Application Form
(350 words max per applicant)
(150 words max)
Please describe in the space provided the rationale/description/key issues and research questions you will cover (750 words max)
Please indicate your proposed methods you will be using to carry out your research (500 words max)
What ethical issues may arise in relation to your proposal and how might these be addressed? (200 words max)
Please set down a time plan with milestones over a 12 month period
Please specify any costs which would be associated with your research
Fund/Organisation - Amount requested - Result (or date expected)
Please list previous grants, with dates, awarded by both the SRHE and other bodies. Please indicate where publications / reports/ dissertations, etc. have resulted from the grants awarded.
Please describe how the outcomes and outputs will be achieved by carrying out this research: such as through publications, website, conference presentations etc. (If the proposed outcomes are journal articles, please consider that publication in your preferred journal may not be achievable, and indicate some other possible journals) (200 words max)
Please specify how your project fits with the specified research themes. (150 words max)
Please describe how your research will benefit and will further the understanding of higher education.(100 words max)
Please describe how your research will contribute to the work of the SRHE (100 words max)

Please note that at least one referee must be from a different institution/university to your own. For joint applications, Referee details are only required for the lead applicant. Referees should not also be applicants themselves for these awards, nor be currently serving members of SRHE Governing Council/SRHE Standing Committees.

References request forms can be submitted here with your application or e-mailed directly to

References request forms can be submitted here with your application or e-mailed directly to

Please attach a copy of your CV (maximum length 2 sides of A4). For joint applications, only the CV for the lead applicant needs to be provided.

Equalities Monitoring form available here

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