijit Sengupta, University of Essex & Federica Rossi, Birkbeck, University of London
Exploring ‘Estrangement’ in Higher Education: Standing Alone or Settling In?
by Yvette Taylor, University of Strathclyde
Scoping Awards 2017
Graduate Resilience: A review of the literature and future research agenda
by Ciaran Burke, Ulster University & Tracy Scurry, Newcastle University
Marketing ‘development studies’ in HEIs: A critical exploration of representations and their effect on student imaginations of ‘development’
by Kamna Patel, University College London
“Why not me?” – The Extent to which Students’ Academic Identity impacts their sense of community and mental health
by Yvonne Skipper & Michael Fay, Keele University
Research Awards 2016
Senior Professional Leaders in Higher Education: The Role of Prestige
by Kelly Coate & Camille Kandiko Howson, King’s College, London.
Developing entrepreneurial capabilities for the global labour market: A cross national study of IT students in the UK and Australia
by Margaret Hamilton, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, Cate Gribble also RMIT, and Sally Smith, Edinburgh Napier University.
Exploring LGBTQ diversity in Higher Education: Extending research into LGBTQ student experience
by Michael Keenan, Nottingham Trent University.
Migrant Academics and Professional Learning Gains: Perspectives of the Native Academics
by Ian Kinchin, University of Surrey, Namrata Rao, Liverpool Hope University, and Anesa Hosein, University of Surrey.
Supervision of professional doctoral students: investigating pedagogy for supporting critical voice and theorisation
by Nick Pratt, Plymouth University and Julie Shaughnessy, University of Roehampton.
How are cultures of feedback practice shaped by accountability and quality assurance agendas?
by Naomi Winstone, University of Surrey.
Scoping Awards 2016
Students’ emotional response to feedback on their progress using learning analytics dashboards
by Liz Bennet, University of Huddersfield
The pedagogy of social science research methods textbooks: a scoping study
by Sarah Lewthwaite, University of Southampton
Exploring brokerage activities between Life Science research and teaching communities in UK Higher Education Institutions
by Anne Tierney, Edinburgh Napier University
Research Awards 2015
Everyday student mobilities: Exploring the relationship between wellbeing, inclusion and sustainability
Dr. Kirsty Finn (Lancaster University)
Student Perception of Graduate Attributes: A Signalling Theory Perspective
Professor Anna Jones (Glasgow Caledonian University)
Dr. Judy Pate (University of Glasgow)
Knowledge creation in higher education studies: an intergenerational analysis
Prof. Bruce Macfarlane (University of Southampton)
Appointing for Diversity: Can ‘Old’ Universities Learn from the Experience of the ‘New’?
Dr. Sue Shepherd (University of Kent)
What role does (or should) higher education research play in higher education policy? An exploratory study
Dr. Karen Smith (University of Hertfordshire)
Dr. Scott Fernie (Loughborough University)
Dr. Nick Pilcher (Edinburgh Napier University)
Educational Justice for All? How UK Universities Are Rethinking Educational Equality and Justice in the Context of Higher Education Internationalisation
Dr. Stuart Tannock (UCL Institute of Education, University College London)
Scoping Awards 2015
Social Participation in Wales at Age 50: a comparison of ‘elite HE system’ graduates’ and non-graduates’ engagement in civil society
Dr. Ceryn Evans (Cardiff University)
The origins and history of university professors and professorship in the UK
Professor Linda Evans (University of Leeds)
Exploring the Paradigms of Higher Education Research: Emerging Research Discourses in China and the UK
Dr. Ourania Filippakou (University of Hull)
Professor Catherine Montgomery (University of Hull)