The SRHE Accolades are a range of awards recognising the contributions of our members to the field of Higher Education, to the academic community, and to SRHE itself. These awards recognise a range of exemplary work by members at multiple career stages and in a variety of professional roles.

You are invited to nominate a colleague to be considered for one of these awards, and nominations will be considered by SRHE’s Governance and Appointments Committee.

Nominees can be drawn from any area or discipline relating to higher education research or practice and may be based either in the UK or internationally.

Awardees of all Accolades should:

  • Be a current SRHE member at the time of nomination
  • Not engage in any activity which might bring the Society into disrepute
  • Only receive one Accolade per calendar year

Previous winners are eligible for nomination the following year and can receive consecutive awards, provided there is sufficient evidence of additional relevant contributions.

Nominations for the 2025 SRHE Accolades will close on 30 April 2025.

Accolades are awarded in the following categories:

Accolade categories

Contribution to the field

Awarded to researchers whose work has contributed significantly to and made a considerable impact on the field of higher education research. This would normally be awarded to a researcher from mid-career level onwards.


  • To have produced a substantial and significant contribution to the understanding of higher education theory, policy and/or practice
  • To be recognised as a leading or influential figure in their field of research or practice
  • Evidence of an ongoing commitment to the field
  • Have capacity to take on advisory roles (see. Advisory role for more details) within the Society

Academic citizenship/services to the academic community

Awarded to individuals who have demonstrated excellent academic citizenship, including but not limited to peer review for journals or funding bodies, working as an external examiner, organising events, conferences, or training, serving on a committee or working group, or to individuals who have gone out of their way to support newer and early career researchers in the development of their career. This would normally be awarded to a researcher or practitioner at any stage of their career.


  • Evidence of activities in support of higher education research or practice including but not limited to those activities listed above
  • To have engaged in activities which support the participation and/or advancement of other researchers or practitioners in higher education studies
  • To approach their work in a compassionate and open manner, in keeping with the aims, goals, and values of the Society
  • Have worked to improve equality, diversity and inclusion in the sector
  • Have capacity to take on advisory roles within the Society

Services to the Society

Awarded to individuals who have contributed to SRHE, including but not limited to peer review for SRHE Awards or Conference, contributing to SRHE publications, organising events and facilitating professional development programme sessions. This would normally be awarded to a researcher or practitioner at any stage of their career, but more likely someone who has had sustained involvement with SRHE for more than 2 years consecutively.


  • To have contributed to the running of the Society and the delivery of its activities over the past calendar year
  • To have provided expertise and guidance to the Society executive in support of the running of SRHE

Further information

Nominations procedure

Nominations should be made and submitted by a member of the Society. Additionally, a named referee must provide a statement to support the application. The referee does not necessarily have to be a member of the Society.

All nominations will be considered against the same criteria.

Please note self-nomination is not permitted.

Nominations should be submitted using the form available here: Nomination form .  The form will ask for the following:

  • Nominee name and contact details
  • Institution and current role.
  • Nominator name and contact details.
  • The Accolade for which they are being nominated.
  • Short biography (max 150 words).
  • Statements outlining how the nominee has met the criteria specified for that particular Accolade (max 250 words each).
  • Referee name and contact details
  • Supporting statement from referee (200 – 300 words).

Nominations close 30 April 2025.


Current SRHE Trustees are not eligible to receive an Accolade.
The SRHE Executive team are not be eligible to receive an Accolade.
Members of the Governance and Appointments Committee are not be eligible to nominate candidates, as they will be making final decisions.

Advisory role

Accolade recipients would be expected to contribute to the Society in an advisory capacity. This would be specific to the skillset and expertise of the individual but may include:

  • Reviewing for the SRHE Awards
  • Reviewing for SRHE Conference, or taking part as a Chair
  • Advising the Executive team of potential partnerships, opportunities, events
  • Being available to advise the Director around issues relating to HE, or of strategic importance to the Society (HE Policy, OpenAccess and scholarly publishing)
  • Mentoring other researchers in the community